Phase 4: New Facility Steps to Operate

A CDC job aid to support site administrators


Operate is the last onboarding phase for the NSSP BioSense Platform. Site administrators will focus on monitoring feeds and ensuring data quality during this stage.

Graphic with gear coming out of funnel, on blue background

The process

This content is part of a series of online job aids related to onboarding. These resources are meant to be used together along with New Facility Onboarding —The Complete Guide.

Download this job aid: Phase 4: New Facility Steps to Operate

This guide will walk site administrators through the activities that NSSP participants will do once the facility is connected to the production environment and is ready for routine operation. Sometimes the site administrator will oversee feed administrator tasks.

Graphic showing onboarding phases
During the Operate phase, site administrators will monitor feed, facility connections, and data quality.
STEP 1: Monitor feed, facility connections, and data quality by using NSSP tools such as:
  • Data Quality Dashboard
  • Data Quality on Demand
  • Posit Workbench/RStudio
  • SAS Studio
STEP 1: Monitor feed and facility connections.
STEP 2: Monitor feed and facility alerts submitted by NSSP. STEP 2: Provide ongoing support for connection issues
STEP 3: Review monthly reports on data timeliness, validity, and completeness. Set annual targets for improving data quality. STEP 3: Respond to data quality investigations and data quality improvement.
STEP 4: Engage with onboarding team and site administrator, as needed, regarding onboarding and data quality efforts.
STEP 5: Respond to NSSP investigations and requests to improve data quality.
