Child Indicators

What to know

Oral Health Data includes indicators of children's oral health.


Oral Health Data includes the following child indicators from the National Oral Health Surveillance System (NOHSS):

  • Caries Experience. Percentage of children with caries experience, including treated and untreated tooth decay.
  • Untreated Tooth Decay. Percentage of children with untreated tooth decay.
  • Dental Sealants. Percentage of children with dental sealants on at least one permanent molar tooth.

Surveys used

Basic Screening Survey

States and other jurisdictions periodically conduct Basic Screening Surveys of students. These cross-sectional surveys are designed to collect information on the observed oral health of a sample of students representative of students in the state or jurisdiction. Visit the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors Basic Screening Survey Tool for more information on the Basic Screening Survey protocol.

Indian Health Service Oral Health Survey

The Indian Health Service (IHS) conducts routine, ongoing oral health surveillance of the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) population. Data from the IHS Oral Health Survey of AI/AN children uses the Basic Screening Survey protocol. Data from these surveys are available on Oral Health Data. The survey is designed to obtain national, rather than IHS area estimates; therefore, IHS area-specific data are not presented. IHS child estimates are comparable to estimates from states and other jurisdictions.

For more information on IHS oral health initiatives and surveillance plans, see the IHS Dental Portal.