Animal Contact Outbreaks, 2017

At a glance

Report name: Surveillance for Outbreaks of Enteric Disease Associated with Animal Contact: Summary for 2017
Publication date: 2020
Author: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Topics covered: Outbreaks linked to animal contact
Top takeaway: Successful public health interventions rely on integrating human, animal and environmental health efforts to achieve optimal health outcomes. Outbreaks can be prevented by using data-driven interventions, such as proper handwashing after contact with animals or their environments, regardless of the setting or the type of animal.
Surveillance for Outbreaks of Enteric Disease Associated with Animal Contact: Summary for 2017


Each year, enteric diseases linked to animals or their environments are estimated to cause 450,000 illnesses, 5,000 hospitalizations, and 76 deaths in the United States.1 These illnesses are attributed to contact with an animal's feces or bodily fluids, which can be present on the animal, in its environment, or in its food or water. Outbreak data can provide insight into human illnesses caused by pathogens transmitted through animal contact and can inform efforts to prevent disease. The findings in this report exemplify the One Health concept by highlighting how the health of people is interconnected with animals and the environment.


  • In 2017, 59 outbreaks of enteric disease associated with animal contact were reported, resulting in 1,518 illnesses, 312 hospitalizations, and 3 deaths.
  • Cryptosporidium was the most common cause of confirmed, single-etiology outbreaks, accounting for 21 outbreaks (41%), 158 illnesses, and 6 hospitalizations.
  • Salmonella was the second leading cause of confirmed, single-etiology outbreaks with 18 (35%); these outbreaks resulted in the most outbreak associated-illnesses (1,237 illnesses, 84%), hospitalizations (286, 92%), and deaths (2, 67%).
  • Livestock (25 outbreaks) and poultry (15) were the most common types of animals implicated. The most outbreak-associated illnesses were from contact with poultry (1,149 illnesses), livestock (132), and reptiles (89).
  • Farms or dairies (11 outbreaks, 30%) were the most commonly reported setting among outbreaks with a single location of exposure, followed by private homes (10 outbreaks, 27%).

What the data show

During 2017, 59 animal contact outbreaks were reported, resulting in 1,518 illnesses, 312 hospitalizations, and 3 deaths. Forty-six were single-state outbreaks; these were reported from 18 states. Thirteen were multistate outbreaks; exposures occurred in 49 states and Washington, D.C. The median reporting rate among states was 1.1 outbreak per million population; rates ranged from 0.2 in Florida to 6.3 in Nebraska (Figure).

The map below shows animal contact outbreak reporting rates for each state in 2017. Hover over each state to see the number of outbreaks reported and the rate of outbreaks reported per million population.

Bacteria and parasites were the only types of etiologies reported. A single etiologic agent was confirmed in 51 outbreaks (86%) (Table 1). Cryptosporidium was the most common cause of confirmed, single-etiology outbreaks, accounting for 21 outbreaks (41%), followed by Salmonella with 18 (35%). Salmonella, however, caused 84% of illnesses (1,237 illnesses) among confirmed, single-etiology outbreaks, whereas Cryptosporidium caused 11% (158). Overall, bacteria caused the most outbreaks (30; 59%), illnesses (1,320; 89%), hospitalizations (304; 98%), and all 3 deaths.

Among the 1,478 illnesses in confirmed, single-etiology outbreaks, 310 resulted in hospitalization and 3 in death. Two hundred eighty-six (92%) hospitalizations were among persons with Salmonella infection; Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) (18, 6%) and Cryptosporidium (6, 2%) accounted for the remainder. Outbreaks caused by STEC resulted in the highest proportion of ill persons hospitalized (26%). Two of the 3 deaths were associated with Salmonella infection and 1 was associated with STEC infection.

An animal source was implicated in 50 (85%) of 59 outbreaks (Table 2a). Livestock was the most commonly implicated category, with 25 outbreaks (57%); among these, 19 (76%) outbreak investigations implicated cattle as the confirmed or suspected source.

Outbreaks with poultry as the source accounted for the highest number of illnesses (1,149 illnesses, 84%); outbreaks due to baby chicks or ducklings accounted for the most illnesses among poultry outbreaks (99%) and single animal type outbreaks (83%).

A single animal type was identified in 44 (88%) outbreaks. Multiple animal types were implicated as confirmed or suspected sources in 6 outbreaks, resulting in 104 illnesses. Each of these outbreaks involved animals in the livestock category: goats and calves; a bull and horse; goats, sheep, and alpacas; goats, sheep, and cattle; pig, goats, and sheep; cattle and goats.

The confirmed pathogen-animal category pairs responsible for the most outbreaks with a single confirmed etiology were Cryptosporidium from livestock (18 outbreaks), Salmonella from poultry (12), and STEC from livestock (6) (Table 2b).

Salmonella from poultry resulted in the most outbreak-associated illnesses (1,138), hospitalizations (250), and deaths (2) among outbreaks with a single confirmed etiology. Cryptosporidium from livestock accounted for the second highest number of illnesses (146) among outbreaks with a single confirmed etiology, followed by Salmonella from reptiles (89). STEC from livestock was associated with 1 of the 3 deaths.

Among all outbreaks, private homes (25 outbreaks, 42%), farms and dairies (17, 29%), and agricultural feed stores (10, 17%) were the most frequently reported exposure locations. A single location of exposure was reported in 37 outbreaks (63%); 20 (54%) were linked to a public venue, such as a farm/dairy or a petting zoo (Table 3).

Farms and dairies were the most commonly reported public venue among single-location outbreaks (11 outbreaks, 55%), followed by festivals and fairs (6 outbreaks, 30%). Private homes were associated with the highest number of illnesses (124 illnesses, 37%).

Multiple locations of exposure were reported in 22 outbreaks (37%), accounting for 78% (1,182) of all outbreak-associated illnesses. Among these, private homes were the most commonly reported setting (15 outbreaks, 68%), followed by agricultural feed stores (10, 45%). Private homes and agricultural feed stores were both reported as venues in 10 outbreaks.

Other locations reported in outbreaks with multiple settings of exposure were public venues (farm or dairy, festival or fair, petting zoo, live animal market, zoo or animal exhibit), animal care settings (animal shelter, veterinary clinic), and institutional settings (school, day care).

Thirteen multistate outbreaks (22% of all outbreaks) had a date of first illness in 2017 (Table 4). These accounted for 80% of all outbreak-associated illnesses (1,214), 92% of hospitalizations (287), all 3 deaths, and involved a median of 15 states (range: 2 to 37).

Twelve outbreaks were caused by Salmonella; one was caused by STEC. Ten of the Salmonella outbreaks were associated with poultry, resulting in 1,120 illnesses, 249 hospitalizations, and 2 deaths; ill persons were exposed in a median of 21 states (range 7 to 37). Household pets were implicated in the other 2 Salmonella outbreaks. One was associated with turtles, resulting in 76 illnesses and 30 hospitalizations; the other was associated with snakes, resulting in 11 illnesses and 2 hospitalizations. A bull and horses were the suspected sources of the STEC outbreak, which resulted in 7 illnesses, 6 hospitalizations, and 1 death.

Three multistate outbreaks investigated in 2017 were not included in any 2017 totals because the first outbreak-associated illness occurred before 2017. Two were caused by Salmonella (first illness in 2015); the implicated animal types were household pets—turtles and guinea pigs. The turtle-associated outbreak resulted in 79 illnesses and 25 hospitalizations, and the guinea pig-associated outbreak resulted in 10 illnesses and 1 hospitalization. The third outbreak was caused by Campylobacter (first illness in 2015) transmitted through contact with pet store puppies, resulting in 120 illnesses and 24 hospitalizations.

No. Outbreaks No. Illnesses No. Hospitalizations No. Deaths
Etiology CE SE Total %* CE SE Total %* CE SE Total %* CE SE Total %*
Table 1: Enteric disease outbreaks associated with animal contact, outbreak-associated illnesses, and hospitalizations, by etiology (confirmed or suspected) — Animal Contact Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2017.
Salmonella 18 2 20 35 1237 6 1243 84 286 0 286 92 2 0 2 67
Escherichia coli, Shiga toxin-producing (STEC)‡ 10 0 10 20 70 0 70 5 18 0 18 6 1 0 1 33
Campylobacter§ 2 3 5 4 13 11 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal 30 5 35 59 1320 17 1337 90 304 0 304 98 3 0 3 100
Cryptosporidium 21 3 24 41 158 23 181 11 6 2 8 2 0 0 0 0
Subtotal 21 3 24 41 158 23 181 11 6 2 8 2 0 0 0 0
Total 51 8 59 86 1478 40 1518 97 310 2 312 99 3 0 3 100

Abbreviations: CE = confirmed etiology; SE = suspected etiology.

* The etiology percentages are for confirmed etiologies. Because of rounding, numbers might not add up to 100%.
† Salmonella serotypes I 4,[5],12:i:- (4 outbreaks), Typhimurium (3), Enteritidis (2), Agbeni (1), Braenderup (1), Hadar (1), Indiana (1), Infantis (1), Litchfield (1), Mbandaka (1), Muenchen (1), Saintpaul (1), Typhi (1), and multiple serotypes (1).
‡ STEC serogroups O157 (4 outbreaks), O26 (2), O45 (1), multiple serogroups (2), and unknown serogroup (1).
§ Campylobacter unknown species (4 outbreaks) and Campylobacter jejuni (1).
¶ Cryptosporidium parvum (6 outbreaks) and Cryptosporidium unknown species (18).

Outbreaks Illnesses Hospitalizations
Animal Category and Type No. % No. % No. %
Table 2a: Enteric disease outbreaks associated with animal contact and outbreak-associated illnesses and hospitalizations, by animal category and type — Animal Contact Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2017.
Cattle 19 43 101 7 5 2
Goat or kid 4 9 25 2 3 1
Hog 1 2 4 0 0 0
Sheep or lamb 1 2 2 0 0 0
Subtotal 25 56 132 9 8 3
Companion Animals
Dog or puppy 1 2 3 0 0 0
Subtotal 1 2 3 0 0 0
Baby chick or duckling 13 30 1139 83 250 86
Chicken 2 5 10 1 0 0
Subtotal 15 35 1149 84 250 86
Turtle 2 5 78 6 32 11
Snake 1 2 11 1 2 1
Subtotal 3 7 89 7 34 12
Single animal type implicated* 44 75 1373 90 292 94
Multiple animal types implicated† 6 10 104 7 16 5
No animal implicated‡ 9 15 41 3 4 1
Total 59 100 1518 100 312 100

* The denominator for single animal type percentages is the "single animal type implicated" total.
† Includes 6 outbreaks with 104 illnesses: goats (5 outbreaks), cattle (4), sheep (3), pig (1), alpaca (1), horse (1).
‡ The animal source was undetermined, but epidemiologic, laboratory, traceback/environmental investigation, or other data strongly suggested animal contact as the mode of transmission.

Table 2b: Most common confirmed pathogen-animal category pairs resulting in outbreaks, outbreak-associated illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths — Animal Contact Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2017.
Etiology Animal Category No. Outbreaks No. Illnesses No. Hospitalizations No. Deaths
Top 5 pathogen-animal category pairs resulting in outbreaks
Cryptosporidium Livestock 18 146 6 0
Salmonella Poultry 12 1138 250 2
Escherichia coli, Shiga toxin-producing Livestock 6 58 14 1
Salmonella Livestock 3 10 2 0
Salmonella Reptiles 3 89 34 0
Etiology Animal Category No. Outbreaks No. Illnesses No. Hospitalizations No. Deaths
Top 5 pathogen-animal category pairs resulting in outbreak-associated illnesses
Salmonella Poultry 12 1138 250 2
Cryptosporidium Livestock 18 146 6 0
Salmonella Reptiles 3 89 34 0
Escherichia coli, Shiga toxin-producing Livestock 6 58 14 1
Salmonella Livestock 3 10 2 0
Etiology Animal Category No. Outbreaks No. Illnesses No. Hospitalizations No. Deaths
Top 5 pathogen-animal category pairs resulting in outbreak-associated hospitalizations
Salmonella Poultry 12 1138 250 2
Salmonella Reptiles 3 89 34 0
Escherichia coli, Shiga toxin-producing Livestock 6 58 14 1
Cryptosporidium Livestock 18 146 6 0
Salmonella Livestock 3 10 2 0
Etiology Animal Category No. Outbreaks No. Illnesses No. Hospitalizations No. Deaths
Pathogen-animal category pairs resulting in outbreak-associated deaths
Salmonella Poultry 12 1138 250 2
Escherichia coli, Shiga toxin-producing Livestock 6 58 14 1
Table 3: Enteric disease outbreaks associated with animal contact and outbreak-associated illnesses, by location of exposure — Animal Contact Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2017.
Outbreaks Illnesses
Location No. % No. %
Public venue
Farm or dairy 11 30 52 15
Festival or fair 6 16 37 11
Petting zoo 2 5 25 7
Live animal market 1 3 4 1
Subtotal 20 54 118 34
Animal care setting
Animal shelter 2 5 60 18
Subtotal 2 5 60 18
Institutional setting
School 3 8 24 7
Camp 1 3 8 2
Subtotal 4 11 32 9
Private home 10 27 124 37
Other setting 1 3 2 1
Single location* 37 63 336 22
Multiple locations 22 37 1182 78
Total 59 100 1518 100

* The denominator for the location percentages is the single location total. The denominator for the single location and multiple locations is the total. Because of rounding, numbers might not add up to 100%.

Animal Details
Month-year of first illness onset Etiology No. illnesses No. hospitalizations No. deaths No. states involved Implicated animal type(s) Confirmed† Setting(s)
Table 4: Multistate enteric disease outbreaks associated with animal contact investigated during 2017* — Animal Contact Outbreak Surveillance System, United States, 2017.
Date of first illness onset before 2017
Mar-2015 Salmonella serotype Agbeni 79 25 0 21 Turtle Yes Private home/residence
Jul-2015 Salmonella serotype Enteritidis 10 1 0 9 Guinea pig Yes Pet store or other retail location; Private home/residence
Jun-2016 Campylobacter jejuni 120 24 0 18 Puppy Yes Pet store or other retail location
Date of first illness onset in 2017
Jan-2017 Salmonella serotype Enteritidis 193 45 0 28 Baby chick or duckling Yes Agricultural feed store; Private home/residence
Jan-2017 Salmonella serotype Mbandaka 98 17 1 27 Baby chick or duckling Yes Agricultural feed store; Private home/residence
Feb-2017 Salmonella serotype Braenderup 234 38 1 37 Baby chick or duckling Yes Agricultural feed store; Private home/residence
Feb-2017 Salmonella serotype Hadar 210 64 0 31 Baby chick or duckling Yes Agricultural feed store; Private home/residence
Feb-2017 Salmonella serotype Muenchen 11 5 0 9 Baby chick or duckling Yes Agricultural feed store; Private home/residence
Feb-2017 Salmonella serotype I 4,[5],12:i:- 43 11 0 13 Baby chick or duckling Yes Agricultural feed store; Private home/residence
Mar-2017 Salmonella serotype Indiana 40 6 0 15 Baby chick or duckling Yes Agricultural feed store; Private home/residence
Mar-2017 Salmonella serotype Infantis 23 5 0 13 Baby chick or duckling Yes Agricultural feed store; Private home/residence
Mar-2017 Salmonella serotype Typhimurium 250 52 0 35 Baby chick or duckling Yes Agricultural feed store; Private home/residence
Mar-2017 Salmonella serotype Agbeni 76 30 0 19 Turtle Yes Private home/residence
Apr-2017 Salmonella serotype Litchfield 18 6 0 7 Baby chick or duckling Yes Agricultural feed store; Private home/residence
Jun-2017 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O157 7 6 1 2 Bull; Horse No Private home/residence
Jun-2017 Salmonella serotype Paratyphi B var. L(+) tartrate (+); Salmonella serotype Mbandaka 11 2 0 7 Snake Yes Private home/residence

* All multistate outbreak investigations that began or concluded in 2017, including those with a date first ill before 2017.
† Implicated animals in multistate outbreaks are further classified as confirmed or suspected based on epidemiologic, traceback, and laboratory evidence. An animal is considered the confirmed source if two types of evidence are obtained; an animal is considered the suspected source if only one type of evidence is available.


The findings in this report can be considered in conjunction with other public health data to detect emerging trends and inform interventions to prevent further animal contact outbreaks. The 59 enteric disease outbreaks that were linked to animals or their living environments in 2017 indicate the need to better understand enteric diseases using a One Health approach.

Successful public health interventions rely on integrating human, animal and environmental health efforts to achieve optimal health outcomes. Outbreaks can be prevented by using data-driven interventions, such as proper handwashing after contact with animals or their environments, regardless of the setting or the type of animal.2

About the data

An animal contact outbreak is defined as the occurrence of two or more cases of a similar illness resulting from contact with an animal; its feces, bodily fluids (excluding raw milk or other fluids consumed as food), fur, hair, feathers, scales, or skin; its food; or through contact with the animal's environment. CDC conducts surveillance for enteric disease outbreaks associated with animal contact in the United States through the Animal Contact Outbreak Surveillance System (ACOSS). Public health agencies in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and U.S. territories submit outbreak reports to CDC using a web-based platform, the National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS).

Agencies use a standard form [PDF – 7 pages] to report these outbreaks. Data requested for each outbreak include, but are not limited to, the dates of first and last illness onset; number of illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths; etiology; implicated animal type(s); and setting(s) of exposure. Patients who were hospitalized or died as a result of becoming ill during an outbreak were attributed to that outbreak. This summary includes single state and multistate animal contact outbreaks reported through NORS by January 4, 2019, in which the first illness began in 2017.

Etiologic agents were grouped by pathogen type. Reporting agencies classified the outbreak etiology as confirmed or suspected based on laboratory data. Animals were implicated as confirmed or suspected sources based on the following types of evidence: epidemiologic, laboratory, or traceback/environmental. Multiple animals could be implicated as sources of an outbreak if at least one type of evidence was identified for each implicated animal. The NORS Guidance document [PDF – 49 pages] and Appendix B [PDF – 8 pages] provide additional details about categorizing animal sources as confirmed or suspected.

Outbreaks were assigned to one of four animal categories determined by the type of animal implicated as the confirmed or suspected source: livestock, companion, poultry, or reptiles. If a single animal type (e.g., cattle) was implicated, the outbreak was assigned to one of the four categories (e.g., cattle fall under the livestock category). If multiple animal types were implicated, the outbreak was assigned to the category "Multiple Animal Types Implicated." If animal contact was identified as the mode of transmission but no animals were implicated, the outbreak was assigned to the category "No Animal Implicated."

Multistate outbreaks were defined as outbreaks in which exposure to the implicated animal(s) occurred in more than one state or territory. An implicated animal was considered the confirmed source for a multistate outbreak if at least two types of evidence were identified. Multistate outbreaks reported in this summary include outbreaks with cases during 2017 and an investigation that concluded in 2017.

The findings in this summary are subject to at least three limitations.

  • ACOSS is a dynamic surveillance system, so public health agencies can add, modify, or remove their outbreak reports as additional information becomes available. Thus, data reported in future analyses may differ from data reported here.
  • Reporting enteric disease outbreaks associated with animal contact to CDC is voluntary, and agencies may be limited in their ability to investigate and report these outbreaks.
  • Because there is no guide for confirming the etiology of animal contact outbreaks as there is for foodborne outbreaks, there may be variation across reporting agencies in the criteria used to confirm the etiology for animal contact outbreaks.3
  • The degree to which outbreak data reported to CDC reflect the true burden of enteric diseases associated with animal contact is not known.

Suggested citation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Surveillance for Outbreaks of Enteric Disease Associated with Animal Contact: Summary for 2017. Atlanta, Georgia: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, 2020.