2022 Charles C. Shepard Science Awards

2022 Charles C. Shepard Science Awards

Communicating Science for Action in 2022 and Beyond

The 2022 Charles C. Shepard Science Awards were held on October 27, 2022.


Assessment – National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

Michael A. Johansson, PhD; Talia M. Quandelacy, PhD, MPH; Sarah Kada, PhD; Pragati Venkata Prasad, MPH; Molly Steele, PhD, MPH; John T. Brooks, MD;Rachel B. Slayton, PhD, MPH; Matthew Biggerstaff, ScD, MPH; Jay C. Butler, MD​
SARS-CoV-2 Transmission From People Without COVID-19 Symptoms
JAMA Network Open. 2021; 4(1): p. e2035057

Data Methods and Study Design – National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Zuguo Mei, O Yaw Addo, Maria Elena Jefferds, Andrea J Sharma, Rafael C Flores-Ayala, Gary M Brittenham​
Physiologically Based Serum Ferritin Thresholds for Iron Deficiency in Children and Non-Pregnant Women: A US National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) Serial Cross-Sectional Study​
Lancet Hematology. 2021; 8(8): p. e572-e582

Laboratory Science – National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

Bin Zhou, Tran Thi Nhu Thao, Donata Hoffmann, Adriano Taddeo, Nadine Ebert, Fabien Labroussaa, Anne Pohlmann, Jacqueline King, Silvio Steiner, Jenna N Kelly, Jasmine Portmann, Nico Joel Halwe, Lorenz Ulrich, Bettina Salome Trueb, Xiaoyu Fan, Bernd Hoffmann, Li Wang, Lisa Thomann, Xudong Lin, Hanspeter Stalder, Berta Pozzi, Simone de Brot , Nannan Jiang, Dan Cui, Jaber Hossain, Malania M Wilson, Matthew W Keller, Thomas J Stark, John R Barnes, Ronald Dijkman, Joerg Jores, Charaf Benarafa, David E Wentworth, Volker Thiel, and Martin Beer
SARS-CoV-2 Spike D614G Change Enhances Replication and Transmission​
Nature. 2021; 592(7852): p. 122-127​

Kathleen_Hall_Jamieson_360_0-cdcwp1676475581258External Link Icon
Keynote Speaker
Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Ph.D.

Elizabeth Ware Packard Professor of Communication at the University of Pennsylvania Annenberg School for Communication, and Director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center.

Prevention and Control – National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases​

Mary Beth F Son, Nancy Murray, Kevin Friedman, Cameron C Young, Margaret M Newhams, Leora R Feldstein, Laura L Loftis, Keiko M Tarquinio, Aalok R Singh, Sabrina M Heidemann, Vijaya L Soma, Becky J Riggs, Julie C Fitzgerald, Michele Kong, Sule Doymaz, John S Giuliano, Jr., Michael A Keenaghan, Janet R Hume, Charlotte V Hobbs, Jennifer E Schuster, Katharine N Clouser, Mark W Hall, Lincoln S Smith, Steven M Horwitz, Stephanie P Schwartz, Katherine Irby, Tamara T Bradford, Aline B Maddux, Christopher J Babbitt, Courtney M Rowan, Gwenn E McLaughlin, Phoebe H Yager, Mia Maamari, Elizabeth H Mack, Christopher L Carroll, Vicki L Montgomery, Natasha B Halasa, Natalie Z Cvijanovich, Bria M Coates, Charles E Rose, Jane W Newburger, Manish M Patel, Adrienne G R Randolph, and Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children – Initial Therapy and Outcomes
New England Journal Medicine. 2021; 385(1): p. 23-34

Health Equity Science – National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

Austin M Williams, Heather B Clayton, and James A Singleton​
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage: The Contribution of Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors ​
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2022; 62(4): p. 473-482​

Lifetime Scientific Achievement

Inger Damon, MD, Ph.D.
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

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