Understanding How Facility Status Changes Affect Processing


Site administrators and other users are responsible for updating facility data in the BioSense Platform Master Facility Table (MFT). A change in facility status to Active or Inactive does not immediately affect how data are processed. Use this guide for help understanding if your facility's data will process successfully in the Production environment.

Graphic showing gear and checkmarks


The MFT contains essential information for processing site data. It also ensures data are mapped correctly in the BioSense Platform for easy identification when queried. Site administrators (and read- and edit-only MFT users) are responsible for updating facility data.

Master Facility Table (MFT) screen shot
Keep the MFT up to date to map and process data correctly.

Certain changes—such as a change in facility status—will always trigger a review by the onboarding team and require their approval. But this change in facility status to Active or Inactive does not immediately affect how a facility's data are processed. The site administrator might be left wondering "Will my facility's data process successfully in the Production environment?"

The answer is not straightforward. The success of the data processing will depend on the MFT Facility Status and Review Status combined. Shown below are different combinations of Facility and Review Status and the data processing results you can expect.

What you can expect

Combination 1

Facility Status: Active

Review Status: Complete


Yes! Data will process in the Production environment and be available in ESSENCE.

Facility status active and complete screen
Facility Status: Active | Review Status: Complete
Operational Crosswalk Active and Complete screen
Operational Crosswalk: Active and Complete

Combination 2

Facility Status: Active

Review Status: Pending OB Approval


Maybe! Check the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk:

  • Yes, if the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk is Active.
  • No, if the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk is Onboarding or Inactive.
Review Status Pending OB Approval screen
Facility Status: Active | Review Status: Pending OB Approval
Operational Crosswalk Onboarding screen
Operational Crosswalk: Onboarding

Combination 3

Facility Status: Active

Review Status: Pending Site Review


No! In this scenario, a site administrator has requested that a facility be Activated in Production and, upon review, the onboarding team has denied the request. For the reason, go to the Onboarding Comments section of the facility's MFT page. When a request is denied, the site administrator will receive an email noting that the Review Status has changed to Pending Site Review.

Although the MFT still has a Facility Status of Active, a quick review of the Operational Crosswalk will show that the actual Facility Status remains Onboarding. To correct this, a site administrator must go to the facility's page in the MFT and click the Cancel Requested Changes button at the bottom of the page. The page will revert to its previous status, removing all changes made since the last successful save.

Pending Site Review screenshot
Facility Status: Active | Review Status: Pending Site Review
Operational Crosswalk Onboarding screen
Operational Crosswalk: Onboarding
Adm comments screen
Cancel Requested Changes

Ensuring data will process

Another question that's often asked is "Will my facility's data process (in Staging)?" To answer that question, here are some combinations of Facility and Review status and results to expect:

Combination 4

Facility Status: Active

Review Status: Any


Yes! For data to process in Production Onboarding (Staging), the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk must be either Onboarding or Active. In the preceding scenarios, the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk was either Active or Onboarding.

Facility status active Review status pending site review screen
Facility Status: Active | Review Status: Pending Site Review

Combination 5

Facility Status: Onboarding

Review Status: Complete


Yes! Data will process in Production Onboarding (Staging) and be available in Stage-ESSENCE. If data are sent to Production, these data will be routed to Exceptions.

Facility status Onboarding Review status complete screen
Facility Status: Onboarding | Review Status: Complete
Operational Crosswalk Onboarding screen
Operational Crosswalk: Onboarding

Combination 6

Facility Status: Onboarding

Review Status: Pending OB Approval


Maybe! Check the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk:

  • Yes, if the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk is Onboarding or Active.
  • No, if the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk is Inactive or if no row exists.
  • If data are sent to Production, these data will be routed to Exceptions.
Review Status Pending OB Approval
Facility status: Onboarding | Review Status: Pending OB Approval
Facility status inactive
Facility Status Inactive

Status of Inactive, Planned, or Not Planned

Two final questions are "What happens to these data when the facility's status is Inactive, Planned, or Not Planned?" and "Will data process?"

When facilities are initially added to the MFT, they can be set to Planned or Not Planned. Once a facility status is set to Onboarding, it can't be reset to Planned or Not Planned. To indicate that data should no longer be expected from a facility (either temporarily or permanently), a facility's status may be updated to Inactive.

Combination 7

Facility Status: Inactive, Planned, Not Planned

Review Status: Complete


No! Data are not expected to be received. Any data received to either the Production or Production Onboarding environments will be routed to exceptions.

Facility Status Inactive, Planned, Not Planned screen
Facility Status Inactive, Planned, Not Planned | Review Status: Complete
Operational Crosswalk: Facility Status Inactive
Operational Crosswalk Facility Status Inactive

Combination 8

Facility Status: Inactive

Review Status: Pending OB Approval


Maybe! Check the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk.

  • Yes, if the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk is Onboarding or Active.
  • No, if the Facility Status in the Operational Crosswalk is Inactive.

This applies to both the Production and Production Onboarding (Staging) environments.

Review Status: Pending OB Approval screen
Facility Status: Inactive | Review Status: Pending OB Approval
Operational Crosswalk  Active screen
Operational Crosswalk: Active

Reach out for help‎

If you have questions about Facility Status and how it affects data processing, please email nssp@cdc.gov or create an NSSP Service Desk ticket. The onboarding team is ready to help!