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NOHSS Child Indicators – 2000

Methods for State Oral Health Surveys that began data collection in 2000

Updated January 21, 2015


The survey was conducted during the 2000-2001 school year. The sample design for this survey used a probability-proportional-to-size (PPS) selection of public and charter schools with a 2nd grade enrollment of 22 or more. The sample was stratified by health district (7 health districts in Idaho). Schools that refused to participate were replaced with the next school in the sampling strata. The examinations were completed by health district hygienists using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. In the state, 39% of elementary school students were eligible for the free/reduced lunch program (FRL); 50% of the students in the participating schools were eligible. The response rates were 73% for 2nd grade and 71% for 3rd grade. The data were weighted to account for the survey design. The estimates presented are adjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was completed during the 2000-2001 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public and private elementary schools in Kentucky with 3rd grade enrollment. A stratified cluster probability proportional to size sampling of schools was used to select 221 schools; of which 176 participated. Trained examiners completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the students selected, 64% responded. The percentage of children in the participating schools eligible for FRL was 52%. The data were adjusted for the sampling scheme and nonresponse.


The survey was conducted during the 2000-2001 school year. Children were selected using a multistage probability sample design. The first stage involved the selection of elementary schools from five different regions of Maryland. The number of schools selected from each region was proportional to the number of schoolchildren enrolled in each region. Fifty schools were selected. Once schools were selected, two classrooms from each grade level were randomly selected. Dentist examiners were trained and calibrated during a single clinic session. Diagnostic criteria were comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. The Kappa scores ranged from 56-73, compared to the standard examiner’s scores. All screenings were completed during the 2000-2001 school year. The data were weighted to account for the sampling design. Of the students selected, 50% responded. Estimates were adjusted for nonresponse.

New Hampshire

The survey was based on methodology outlined in ASTDD’s Basic Screening Survey and was conducted during the 2000-2001 school year. Schools were selected with probability proportional to 3rd grade enrollment size. One 3rd grade class in each school then was selected randomly and all students in that class were eligible to participate. A combination of active and passive consent was used. Of the 27 schools selected, 26 participated. Of the 507 eligible students, 410 were screened; the response rate was 78%. The estimates were not adjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was conducted during the 2000-2001 school year. A stratified random sample of public schools was used to reflect local health department populations. Thirty-seven schools were selected. One classroom each of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades was chosen from each selected school to be screened based on the teacher’s name closest to the letter “A.” The ASTDD Basic Screening Survey protocol was followed. The screeners were trained using the ASTDD video and manual. Of the 2,395 permission slips distributed, 1,801 (75%) were returned, and 1,551 (65%) were screened. The estimates were not adjusted to account for nonresponse. The data were weighted to account for the survey design.

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