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Tessa’s Rx Awareness Video Transcript

Rx Awareness TV Video Transcript

  • Candidate: Tessa
  • Length: 30 seconds

On-screen text: Prescription opioids can be addictive and dangerous.

Audio description: Tessa looks at photos of her and her newborn baby in a photo album.

Tessa: I was pregnant, twice, and I had used prescription opioids both times. I got addicted very fast.

Audio description: Tessa walks her horse through an open field.

Tessa: I knew that this was something I had to stop for the sake of my children and for myself.

Audio description: Close-up camera shot of Tessa walking her horse.

Tessa: I am more fulfilled today than I ever have been, and I know there’s more to come. Audio description: Tessa walks with her mom and dad through a field. Tessa is hugged by her mom.

Tessa: And you know, brokenness brings us to our healing.

Narrator: If you or someone you know is struggling, there is hope. Recovery is possible.

On-screen text: There is hope. Recovery is possible.

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