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Reducing Stigma Radio Ad Transcript

Reducing Stigma Radio Ad (15 seconds)

  • Length: 15 Seconds

Overcoming drug addiction was difficult. But I found the path to recovery that worked for me. The road to recovery is different for everyone.

Find the path that works for you.

Learn more at

Reducing Stigma Radio Ad (30 seconds)

  • Length: 30 Seconds

I wanted to quit for so long but didn’t know where to start.

I was afraid of what people would think, then I found that right support and started the recovery journey.

I found a path that worked for me.

1 in 14 Americans reports experiencing a substance use disorder. A treatable medical addiction.

Treatments can take many forms, so there are a variety of options to explore and finding the one that works best for you.

Recovery from drug addiction is possible.

Visit to learn more about the various paths to recovery.

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