Completed OHZDP Workshops


This page includes a collection of reports and priority zoonotic disease lists developed by countries, regions, and other areas that have held One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP) workshops.

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The following are reports, publications, and priority zoonotic disease lists developed by countries, regions, and other areas that have held One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP) workshops. These workshops were conducted using the CDC-developed OHZDP Process.

Commonly prioritized zoonotic diseases around the world include rabies, zoonotic influenza viruses, brucellosis, viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola virus and Rift Valley fever, anthrax, and zoonotic tuberculosis.


Reports for CDC-facilitated workshops are posted with permission from the country or host organization after a government review and approval process. Note that some OHZDP workshops included in this list were conducted independently without CDC facilitation, but by CDC-trained external facilitators.