/*EMAIL NOMS@CDC.GOV WITH QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS PROGRAM*/ /*Data download site: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data_access/Vitalstatsonline.htm*/ /*Documentation for data are located here: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/mortality_public_use_data.htm */ /*Data Release Policy for Vital Statistics Micro-data Files https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/dvs_data_release.htm*/ PROC FORMAT; VALUE $RESIDENT_STATUS_US "1"="1:RESIDENTS STATE AND COUNTY OF OCCURRENCE AND RESIDENCE ARE THE SAME." "2"="2:INTRASTATE NONRESIDENTS STATE OF OCCURRENCE AND RESIDENCE ARE THE SAME, BUT COUNTY IS DIFFERENT." "3"="3:INTERSTATE NONRESIDENTS STATE OF OCCURRENCE AND RESIDENCE ARE DIFFERENT, BUT BOTH ARE IN THE U.S." "4"="4:" ; VALUE $EDUCATION_1989N "00"="00:NO FORMAL EDUCATION" "01"="01:1 YEARS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" "02"="02:2 YEARS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" "03"="03:3 YEARS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" "04"="04:4 YEARS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" "05"="05:5 YEARS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" "06"="06:6 YEARS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" "07"="07:7 YEARS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" "08"="08:8 YEARS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" "09"="09:1 YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL" "10"="10:2 YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL" "11"="11:3 YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL" "12"="12:4 YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL" "13"="13:1 YEAR OF COLLEGE" "14"="14:2 YEARS OF COLLEGE" "15"="15:3 YEARS OF COLLEGE" "16"="16:4 YEARS OF COLLEGE" "17"="17:5 OR MORE YEARS OF COLLEGE" "99"="99:NOT STATED" ; VALUE $EDUCATION_2003N "1"="1:8TH GRADE OR LESS" "2"="2:9 to 12TH GRADE, NO DIPLOMA" "3"="3:HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE OR GED COMPLETED" "4"="4:SOME COLLEGE CREDIT, BUT NO DEGREE" "5"="5:ASSOCIATE DEGREE" "6"="6:BACHELOR’S DEGREE" "7"="7:MASTER’S DEGREE" "8"="8:DOCTORATE OR PROFESSIONAL DEGREE" "9"="9:UNKNOWN" ; VALUE $EDUCATION_FLAG "0"="0:1989 REVISION OF EDUCATION ITEM ON CERTIFICATE" "1"="1:2003 REVISION OF EDUCATION ITEM ON CERTIFICATE" "2"="2:NO EDUCATION ITEM ON CERTIFICATE" ; VALUE $MONTH_OF_DEATH "01"="01:JANUARY" "02"="02:FEBRUARY" "03"="03:MARCH" "04"="04:APRIL" "05"="05:MAY" "06"="06:JUNE" "07"="07:JULY" "08"="08:AUGUST" "09"="09:SEPTEMBER" "10"="10:OCTOBER" "11"="11:NOVEMBER" "12"="12:DECEMBER" ; VALUE $SEX "M"="M:MALE" "F"="F:FEMALE" ; VALUE $AGE_SUBSTITUTION_FLAG " "="BLANK:CALCULATED AGE IS NOT SUBSTITUTED FOR REPORTED AGE" "1"="1:CALCULATED AGE IS SUBSTITUTED FOR REPORTED AGE" ; VALUE $AGE_RECODE_12N "01"="01:UNDER 1 YEAR (INCLUDES NOT STATED INFANT AGES)" "02"="02:1 to 4 YEARS" "03"="03:5 to 14 YEARS" "04"="04:15 to 24 YEARS" "05"="05:25 to 34 YEARS" "06"="06:35 to 44 YEARS" "07"="07:45 to 54 YEARS" "08"="08:55 to 64 YEARS" "09"="09:65 to 74 YEARS" "10"="10:75 to 84 YEARS" "11"="11:85 YEARS AND OVER" "12"="12:AGE NOT STATED" ; VALUE $AGE_RECODE_27N "01"="01:UNDER 1 MONTH (INCLUDES NOT STATED WEEKS, DAYS, HOURS, AND MINUTES)" "02"="02:1 MONTH to 11 MONTHS (INCLUDES NOT STATED MONTHS)" "03"="03:1 YEAR" "04"="04:2 YEARS" "05"="05:3 YEARS" "06"="06:4 YEARS" "07"="07:5 to 9 YEARS" "08"="08:10 to 14 YEARS" "09"="09:15 to 19 YEARS" "10"="10:20 to 24 YEARS" "11"="11:25 to 29 YEARS" "12"="12:30 to 34 YEARS" "13"="13:35 to 39 YEARS" "14"="14:40 to 44 YEARS" "15"="15:45 to 49 YEARS" "16"="16:50 to 54 YEARS" "17"="17:55 to 59 YEARS" "18"="18:60 to 64 YEARS" "19"="19:65 to 69 YEARS" "20"="20:70 to 74 YEARS" "21"="21:75 to 79 YEARS" "22"="22:80 to 84 YEARS" "23"="23:85 to 89 YEARS" "24"="24:90 to 94 YEARS" "25"="25:95 to 99 YEARS" "26"="26:100 YEARS AND OVER" "27"="27:AGE NOT STATED" ; VALUE $AGE_RECODE_52N "01"="01:UNDER 1 HOUR (INCLUDES NOT STATED HOURS AND MINUTES)" "02"="02:1 to 23 HOURS" "03"="03:1 DAY (INCLUDES NOT STATED DAYS)" "04"="04:2 DAYS" "05"="05:3 DAYS" "06"="06:4 DAYS" "07"="07:5 DAYS" "08"="08:6 DAYS" "09"="09:7 to 13 DAYS (INCLUDES NOT STATED WEEKS)" "10"="10:14 to 20 DAYS" "11"="11:21 to 27 DAYS" "12"="12:1 MONTH (INCLUDES NOT STATED MONTHS)" "13"="13:2 MONTHS" "14"="14:3 MONTHS" "15"="15:4 MONTHS" "16"="16:5 MONTHS" "17"="17:6 MONTHS" "18"="18:7 MONTHS" "19"="19:8 MONTHS" "20"="20:9 MONTHS" "21"="21:10 MONTHS" "22"="22:11 MONTHS" "23"="23:1 YEAR" "24"="24:2 YEARS" "25"="25:3 YEARS" "26"="26:4 YEARS" "27"="27:5 to 9 YEARS" "28"="28:10 to 14 YEARS" "29"="29:15 to 19 YEARS" "30"="30:20 to 24 YEARS" "31"="31:25 to 29 YEARS" "32"="32:30 to 34 YEARS" "33"="33:35 to 39 YEARS" "34"="34:40 to 44 YEARS" "35"="35:45 to 49 YEARS" "36"="36:50 to 54 YEARS" "37"="37:55 to 59 YEARS" "38"="38:60 to 64 YEARS" "39"="39:65 to 69 YEARS" "40"="40:70 to 74 YEARS" "41"="41:75 to 79 YEARS" "42"="42:80 to 84 YEARS" "43"="43:85 to 89 YEARS" "44"="44:90 to 94 YEARS" "45"="45:95 to 99 YEARS" "46"="46:100 to 104 YEARS" "47"="47:105 to 109 YEARS" "48"="48:110 to 114 YEARS" "49"="49:115 to 119 YEARS" "50"="50:120 to 124 YEARS" "51"="51:125 YEARS AND OVER" "52"="52:AGE NOT STATED" ; VALUE $INFANT_AGE_RECODE_22N " "="AGE 1 YEAR AND OVER OR NOT STATED" "01"="01:UNDER 1 HOUR (INCLUDES NOT STATED HOURS AND MINUTES)" "02"="02:1 to 23 HOURS" "03"="03:1 DAY (INCLUDES NOT STATED DAYS)" "04"="04:2 DAYS" "05"="05:3 DAYS" "06"="06:4 DAYS" "07"="07:5 DAYS" "08"="08:6 DAYS" "09"="09:7 to 13 DAYS (INCLUDES NOT STATED WEEKS)" "10"="10:14 to 20 DAYS" "11"="11:21 to 27 DAYS" "12"="12:1 MONTH (INCLUDES NOT STATED MONTHS)" "13"="13:2 MONTHS" "14"="14:3 MONTHS" "15"="15:4 MONTHS" "16"="16:5 MONTHS" "17"="17:6 MONTHS" "18"="18:7 MONTHS" "19"="19:8 MONTHS" "20"="20:9 MONTHS" "21"="21:10 MONTHS" "22"="22:11 MONTHS" ; value $age27a "09" = "15-19" "10" = "20-24" "11" = "25-29" "12" = "30-34" "13" = "35-39" "14" = "40-44" "15" = "45-49" "16" = "50-54" "17" = "55-59" "18" = "60-64" "19" = "65-69" "20" = "70-74" "21" = "75-79" "22" = "80-84" "23" = "85-89" "24" = "90-94" "25" = "95-99" "26" = "100+" ; VALUE $PLACE_OF_DEATH_ANDSTATUS "1"="1:HOSPITAL, CLINIC OR MEDICAL CENTER-INPATIENT" "2"="2:HOSPITAL, CLINIC OR MEDICAL CENTER-OUTPATIENT OR ADMITTED TO EMERGENCY ROOM" "3"="3:HOSPITAL, CLINIC OR MEDICAL CENTER-DEAD ON ARRIVAL" "4"="4:DECEDENT’S HOME" "5"="5:HOSPICE FACILITY" "6"="6:NURSING HOME/LONG TERM CARE" "7"="7:OTHER" "9"="9:PLACE OF DEATH UNKNOWN" ; VALUE $MARITAL_STATUS "S"="S:NEVER MARRIED, SINGLE" "M"="M:MARRIED" "W"="W:WIDOWED" "D"="D:DIVORCED" "U"="U:MARITAL STATUS UNKNOWN" ; VALUE $DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_DEATH "1"="1:SUNDAY" "2"="2:MONDAY" "3"="3:TUESDAY" "4"="4:WEDNESDAY" "5"="5:THURSDAY" "6"="6:FRIDAY" "7"="7:SATURDAY" "9"="9:UNKNOWN" ; VALUE $INJURY_AT_WORK "Y"="Y:YES" "N"="N:NO" "U"="U:UNKNOWN" ; VALUE $MANNER_OF_DEATH "1"="1:ACCIDENT" "2"="2:SUICIDE" "3"="3:HOMICIDE" "4"="4:PENDING INVESTIGATION" "5"="5:COULD NOT DETERMINE" "6"="6:SELF-INFLICTED" "7"="7:NATURAL" " "="NOT SPECIFIED" ; VALUE $METHOD_OF_DISPOSITION "B"="B:BURIAL" "C"="C:CREMATION" "D"="D:OTHER" "U"="U:UNKNOWN" ; VALUE $AUTOPSY "Y"="Y:YES" "N"="N:NO" "U"="U:UNKNOWN" ; VALUE $ACTIVITY_CODE "0"="0:WHILE ENGAGED IN SPORTS ACTIVITY" "1"="1:WHILE ENGAGED IN LEISURE ACTIVITY" "2"="2:WHILE WORKING FOR INCOME" "3"="3:WHILE ENGAGED IN OTHER TYPES OF WORK" "4"="4:WHILE RESTING, SLEEPING, EATING (VITAL ACTIVITIES)" "8"="8:WHILE ENGAGED IN OTHER SPECIFIED ACTIVITIES" "9"="9:DURING UNSPECIFIED ACTIVITY" " "="NOT APPLICABLE" ; VALUE $PLACE_OF_INJURY "0"="0:HOME" "1"="1:RESIDENTIAL INSTITUTION" "2"="2:SCHOOL, OTHER INSTITUTION AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIVE AREA" "3"="3:SPORTS AND ATHLETICS AREA" "4"="4:STREET AND HIGHWAY" "5"="5:TRADE AND SERVICE AREA" "6"="6:INDUSTRIAL AND CONSTRUCTION AREA" "7"="7:FARM" "8"="8:OTHER SPECIFIED PLACES" "9"="9:UNSPECIFIED PLACE" ""="BLANK:CAUSES OTHER THAN W00-Y34, EXCEPT Y06.- AND Y07.-" ; /*39_CAUSE_RECODE:A RECODE OF THE ICD CAUSE CODE INTO 39 GROUPS FOR NCHS PUBLICATIONS.*/; VALUE $NCHS39L "01"="NCHS39.001 Tuberculosis A16-A19" "02"="NCHS39.002 Syphilis A50-A53" "03"="NCHS39.003 Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) disease B20-B24" "04"="NCHS39.004 Malignant neoplasms(Group) C00-C97" "05"="NCHS39.005 Malignant neoplasm of stomach C16" "06"="NCHS39.006 Malignant neoplasms of colon, rectum and anus C18-C21" "07"="NCHS39.007 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas C25" "08"="NCHS39.008 Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus and lung C33-C34" "09"="NCHS39.009 Malignant neoplasm of breast C50" "10"="NCHS39.010 Malignant neoplasms of cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary(Female) C53-C56" "11"="NCHS39.011 Malignant neoplasm of prostate(Male) C61" "12"="NCHS39.012 Malignant neoplasms of urinary tract C64-C68" "13"="NCHS39.013 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma C82-C85" "14"="NCHS39.014 Leukemia C91-C95" "15"="NCHS39.015 Other malignant neoplasms C00-C15, C17, C22-C24, C26-C32, C37-C49, C51-C52, C57-C60, C62-C63, C69-C81, C88, C90, C96-C97" "16"="NCHS39.016 Diabetes mellitus(28Days+) E10-E14" "17"="NCHS39.017 Alzheimer disease G30" "18"="NCHS39.018 Major cardiovascular diseases(Group) I00-I78" "19"="NCHS39.019 Diseases of heart(Group) I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51" "20"="NCHS39.020 Hypertensive heart disease with or without renal disease I11, I13" "21"="NCHS39.021 Ischemic heart diseases I20-I25" "22"="NCHS39.022 Other diseases of heart I00-I09, I26-I51" "23"="NCHS39.023 Essential(primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease I10, I12, I15" "24"="NCHS39.024 Cerebrovascular diseases I60-I69" "25"="NCHS39.025 Atherosclerosis I70" "26"="NCHS39.026 Other diseases of circulatory system I71-I78" "27"="NCHS39.027 Influenza and pneumonia J09-J18" "28"="NCHS39.028 Chronic lower respiratory diseases J40-J47" "29"="NCHS39.029 Peptic ulcer K25-K28" "30"="NCHS39.030 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis K70, K73-K74" "31"="NCHS39.031 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27" "32"="NCHS39.032 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium(Female/10Years+) O00-O99" "33"="NCHS39.033 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period P00-P96" "34"="NCHS39.034 Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities Q00-Q99" "35"="NCHS39.035 Sudden infant death syndrome(LT1Year) R95" "36"="NCHS39.036 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, NEC(excluding SIDS) R00-R94, R96-R99" "37"="NCHS39.037 All other diseases(Residual) A00-A09, A20-A49, A54-B19, B25-B99, D00-E07, E15-G25, G31-H93, I80-J06, J20-J39, J60-K22, K29-K66, K71-K72, K75-M99, N10-N15, N20-N23, N28-N98, U04" "38"="NCHS39.038 Motor vehicle accidents V02-V04, V090, V12-V14, V190-V192, V194-V196, V20-V79, V803-V805, V810-V811, V820-V821, V83-V86, V870-V878, V880-V888, V890, V892" "39"="NCHS39.039 All other and unspecified accidents and adverse effects V01, V05-V06, V091, V093-V099, V10-V11, V15-V18, V193, V198-V199, V800-V802, V806-V809, V812-V819, V822-V829, V879, V889, V891, V893, V899, V90-X59, Y40-Y86, Y88" "040"="NCHS39.040 Intentional self-harm(suicide)(5Years+) U03, X60-X84, Y870" "41"="NCHS39.041 Assault(homicide) U01-U02, X85-Y09, Y871" "42"="NCHS39.042 All other external causes Y10-Y36, Y872, Y89" ; VALUE $NCHS39S /* SHORT: WITHOUT ALL OTHER CODES 15,37,39*/ "01"="NCHS39.001 Tuberculosis A16-A19" "02"="NCHS39.002 Syphilis A50-A53" "03"="NCHS39.003 Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) disease B20-B24" "04"="NCHS39.004 Malignant neoplasms(Group) C00-C97" "05"="NCHS39.005 Malignant neoplasm of stomach C16" "06"="NCHS39.006 Malignant neoplasms of colon, rectum and anus C18-C21" "07"="NCHS39.007 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas C25" "08"="NCHS39.008 Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus and lung C33-C34" "09"="NCHS39.009 Malignant neoplasm of breast C50" "10"="NCHS39.010 Malignant neoplasms of cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary(Female) C53-C56" "11"="NCHS39.011 Malignant neoplasm of prostate(Male) C61" "12"="NCHS39.012 Malignant neoplasms of urinary tract C64-C68" "13"="NCHS39.013 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma C82-C85" "14"="NCHS39.014 Leukemia C91-C95" "15"="NCHS39.015 Other malignant neoplasms" "16"="NCHS39.016 Diabetes mellitus(28Days+) E10-E14" "17"="NCHS39.017 Alzheimer disease G30" "18"="NCHS39.018 Major cardiovascular diseases(Group) I00-I78" "19"="NCHS39.019 Diseases of heart(Group) I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51" "20"="NCHS39.020 Hypertensive heart disease with or without renal disease I11, I13" "21"="NCHS39.021 Ischemic heart diseases I20-I25" "22"="NCHS39.022 Other diseases of heart I00-I09, I26-I51" "23"="NCHS39.023 Essential(primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease I10, I12, I15" "24"="NCHS39.024 Cerebrovascular diseases I60-I69" "25"="NCHS39.025 Atherosclerosis I70" "26"="NCHS39.026 Other diseases of circulatory system I71-I78" "27"="NCHS39.027 Influenza and pneumonia J09-J18" "28"="NCHS39.028 Chronic lower respiratory diseases J40-J47" "29"="NCHS39.029 Peptic ulcer K25-K28" "30"="NCHS39.030 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis K70, K73-K74" "31"="NCHS39.031 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27" "32"="NCHS39.032 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium(Female/10Years+) O00-O99" "33"="NCHS39.033 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period P00-P96" "34"="NCHS39.034 Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities Q00-Q99" "35"="NCHS39.035 Sudden infant death syndrome(LT1Year) R95" "36"="NCHS39.036 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, NEC(excluding SIDS) R00-R94, R96-R99" "37"="NCHS39.037 All other diseases(Residual)"/*COVID-19 IS INCLUDED IN THIS CATEGORY =U071*/ "38"="NCHS39.038 Motor vehicle accidents" /* V02-V04, V090, V12-V14, V190-V192, V194-V196, V20-V79, V803-V805, V810-V811, V820-V821, V83-V86, V870-V878, V880-V888, V890, V892*/ "39"="NCHS39.039 All other and unspecified accidents and adverse effects" "040"="NCHS39.040 Intentional self-harm(suicide)(5Years+) U03, X60-X84, Y870" "41"="NCHS39.041 Assault(homicide) U01-U02, X85-Y09, Y871" "42"="NCHS39.042 All other external causes Y10-Y36, Y872, Y89" "45"="NIOSH COVID-19"/* FOR VARIABLE UCOD39_C19 WHICH PULLS COVID-19 OUT TO REPORT SEPARATELY FROM All other diseases(Residual) */ ; VALUE $RACE_US_OCCURRENCE "01"="01:WHITE" "02"="02:BLACK" "03"="03:AMERICAN INDIAN (INCLUDES ALEUTS AND ESKIMOS)" "04"="04:CHINESE" "05"="05:JAPANESE" "06"="06:HAWAIIAN (INCLUDES PART-HAWAIIAN)" "07"="07:FILIPINO" "18"="18:ASIAN INDIAN" "28"="28:KOREAN" "38"="38:SAMOAN" "48"="48:VIETNAMESE" "58"="58:GUAMANIAN" "68"="68:OTHER ASIAN OR PACIFIC ISLANDER IN AREAS REPORTING CODES 18-58" "78"="78:COMBINED OTHER ASIAN OR PACIFIC ISLANDER, INCLUDES CODES 18-68 FOR AREAS THAT DO NOT REPORT THEM SEPARATELY" ; VALUE $BRIDGED_RACE_FLAG " "="RACE IS NOT BRIDGED" "1"="1:RACE IS BRIDGED" ; VALUE $RACE_IMPUTATION_FLAG " "="RACE IS NOT IMPUTED" "1"="1:UNKNOWN RACE IS IMPUTED" "2"="2:ALL OTHER RACES IS IMPUTED" ; VALUE $RACE_RECODE_3N "1"="1:WHITE" "2"="2:RACES OTHER THAN WHITE OR BLACK" "3"="3:BLACK" ; VALUE $RACE_RECODE_5N "0"="0:OTHER (PUERTO RICO ONLY)" "1"="1:WHITE" "2"="2:BLACK" "3"="3:AMERICAN INDIAN" "4"="4:ASIAN OR PACIFIC ISLANDER" ; VALUE $HISPANIC_ORIGIN "100"="100:NON-HISPANIC" "200"="200:SPANIARD" "201"="201:SPANIARD" "202"="202:SPANIARD" "203"="203:SPANIARD" "204"="204:SPANIARD" "205"="205:SPANIARD" "206"="206:SPANIARD" "207"="207:SPANIARD" "208"="208:SPANIARD" "209"="209:SPANIARD" "210"="210:MEXICAN" "211"="211:MEXICAN" "212"="212:MEXICAN" "213"="213:MEXICAN" "214"="214:MEXICAN" "215"="215:MEXICAN" "216"="216:MEXICAN" "217"="217:MEXICAN" "218"="218:MEXICAN" "219"="219:MEXICAN" "220"="220:CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICAN" "221"="221:CENTRAL AMERICAN" "222"="222:CENTRAL AMERICAN" "223"="223:CENTRAL AMERICAN" "224"="224:CENTRAL AMERICAN" "225"="225:CENTRAL AMERICAN" "226"="226:CENTRAL AMERICAN" "227"="227:CENTRAL AMERICAN" "228"="228:CENTRAL AMERICAN" "229"="229:CENTRAL AMERICAN" "230"="230:CENTRAL AMERICAN" "231"="231:SOUTH AMERICAN" "232"="232:SOUTH AMERICAN" "233"="233:SOUTH AMERICAN" "234"="234:SOUTH AMERICAN" "235"="235:SOUTH AMERICAN" "236"="236:SOUTH AMERICAN" "237"="237:SOUTH AMERICAN" "238"="238:SOUTH AMERICAN" "239"="239:SOUTH AMERICAN" "240"="240:SOUTH AMERICAN" "241"="241:SOUTH AMERICAN" "242"="242:SOUTH AMERICAN" "243"="243:SOUTH AMERICAN" "244"="244:SOUTH AMERICAN" "245"="245:SOUTH AMERICAN" "246"="246:SOUTH AMERICAN" "247"="247:SOUTH AMERICAN" "248"="248:SOUTH AMERICAN" "249"="249:SOUTH AMERICAN" "250"="250:LATIN AMERICAN" "251"="251:LATIN AMERICAN" "252"="252:LATIN AMERICAN" "253"="253:LATIN AMERICAN" "254"="254:LATIN AMERICAN" "255"="255:LATIN AMERICAN" "256"="256:LATIN AMERICAN" "257"="257:LATIN AMERICAN" "258"="258:LATIN AMERICAN" "259"="259:LATIN AMERICAN" "260"="260:PUERTO RICAN" "261"="261:PUERTO RICAN" "262"="262:PUERTO RICAN" "263"="263:PUERTO RICAN" "264"="264:PUERTO RICAN" "265"="265:PUERTO RICAN" "266"="266:PUERTO RICAN" "267"="267:PUERTO RICAN" "268"="268:PUERTO RICAN" "269"="269:PUERTO RICAN" "270"="270:CUBAN" "271"="271:CUBAN" "272"="272:CUBAN" "273"="273:CUBAN" "274"="274:CUBAN" "275"="275:DOMINICAN" "276"="276:DOMINICAN" "277"="277:DOMINICAN" "278"="278:DOMINICAN" "279"="279:DOMINICAN" "280"="280:OTHER HISPANIC" "281"="281:OTHER HISPANIC" "282"="282:OTHER HISPANIC" "283"="283:OTHER HISPANIC" "284"="284:OTHER HISPANIC" "285"="285:OTHER HISPANIC" "286"="286:OTHER HISPANIC" "287"="287:OTHER HISPANIC" "288"="288:OTHER HISPANIC" "289"="289:OTHER HISPANIC" "290"="290:OTHER HISPANIC" "291"="291:OTHER HISPANIC" "292"="292:OTHER HISPANIC" "293"="293:OTHER HISPANIC" "294"="294:OTHER HISPANIC" "295"="295:OTHER HISPANIC" "296"="296:OTHER HISPANIC" "297"="297:OTHER HISPANIC" "298"="298:OTHER HISPANIC" "299"="299:OTHER HISPANIC" "996"="996:UNKNOWN" "997"="997:UNKNOWN" "998"="998:UNKNOWN" "999"="999:UNKNOWN" ; VALUE HISPANIC_ORIGIN_R 1="1:100 to 199: NON–HISPANIC" 2="2:200 to 209: SPANIARD" 3="3:210 to 219: MEXICAN" 4="4:220: CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICAN" 5="5:221 to 230: CENTRAL AMERICAN" 6="6:231 to 249: SOUTH AMERICAN" 7="7:250 to 259: LATIN AMERICAN" 8="8:260 to 269: PUERTO RICAN" 9="9:270 to 274: CUBAN" 10="10:275 to 279: DOMINICAN" 11="11:280 to 299: OTHER HISPANIC" 12="12:996 to 999: UNKNOWN" ; VALUE $HISPANICORIGIN_RACERECODE "1"="1:MEXICAN" "2"="2:PUERTO RICAN" "3"="3:CUBAN" "4"="4:CENTRAL OR SOUTH AMERICAN" "5"="5:OTHER OR UNKNOWN HISPANIC" "6"="6:NON-HISPANIC WHITE" "7"="7:NON-HISPANIC BLACK" "8"="8:NON-HISPANIC OTHER RACES" "9"="9:HISPANIC ORIGIN UNKNOWN" ; /*for variable RaceRecode_40*/ value $mracrec "01"="01:White" "02"="02:Black" "03"="03:American Indian or Alaskan Native (AIAN)" "04"="04:Asian Indian" "05"="05:Chinese" "06"="06:Filipino" "07"="07:Japanese" "08"="08:Korean" "09"="09:Vietnamese" "10"="10:Other or Multiple Asian" "11"="11:Hawaiian" "12"="12:Guamanian" "13"="13:Samoan" "14"="14:Other or Multiple Pacific Islander" "15"="15:Black and White" "16"="16:Black and AIAN" "17"="17:Black and Asian" "18"="18:Black and NHOPI" /*NHOPI=Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander */ "19"="19:AIAN and White" "20"="20:AIAN and Asian" "21"="21:AIAN and NHOPI" "22"="22:Asian and White" "23"="23:Asian and NHOPI" "24"="24:NHOPI and White" "25"="25:Black, AIAN and White" "26"="26:Black, AIAN and Asian" "27"="27:Black, AIAN and NHOPI" "28"="28:Black, Asian and White" "29"="29:Black, Asian and NHOPI" "30"="30:Black, NHOPI and White" "31"="31:AIAN, Asian and White" "32"="32:AIAN, NHOPI and White" "33"="33:AIAN, Asian and NHOPI" "34"="34:Asian, NHOPI and White" "35"="35:Black, AIAN, Asian and White" "36"="36:Black, AIAN, Asian and NHOPI" "37"="37:Black, AIAN, NHOPI and White" "38"="38:Black, Asian, NHOPI and White" "39"="39:AIAN, Asian, NHOPI and White" "40"="40:Black, AIAN, Asian, NHOPI and White" "99"="99:Unknown and Other Race" ; VALUE $OCCRECODE "01" ="01 MANAGEMENT OCCS" "02" ="02 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL OPERATIONS OCCS" "03" ="03 COMPUTER & MATHEMATICAL OCCS" "04" ="04 ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING OCCS" "05" ="05 LIFE, PHYSICAL, & SOCIAL SCIENCE OCCS" "06" ="06 COMMUNITY & SOCIAL SERVICES OCCS" "07" ="07 LEGAL OCCS" "08" ="08 EDUCATION, TRAINING, & LIBRARY OCCS" "09" ="09 ARTS, DESIGN, ENTERTAINMENT, SPORTS, & MEDIA OCCS" "10" ="10 HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONERS & TECHNICAL OCCS" "11" ="11 HEALTHCARE SUPPORT OCCS" "12" ="12 PROTECTIVE SERVICE OCCS" "13" ="13 FOOD PREPARATION & SERVING RELATED OCCS" "14" ="14 BUILDING & GROUNDS CLEANING & MAINTENANCE OCCS" "15" ="15 PERSONAL CARE & SERVICE OCCS" "16" ="16 SALES & RELATED OCCUPATIONS" "17" ="17 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT OCCS" "18" ="18 FARMING, FISHING, & FORESTRY OCCS" "19" ="19 CONSTRUCTION & EXTRACTION OCCS" "20" ="20 INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, & REPAIR OCCS" "21" ="21 PRODUCTION OCCS" "22" ="22 TRANSPORTATION & MATERIAL MOVING OCCS" "24" ="24 MILITARY" "25" ="25 OTHER--MISC(EXC HOUSEWIFE)" "26" ="26 OTHER--HOUSEWIFE" ; VALUE $INDRECODE "01" = "01 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHING & HUNTING IND." "02" = "02 MINING IND." "03" = "03 UTILITIES IND." "04" = "04 CONSTRUCTION IND." "05" = "05 MANUFACTURING IND." "06" = "06 WHOLESALE TRADE IND." "07" = "07 RETAIL TRADE IND." "08" = "08 TRANSPORTATION & WAREHOUSING IND." "09" = "09 INFORMATION IND." "10" = "10 FINANCE & INSURANCE IND." "11" = "11 REAL ESTATE & RENTAL & LEASING IND." "12" = "12 PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC, & TECHNICAL SERVICES IND." "13" = "13 MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES & ENTERPRISES" "14" = "14 ADMIN. & SUPPORT & WASTE MGMT & REMED. SVCS IND." "15" = "15 EDUCATION SERVICES IND." "16" = "16 HEALTHCARE & SOCIAL ASSISTANCE IND." "17" = "17 ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, & RECREATION IND." "18" = "18 ACCOMMODATION & FOOD SERVICES IND." "19" = "19 OTHER SERVICES (EXCEPT PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) IND." "20" = "20 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IND." "22" = "22 MILITARY" "23" = "23 OTHER--MISC, MISSING" ; value $censusind "0170" = "0170:Crop production" "0180" = "0180:Animal production" "0190" = "0190:Forestry except logging" "0270" = "0270:Logging" "0280" = "0280:Fishing, hunting, and trapping" "0290" = "0290:Support activities for agriculture and forestry" "0370" = "0370:Oil and gas extraction" "0380" = "0380:Coal mining" "0390" = "0390:Metal ore mining" "0470" = "0470:Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying" "0480" = "0480:Not specified type of mining" "0490" = "0490:Support activities for mining" "0770" = "0770:Construction" "1070" = "1070:Animal food, grain and oilseed milling" "1080" = "1080:Sugar and confectionery products" "1090" = "1090:Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food mfg" "1170" = "1170:Dairy product mfg" "1180" = "1180:Animal slaughtering and processing" "1190" = "1190:Retail bakeries" "1270" = "1270:Bakeries, except retail" "1280" = "1280:Seafood and other miscellaneous foods, n.e.c." "1290" = "1290:Not specified food industries" "1370" = "1370:Beverage mfg" "1390" = "1390:Tobacco mfg" "1470" = "1470:Fiber, yarn, and thread mills" "1480" = "1480:Fabric mills, except knitting mills" "1490" = "1490:Textile and fabric finishing and coating mills" "1570" = "1570:Carpet and rug mills" "1590" = "1590:Textile product mills, except carpets and rugs" "1670" = "1670:Knitting fabric mills, and apparel knitting mills" "1680" = "1680:Cut and sew apparel mfg" "1690" = "1690:Apparel accessories and other apparel mfg" "1770" = "1770:Footwear mfg" "1790" = "1790:Leather tanning and finishing and other allied products mfg" "1870" = "1870:Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills" "1880" = "1880:Paperboard containers and boxes" "1890" = "1890:Miscellaneous paper and pulp products" "1990" = "1990:Printing and related support activities" "2070" = "2070:Petroleum refining" "2090" = "2090:Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products" "2170" = "2170:Resin, synthetic rubber and fibers, and filaments mfg" "2180" = "2180:Agricultural chemical mfg" "2190" = "2190:Pharmaceutical and medicine mfg" "2270" = "2270:Paint, coating, and adhesive mfg" "2280" = "2280:Soap, cleaning compound, and cosmetics mfg" "2290" = "2290:Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals" "2370" = "2370:Plastics product mfg" "2380" = "2380:Tire mfg" "2390" = "2390:Rubber products, except tires, mfg" "2470" = "2470:Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixture mfg" "2480" = "2480:Structural clay product mfg" "2490" = "2490:Glass and glass product mfg" "2570" = "2570:Cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum product mfg" "2590" = "2590:Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral product mfg" "2670" = "2670:Iron and steel mills and steel product mfg" "2680" = "2680:Aluminum production and processing" "2690" = "2690:Nonferrous metal, except aluminum, production and processing" "2770" = "2770:Foundries" "2780" = "2780:Metal forgings and stampings" "2790" = "2790:Cutlery and hand tool mfg" "2870" = "2870:Structural metals, and boiler, tank, and shipping container mfg" "2880" = "2880:Machine shops; turned product; screw, nut and bolt mfg" "2890" = "2890:Coating, engraving, heat treating and allied activities" "2970" = "2970:Ordnance" "2980" = "2980:Miscellaneous fabricated metal products mfg" "2990" = "2990:Not specified metal industries" "3070" = "3070:Agricultural implement mfg" "3080" = "3080:Construction, and mining and oil and gas field machinery mfg" "3095" = "3095:Commercial and service industry machinery mfg" "3170" = "3170:Metalworking machinery mfg" "3180" = "3180:Engines, turbines, and power transmission equipment mfg" "3190" = "3190:Machinery mfg, n.e.c." "3290" = "3290:Not specified machinery mfg" "3365" = "3365:Computer and peripheral equipment mfg" "3370" = "3370:Communications, audio, and video equipment mfg" "3380" = "3380:Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments mfg" "3390" = "3390:Electronic component and product mfg, n.e.c." "3470" = "3470:Household appliance mfg" "3490" = "3490:Electric lighting, and elec equipment mfg, and other elect component mfg, n.e.c." "3570" = "3570:Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment mfg" "3580" = "3580:Aircraft and parts mfg" "3590" = "3590:Aerospace products and parts mfg" "3670" = "3670:Railroad rolling stock mfg" "3680" = "3680:Ship and boat building" "3690" = "3690:Other transportation equipment mfg" "3770" = "3770:Sawmills and wood preservation" "3780" = "3780:Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood products" "3790" = "3790:Prefabricated wood buildings and mobile homes mfg" "3875" = "3875:Miscellaneous wood products" "3895" = "3895:Furniture and related product mfg" "3960" = "3960:Medical equipment and supplies mfg" "3970" = "3970:Sporting and athletic goods, and doll, toy and game mfg" "3980" = "3980:Miscellaneous mfg, n.e.c." "3990" = "3990:Not specified mfg industries" "4070" = "4070:Motor vehicles, parts and supplies merchant wholesalers" "4080" = "4080:Furniture and home furnishing merchant wholesalers" "4090" = "4090:Lumber and other construction materials merchant wholesalers" "4170" = "4170:Professional and commercial equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers" "4180" = "4180:Metals and minerals, except petroleum, merchant wholesalers" "4195" = "4195:Household appliances and electrical and electronic goods merchant wholesalers" "4265" = "4265:Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers" "4270" = "4270:Machinery, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers" "4280" = "4280:Recyclable material merchant wholesalers" "4290" = "4290:Miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers" "4370" = "4370:Paper and paper products merchant wholesalers" "4380" = "4380:Drugs, sundries, and chemical and allied products merchant wholesalers" "4390" = "4390:Apparel, fabrics, and notions merchant wholesalers" "4470" = "4470:Groceries and related products merchant wholesalers" "4480" = "4480:Farm product raw materials merchant wholesalers" "4490" = "4490:Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers" "4560" = "4560:Alcoholic beverages merchant wholesalers" "4570" = "4570:Farm supplies merchant wholesalers" "4580" = "4580:Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchant wholesalers" "4585" = "4585:Wholesale electronic markets agents and brokers" "4590" = "4590:Not specified wholesale trade" "4670" = "4670:Automobile dealers" "4680" = "4680:Other motor vehicle dealers" "4690" = "4690:Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores" "4770" = "4770:Furniture and home furnishings stores" "4780" = "4780:Household appliance stores" "4795" = "4795:Electronics stores" "4870" = "4870:Building material and supplies dealers" "4880" = "4880:Hardware stores" "4890" = "4890:Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores" "4970" = "4970:Grocery stores" "4980" = "4980:Specialty food stores" "4990" = "4990:Beer, wine, and liquor stores" "5070" = "5070:Pharmacies and drug stores" "5080" = "5080:Health and personal care, except drug, stores" "5090" = "5090:Gasoline stations" "5170" = "5170:Clothing stores" "5180" = "5180:Shoe stores" "5190" = "5190:Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores" "5275" = "5275:Sporting goods, and hobby and toy stores" "5280" = "5280:Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores" "5295" = "5295:Musical instrument and supplies stores" "5370" = "5370:Book stores and news dealers" "5380" = "5380:Department stores and discount stores" "5390" = "5390:Miscellaneous general merchandise stores" "5470" = "5470:Retail florists" "5480" = "5480:Office supplies and stationery stores" "5490" = "5490:Used merchandise stores" "5570" = "5570:Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops" "5580" = "5580:Miscellaneous retail stores" "5590" = "5590:Electronic shopping" "5591" = "5591:Electronic auctions" "5592" = "5592:Mail order houses" "5670" = "5670:Vending machine operators" "5680" = "5680:Fuel dealers" "5690" = "5690:Other direct selling establishments" "5790" = "5790:Not specified retail trade" "6070" = "6070:Air transportation" "6080" = "6080:Rail transportation" "6090" = "6090:Water transportation" "6170" = "6170:Truck transportation" "6180" = "6180:Bus service and urban transit" "6190" = "6190:Taxi and limousine service" "6270" = "6270:Pipeline transportation" "6280" = "6280:Scenic and sightseeing transportation" "6290" = "6290:Services incidental to transportation" "6370" = "6370:Postal Service" "6380" = "6380:Couriers and messengers" "6390" = "6390:Warehousing and storage" "0570" = "0570:Electric power generation, transmission and distribution" "0580" = "0580:Natural gas distribution" "0590" = "0590:Electric and gas, and other combinations" "0670" = "0670:Water, steam, air-conditioning, and irrigation systems" "0680" = "0680:Sewage treatment facilities" "0690" = "0690:Not specified utilities" "6470" = "6470:Newspaper publishers" "6480" = "6480:Periodical, book, and directory publishers" "6490" = "6490:Software publishers" "6570" = "6570:Motion pictures and video industries" "6590" = "6590:Sound recording industries" "6670" = "6670:Radio and television broadcasting and cable subscription programming" "6672" = "6672:Internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals" "6680" = "6680:Wired telecommunications carriers" "6690" = "6690:Other telecommunications services" "6695" = "6695:Data processing, hosting, and related services" "6770" = "6770:Libraries and archives" "6780" = "6780:Other information services" "6870" = "6870:Banking and related activities" "6880" = "6880:Savings institutions, including credit unions" "6890" = "6890:Non-depository credit and related activities" "6970" = "6970:Securities, commodities, funds, trusts, and other financial investments" "6990" = "6990:Insurance carriers and related activities" "7070" = "7070:Real estate" "7080" = "7080:Automotive equipment rental and leasing" "7170" = "7170:Video tape and disk rental" "7180" = "7180:Other consumer goods rental" "7190" = "7190:Commercial, industrial, and other intangible assets rental and leasing" "7270" = "7270:Legal services" "7280" = "7280:Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services" "7290" = "7290:Architectural, engineering, and related services" "7370" = "7370:Specialized design services" "7380" = "7380:Computer systems design and related services" "7390" = "7390:Management, scientific, and technical consulting services" "7460" = "7460:Scientific research and development services" "7470" = "7470:Advertising and related services" "7480" = "7480:Veterinary services" "7490" = "7490:Other professional, scientific, and technical services" "7570" = "7570:Management of companies and enterprises" "7580" = "7580:Employment services" "7590" = "7590:Business support services" "7670" = "7670:Travel arrangements and reservation services" "7680" = "7680:Investigation and security services" "7690" = "7690:Services to buildings and dwellings (except cleaning during and immed after construction)" "7770" = "7770:Landscaping services" "7780" = "7780:Other administrative and other support services" "7790" = "7790:Waste management and remediation services" "7860" = "7860:Elementary and secondary schools" "7870" = "7870:Colleges and universities, including junior colleges" "7880" = "7880:Business, technical, and trade schools and training" "7890" = "7890:Other schools and instruction, and educational support services" "7970" = "7970:Offices of physicians" "7980" = "7980:Offices of dentists" "7990" = "7990:Offices of chiropractors" "8070" = "8070:Offices of optometrists" "8080" = "8080:Offices of other health practitioners" "8090" = "8090:Outpatient care centers" "8170" = "8170:Home health care services" "8180" = "8180:Other health care services" "8190" = "8190:Hospitals" "8270" = "8270:Nursing care facilities" "8290" = "8290:Residential care facilities, without nursing" "8370" = "8370:Individual and family services" "8380" = "8380:Community food and housing, and emergency services" "8390" = "8390:Vocational rehabilitation services" "8470" = "8470:Child day care services" "8560" = "8560:Independent artists, performing arts, spectator sports, and related industries" "8570" = "8570:Museums, art galleries, historical sites, and similar institutions" "8580" = "8580:Bowling centers" "8590" = "8590:Other amusement, gambling, and recreation industries" "8660" = "8660:Traveler accommodation" "8670" = "8670:Recreational vehicle parks and camps, and rooming and boarding houses" "8680" = "8680:Restaurants and other food services" "8690" = "8690:Drinking places, alcoholic beverages" "8770" = "8770:Automotive repair and maintenance" "8780" = "8780:Car washes" "8790" = "8790:Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance" "8870" = "8870:Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance" "8880" = "8880:Personal and household goods repair and maintenance" "8890" = "8890:Footwear and leather goods repair" "8970" = "8970:Barber shops" "8980" = "8980:Beauty salons" "8990" = "8990:Nail salons and other personal care services" "9070" = "9070:Drycleaning and laundry services" "9080" = "9080:Funeral homes, cemeteries, and crematories" "9090" = "9090:Other personal services" "9160" = "9160:Religious organizations" "9170" = "9170:Civic, social, advocacy organizations, and grantmaking and giving services" "9180" = "9180:Labor unions" "9190" = "9190:Business, professional, political, and similar organizations" "9290" = "9290:Private households" "9370" = "9370:Executive offices and legislative bodies" "9380" = "9380:Public finance activities" "9390" = "9390:Other general government and support" "9470" = "9470:Justice, public order, and safety activities" "9480" = "9480:Administration of human resource programs" "9490" = "9490:Administration of environmental quality and housing programs" "9570" = "9570:Administration of economic programs and space research" "9590" = "9590:National security and international affairs" "9670" = "9670:U.S. Army" "9680" = "9680:U.S. Air Force" "9690" = "9690:U.S. Navy" "9770" = "9770:U.S. Marines" "9780" = "9780:U.S. Coast Guard" "9790" = "9790:U.S. Armed Forces, Branch not specified" "9870" = "9870:Military Reserves or National Guard" "9890" = "9890:Housewife, volunteer, student, did not work, patient, disabled, inmate" "9880" = "9880:Retired" "9990" = "9990:Blank, unknown, information inadequate" ; value $censusocc "0010" = "0010:Chief executives" "0020" = "0020:General and operations managers" "0030" = "0030:Legislators" "0040" = "0040:Advertising and promotions managers" "0050" = "0050:Marketing and sales managers" "0060" = "0060:Public relations and fundraising managers" "0100" = "0100:Administrative services managers" "0110" = "0110:Computer and information systems managers" "0120" = "0120:Financial managers" "0135" = " 0135 :Compensation and benefits managers" "0136" = "0136:Human resources managers" "0137" = "0137:Training and development managers" "0140" = "0140:Industrial production managers" "0150" = "0150:Purchasing managers" "0160" = "0160:Transportation, storage, and distribution managers" "0205" = "0205:Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers" "0220" = "0220:Construction managers" "0230" = "0230:Education administrators" "0300" = "0300:Architectural and engineering managers" "0310" = "0310:Food service managers" "0325" = "0325:Funeral service managers" "0330" = "0330:Gaming managers" "0340" = "0340:Lodging managers" "0350" = "0350:Medical and health services managers" "0360" = "0360:Natural sciences managers" "0400" = "0400:Postmasters and mail superintendents" "0410" = "0410:Property, real estate, and community association managers" "0420" = "0420:Social and community service managers" "0425" = "0425:Emergency management directors" "0430" = "0430:Managers, all other" "0500" = "0500:Agents and business managers of artists, performers, and athletes" "0510" = "0510:Buyers and purchasing agents, farm products" "0520" = "0520:Wholesale and retail buyers, except farm products" "0530" = "0530:Purchasing agents, except wholesale, retail, and farm products" "0540" = "0540:Claims adjusters, appraisers, examiners, and investigators" "0565" = "0565:Compliance officers" "0600" = "0600:Cost estimators" "0630" = "0630:Human resources wkrs" "0640" = "0640:Compensation, benefits, and job analysis specialists" "0650" = "0650:Training and development specialists" "0700" = "0700:Logisticians" "0710" = "0710:Management analysts" "0725" = "0725:Meeting, convention, and event planners" "0726" = "0726:Fundraisers" "0735" = "0735:Market research analysts and marketing specialists" "0740" = "0740:Business operations specialists, all other" "0800" = "0800:Accountants and auditors" "0810" = "0810:Appraisers and assessors of real estate" "0820" = "0820:Budget analysts" "0830" = "0830:Credit analysts" "0840" = "0840:Financial analysts" "0850" = "0850:Personal financial advisors" "0860" = "0860:Insurance underwriters" "0900" = "0900:Financial examiners" "0910" = "0910:Credit counselors and loan officers" "0930" = "0930:Tax examiners and collectors, and revenue agents" "0940" = "0940:Tax preparers" "0950" = "0950:Financial specialists, all other" "1005" = "1005:Computer and information research scientists" "1006" = "1006:Computer systems analysts" "1007" = "1007:Information security analysts" "1010" = "1010:Computer programmers" "1020" = "1020:Software developers, applications and systems software" "1030" = "1030:Web developers" "1050" = "1050:Computer support specialists" "1060" = "1060:Database administrators" "1105" = "1105:Network and computer systems administrators" "1106" = "1106:Computer network architects" "1107" = "1107:Computer occupations, all other" "1200" = "1200:Actuaries" "1210" = "1210:Mathematicians" "1220" = "1220:Operations research analysts" "1230" = "1230:Statisticians" "1240" = "1240:Misc mathematical science occupations" "1300" = "1300:Architects, except naval" "1310" = "1310:Surveyors, cartographers, and photogrammetrists" "1320" = "1320:Aerospace engineers" "1330" = "1330:Agricultural engineers" "1340" = "1340:Biomedical engineers" "1350" = "1350:Chemical engineers" "1360" = "1360:Civil engineers" "1400" = "1400:Computer hardware engineers" "1410" = "1410:Electrical and electronics engineers" "1420" = "1420:Environmental engineers" "1430" = "1430:Industrial engineers, Incl health and safety" "1440" = "1440:Marine engineers and naval architects" "1450" = "1450:Materials engineers" "1460" = "1460:Mechanical engineers" "1500" = "1500:Mining and geological engineers, Incl mining safety engineers" "1510" = "1510:Nuclear engineers" "1520" = "1520:Petroleum engineers" "1530" = "1530:Engineers, all other" "1540" = "1540:Drafters" "1550" = "1550:Engineering technicians, except drafters" "1560" = "1560:Surveying and mapping technicians" "1600" = "1600:Agricultural and food scientists" "1610" = "1610:Biological scientists" "1640" = "1640:Conservation scientists and foresters" "1650" = "1650:Medical scientists" "1660" = "1660:Life scientists, all other" "1700" = "1700:Astronomers and physicists" "1710" = "1710:Atmospheric and space scientists" "1720" = "1720:Chemists and materials scientists" "1740" = "1740:Environmental scientists and geoscientists" "1760" = "1760:Physical scientists, all other" "1800" = "1800:Economists" "1815" = "1815:Survey researchers" "1820" = "1820:Psychologists" "1830" = "1830:Sociologists" "1840" = "1840:Urban and regional planners" "1860" = "1860:Misc social scientists and related wkrs" "1900" = "1900:Agricultural and food science technicians" "1910" = "1910:Biological technicians" "1920" = "1920:Chemical technicians" "1930" = "1930:Geological and petroleum technicians" "1940" = "1940:Nuclear technicians" "1950" = "1950:Social science research assistants" "1965" = "1965:Misc life, physical, and social science technicians" "2000" = "2000:Counselors" "2010" = "2010:Social wkrs" "2015" = "2015:Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists" "2016" = "2016:Social and human service assistants" "2025" = "2025:Misc community and social service specialists, Incl health educators and community health wkrs" "2040" = "2040:Clergy" "2050" = "2050:Directors, religious activities and education" "2060" = "2060:Religious wkrs, all other" "2100" = "2100:Lawyers" "2105" = "2105:Judicial law clerks" "2110" = "2110:Judges, magistrates, and other judicial wkrs" "2145" = "2145:Paralegals and legal assistants" "2160" = "2160:Misc legal support wkrs" "2200" = "2200:Postsecondary teachers" "2300" = "2300:Preschool and kindergarten teachers" "2310" = "2310:Elementary and middle school teachers" "2320" = "2320:Secondary school teachers" "2330" = "2330:Special education teachers" "2340" = "2340:Other teachers and instructors" "2400" = "2400:Archivists, curators, and museum technicians" "2430" = "2430:Librarians" "2440" = "2440:Library technicians" "2540" = "2540:Teacher assistants" "2550" = "2550:Other education, training, and library wkrs" "2600" = "2600:Artists and related wkrs" "2630" = "2630:Designers" "2700" = "2700:Actors" "2710" = "2710:Producers and directors" "2720" = "2720:Athletes, coaches, umpires, and related wkrs" "2740" = "2740:Dancers and choreographers" "2750" = "2750:Musicians, singers, and related wkrs" "2760" = "2760:Entertainers and performers, sports and related wkrs, all other" "2800" = "2800:Announcers" "2810" = "2810:News analysts, reporters and correspondents" "2825" = "2825:Public relations specialists" "2830" = "2830:Editors" "2840" = "2840:Technical writers" "2850" = "2850:Writers and authors" "2860" = "2860:Misc media and communication wkrs" "2900" = "2900:Broadcast and sound engineering technicians and radio operators" "2910" = "2910:Photographers" "2920" = "2920:Television, video, and motion picture camera operators and editors" "2960" = "2960:Media and communication equipment wkrs, all other" "3000" = "3000:Chiropractors" "3010" = "3010:Dentists" "3030" = "3030:Dietitians and nutritionists" "3040" = "3040:Optometrists" "3050" = "3050:Pharmacists" "3060" = "3060:Physicians and surgeons" "3110" = "3110:Physician assistants" "3120" = "3120:Podiatrists" "3140" = "3140:Audiologists" "3150" = "3150:Occupational therapists" "3160" = "3160:Physical therapists" "3200" = "3200:Radiation therapists" "3210" = "3210:Recreational therapists" "3220" = "3220:Respiratory therapists" "3230" = "3230:Speech-language pathologists" "3235" = "3235:Exercise physiologists" "3245" = "3245:Therapists, all other" "3250" = "3250:Veterinarians" "3255" = "3255:Registered nurses" "3256" = "3256:Nurse anesthetists" "3257" = "3257:Nurse midwives" "3258" = "3258:Nurse practitioners" "3260" = "3260:Health diagnosing and treating practitioners, all other" "3300" = "3300:Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians" "3310" = "3310:Dental hygienists" "3320" = "3320:Diagnostic related technologists and technicians" "3400" = "3400:Emergency medical technicians and paramedics" "3420" = "3420:Health practitioner support technologists and technicians" "3500" = "3500:Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses" "3510" = "3510:Medical records and health information technicians" "3520" = "3520:Opticians, dispensing" "3535" = "3535:Misc health technologists and technicians" "3540" = "3540:Other healthcare practitioners and technical occupations" "3600" = "3600:Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides" "3610" = "3610:Occupational therapy assistants and aides" "3620" = "3620:Physical therapist assistants and aides" "3630" = "3630:Massage therapists" "3640" = "3640:Dental assistants" "3645" = "3645:Medical assistants" "3646" = "3646:Medical transcriptionists" "3647" = "3647:Pharmacy aides" "3648" = "3648:Veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers" "3649" = "3649:Phlebotomists" "3655" = "3655:Healthcare support wkrs, all other, Incl medical equipment preparers" "3700" = "3700:First-line supervisors of correctional officers" "3710" = "3710:First-line supervisors of police and detectives" "3720" = "3720:First-line supervisors of fire fighting and prevention wkrs" "3730" = "3730:First-line supervisors of protective service wkrs, all other" "3740" = "3740:Firefighters" "3750" = "3750:Fire inspectors" "3800" = "3800:Bailiffs, correctional officers, and jailers" "3820" = "3820:Detectives and criminal investigators" "3830" = "3830:Fish and game wardens" "3840" = "3840:Parking enforcement wkrs" "3850" = "3850:Police and sheriffs patrol officers" "3860" = "3860:Transit and railroad police" "3900" = "3900:Animal control wkrs" "3910" = "3910:Private detectives and investigators" "3930" = "3930:Security guards and gaming surveillance officers" "3940" = "3940:Crossing guards" "3945" = "3945:Transportation security screeners" "3955" = "3955:Lifeguards and other recreational, and all other protective service wkrs" "4000" = "4000:Chefs and head cooks" "4010" = "4010:First-line supervisors of food preparation and serving wkrs" "4020" = "4020:Cooks" "4030" = "4030:Food preparation wkrs" "4040" = "4040:Bartenders" "4050" = "4050:Combined food preparation and serving wkrs, Incl fast food" "4060" = "4060:Counter attendants, cafeteria, food concession, and coffee shop" "4110" = "4110:Waiters and waitresses" "4120" = "4120:Food servers, nonrestaurant" "4130" = "4130:Dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers" "4140" = "4140:Dishwashers" "4150" = "4150:Hosts and hostesses, restaurant, lounge, and coffee shop" "4160" = "4160:Food preparation and serving related wkrs, all other" "4200" = "4200:First-line supervisors of housekeeping and janitorial wkrs" "4210" = "4210:First-line supervisors of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping wkrs" "4220" = "4220:Janitors and building cleaners" "4230" = "4230:Maids and housekeeping cleaners" "4240" = "4240:Pest control wkrs" "4250" = "4250:Grounds maintenance wkrs" "4300" = "4300:First-line supervisors of gaming wkrs" "4320" = "4320:First-line supervisors of personal service wkrs" "4340" = "4340:Animal trainers" "4350" = "4350:Nonfarm animal caretakers" "4400" = "4400:Gaming services wkrs" "4410" = "4410:Motion picture projectionists" "4420" = "4420:Ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers" "4430" = "4430:Misc entertainment attendants and related wkrs" "4460" = "4460:Embalmers and funeral attendants" "4465" = "4465:Morticians, undertakers, and funeral directors" "4500" = "4500:Barbers" "4510" = "4510:Hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists" "4520" = "4520:Misc personal appearance wkrs" "4530" = "4530:Baggage porters, bellhops, and concierges" "4540" = "4540:Tour and travel guides" "4600" = "4600:Childcare wkrs" "4610" = "4610:Personal care aides" "4620" = "4620:Recreation and fitness wkrs" "4640" = "4640:Residential advisors" "4650" = "4650:Personal care and service wkrs, all other" "4700" = "4700:First-line supervisors of retail sales wkrs" "4710" = "4710:First-line supervisors of non-retail sales wkrs" "4720" = "4720:Cashiers" "4740" = "4740:Counter and rental clerks" "4750" = "4750:Parts salespersons" "4760" = "4760:Retail salespersons" "4800" = "4800:Advertising sales agents" "4810" = "4810:Insurance sales agents" "4820" = "4820:Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents" "4830" = "4830:Travel agents" "4840" = "4840:Sales representatives, services, all other" "4850" = "4850:Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing" "4900" = "4900:Models, demonstrators, and product promoters" "4920" = "4920:Real estate brokers and sales agents" "4930" = "4930:Sales engineers" "4940" = "4940:Telemarketers" "4950" = "4950:Door-to-door sales wkrs, news and street vendors, and related wkrs" "4965" = "4965:Sales and related wkrs, all other" "5000" = "5000:First-line supervisors of office and administrative support wkrs" "5010" = "5010:Switchboard operators, Incl answering service" "5020" = "5020:Telephone operators" "5030" = "5030:Communications equipment operators, all other" "5100" = "5100:Bill and account collectors" "5110" = "5110:Billing and posting clerks" "5120" = "5120:Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks" "5130" = "5130:Gaming cage wkrs" "5140" = "5140:Payroll and timekeeping clerks" "5150" = "5150:Procurement clerks" "5160" = "5160:Tellers" "5165" = "5165:Financial clerks, all other" "5200" = "5200:Brokerage clerks" "5210" = "5210:Correspondence clerks" "5220" = "5220:Court, municipal, and license clerks" "5230" = "5230:Credit authorizers, checkers, and clerks" "5240" = "5240:Customer service representatives" "5250" = "5250:Eligibility interviewers, government programs" "5260" = "5260:File clerks" "5300" = "5300:Hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks" "5310" = "5310:Interviewers, except eligibility and loan" "5320" = "5320:Library assistants, clerical" "5330" = "5330:Loan interviewers and clerks" "5340" = "5340:New accounts clerks" "5350" = "5350:Order clerks" "5360" = "5360:Human resources assistants, except payroll and timekeeping" "5400" = "5400:Receptionists and information clerks" "5410" = "5410:Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks" "5420" = "5420:Information and record clerks, all other" "5500" = "5500:Cargo and freight agents" "5510" = "5510:Couriers and messengers" "5520" = "5520:Dispatchers" "5530" = "5530:Meter readers, utilities" "5540" = "5540:Postal service clerks" "5550" = "5550:Postal service mail carriers" "5560" = "5560:Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators" "5600" = "5600:Production, planning, and expediting clerks" "5610" = "5610:Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks" "5620" = "5620:Stock clerks and order fillers" "5630" = "5630:Weighers, measurers, checkers, and samplers, recordkeeping" "5700" = "5700:Secretaries and administrative assistants" "5800" = "5800:Computer operators" "5810" = "5810:Data entry keyers" "5820" = "5820:Word processors and typists" "5830" = "5830:Desktop publishers" "5840" = "5840:Insurance claims and policy processing clerks" "5850" = "5850:Mail clerks and mail machine operators, except postal service" "5860" = "5860:Office clerks, general" "5900" = "5900:Office machine operators, except computer" "5910" = "5910:Proofreaders and copy markers" "5920" = "5920:Statistical assistants" "5940" = "5940:Office and administrative support wkrs, all other" "6005" = "6005:First-line supervisors of farming, fishing, and forestry wkrs" "6010" = "6010:Agricultural inspectors" "6020" = "6020:Animal breeders" "6040" = "6040:Graders and sorters, agricultural products" "6050" = "6050:Misc agricultural wkrs" "6100" = "6100:Fishers and related fishing wkrs" "6110" = "6110:Hunters and trappers" "6120" = "6120:Forest and conservation wkrs" "6130" = "6130:Logging wkrs" "6200" = "6200:First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction wkrs" "6210" = "6210:Boilermakers" "6220" = "6220:Brickmasons, blockmasons, and stonemasons" "6230" = "6230:Carpenters" "6240" = "6240:Carpet, floor, and tile installers and finishers" "6250" = "6250:Cement masons, concrete finishers, and terrazzo wkrs" "6260" = "6260:Construction laborers" "6300" = "6300:Paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment operators" "6310" = "6310:Pile-driver operators" "6320" = "6320:Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators" "6330" = "6330:Drywall installers, ceiling tile installers, and tapers" "6355" = "6355:Electricians" "6360" = "6360:Glaziers" "6400" = "6400:Insulation wkrs" "6420" = "6420:Painters, construction and maintenance" "6430" = "6430:Paperhangers" "6440" = "6440:Pipelayers, plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters" "6460" = "6460:Plasterers and stucco masons" "6500" = "6500:Reinforcing iron and rebar wkrs" "6515" = "6515:Roofers" "6520" = "6520:Sheet metal wkrs" "6530" = "6530:Structural iron and steel wkrs" "6540" = "6540:Solar photovoltaic installers" "6600" = "6600:Helpers, construction trades" "6660" = "6660:Construction and building inspectors" "6700" = "6700:Elevator installers and repairers" "6710" = "6710:Fence erectors" "6720" = "6720:Hazardous materials removal wkrs" "6730" = "6730:Highway maintenance wkrs" "6740" = "6740:Rail-track laying and maintenance equipment operators" "6750" = "6750:Septic tank servicers and sewer pipe cleaners" "6765" = "6765:Misc construction and related wkrs" "6800" = "6800:Derrick, rotary drill, and service unit operators, oil, gas, and mining" "6820" = "6820:Earth drillers, except oil and gas" "6830" = "6830:Explosives wkrs, ordnance handling experts, and blasters" "6840" = "6840:Mining machine operators" "6910" = "6910:Roof bolters, mining" "6920" = "6920:Roustabouts, oil and gas" "6930" = "6930:Helpers--extraction wkrs" "6940" = "6940:Other extraction wkrs" "7000" = "7000:First-line supervisors of mechanics, installers, and repairers" "7010" = "7010:Computer, automated teller, and office machine repairers" "7020" = "7020:Radio and telecommunications equipment installers and repairers" "7030" = "7030:Avionics technicians" "7040" = "7040:Electric motor, power tool, and related repairers" "7050" = "7050:Electrical and electronics installers and repairers, transportation equipment" "7100" = "7100:Electrical and electronics repairers, industrial and utility" "7110" = "7110:Electronic equipment installers and repairers, motor vehicles" "7120" = "7120:Electronic home entertainment equipment installers and repairers" "7130" = "7130:Security and fire alarm systems installers" "7140" = "7140:Aircraft mechanics and service technicians" "7150" = "7150:Automotive body and related repairers" "7160" = "7160:Automotive glass installers and repairers" "7200" = "7200:Automotive service technicians and mechanics" "7210" = "7210:Bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists" "7220" = "7220:Heavy vehicle and mobile equipment service technicians and mechanics" "7240" = "7240:Small engine mechanics" "7260" = "7260:Misc vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics, installers, and repairers" "7300" = "7300:Control and valve installers and repairers" "7315" = "7315:Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers" "7320" = "7320:Home appliance repairers" "7330" = "7330:Industrial and refractory machinery mechanics" "7340" = "7340:Maintenance and repair wkrs, general" "7350" = "7350:Maintenance wkrs, machinery" "7360" = "7360:Millwrights" "7410" = "7410:Electrical power-line installers and repairers" "7420" = "7420:Telecommunications line installers and repairers" "7430" = "7430:Precision instrument and equipment repairers" "7440" = "7440:Wind turbine service technicians" "7510" = "7510:Coin, vending, and amusement machine servicers and repairers" "7520" = "7520:Commercial divers" "7540" = "7540:Locksmiths and safe repairers" "7550" = "7550:Manufactured building and mobile home installers" "7560" = "7560:Riggers" "7600" = "7600:Signal and track switch repairers" "7610" = "7610:Helpers--installation, maintenance, and repair wkrs" "7630" = "7630:Other installation, maintenance, and repair wkrs" "7700" = "7700:First-line supervisors of production and operating wkrs" "7710" = "7710:Aircraft structure, surfaces, rigging, and systems assemblers" "7720" = "7720:Electrical, electronics, and electromechanical assemblers" "7730" = "7730:Engine and other machine assemblers" "7740" = "7740:Structural metal fabricators and fitters" "7750" = "7750:Misc assemblers and fabricators" "7800" = "7800:Bakers" "7810" = "7810:Butchers and other meat, poultry, and fish processing wkrs" "7830" = "7830:Food and tobacco roasting, baking, and drying machine operators and tenders" "7840" = "7840:Food batchmakers" "7850" = "7850:Food cooking machine operators and tenders" "7855" = "7855:Food processing wkrs, all other" "7900" = "7900:Computer control programmers and operators" "7920" = "7920:Extruding and drawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "7930" = "7930:Forging machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "7940" = "7940:Rolling machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "7950" = "7950:Cutting, punching, and press machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "7960" = "7960:Drilling and boring machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "8000" = "8000:Grinding, lapping, polishing, and buffing machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "8010" = "8010:Lathe and turning machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "8020" = "8020:Milling and planing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "8030" = "8030:Machinists" "8040" = "8040:Metal furnace operators, tenders, pourers, and casters" "8060" = "8060:Model makers and patternmakers, metal and plastic" "8100" = "8100:Molders and molding machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "8120" = "8120:Multiple machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "8130" = "8130:Tool and die makers" "8140" = "8140:Welding, soldering, and brazing wkrs" "8150" = "8150:Heat treating equipment setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "8160" = "8160:Layout wkrs, metal and plastic" "8200" = "8200:Plating and coating machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic" "8210" = "8210:Tool grinders, filers, and sharpeners" "8220" = "8220:Metal wkrs and plastic wkrs, all other" "8250" = "8250:Prepress technicians and wkrs" "8255" = "8255:Printing press operators" "8256" = "8256:Print binding and finishing wkrs" "8300" = "8300:Laundry and dry-cleaning wkrs" "8310" = "8310:Pressers, textile, garment, and related materials" "8320" = "8320:Sewing machine operators" "8330" = "8330:Shoe and leather wkrs and repairers" "8340" = "8340:Shoe machine operators and tenders" "8350" = "8350:Tailors, dressmakers, and sewers" "8360" = "8360:Textile bleaching and dyeing machine operators and tenders" "8400" = "8400:Textile cutting machine setters, operators, and tenders" "8410" = "8410:Textile knitting and weaving machine setters, operators, and tenders" "8420" = "8420:Textile winding, twisting, and drawing out machine setters, operators, and tenders" "8430" = "8430:Extruding and forming machine setters, operators, and tenders, synthetic and glass fibers" "8440" = "8440:Fabric and apparel patternmakers" "8450" = "8450:Upholsterers" "8460" = "8460:Textile, apparel, and furnishings wkrs, all other" "8500" = "8500:Cabinetmakers and bench carpenters" "8510" = "8510:Furniture finishers" "8520" = "8520:Model makers and patternmakers, wood" "8530" = "8530:Sawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, wood" "8540" = "8540:Woodworking machine setters, operators, and tenders, except sawing" "8550" = "8550:Woodwkrs, all other" "8600" = "8600:Power plant operators, distributors, and dispatchers" "8610" = "8610:Stationary engineers and boiler operators" "8620" = "8620:Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators" "8630" = "8630:Misc plant and system operators" "8640" = "8640:Chemical processing machine setters, operators, and tenders" "8650" = "8650:Crushing, grinding, polishing, mixing, and blending wkrs" "8710" = "8710:Cutting wkrs" "8720" = "8720:Extruding, forming, pressing, and compacting machine setters, operators, and tenders" "8730" = "8730:Furnace, kiln, oven, drier, and kettle operators and tenders" "8740" = "8740:Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers" "8750" = "8750:Jewelers and precious stone and metal wkrs" "8760" = "8760:Medical, dental, and ophthalmic laboratory technicians" "8800" = "8800:Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders" "8810" = "8810:Painting wkrs" "8830" = "8830:Photographic process wkrs and processing machine operators" "8840" = "8840:Semiconductor processors" "8850" = "8850:Adhesive bonding machine operators and tenders" "8860" = "8860:Cleaning, washing, and metal pickling equipment operators and tenders" "8900" = "8900:Cooling and freezing equipment operators and tenders" "8910" = "8910:Etchers and engravers" "8920" = "8920:Molders, shapers, and casters, except metal and plastic" "8930" = "8930:Paper goods machine setters, operators, and tenders" "8940" = "8940:Tire builders" "8950" = "8950:Helpers--production wkrs" "8965" = "8965:Production wkrs, all other" "9000" = "9000:Supervisors of transportation and material moving wkrs" "9030" = "9030:Aircraft pilots and flight engineers" "9040" = "9040:Air traffic controllers and airfield operations specialists" "9050" = "9050:Flight attendants" "9110" = "9110:Ambulance drivers and attendants, except emergency medical technicians" "9120" = "9120:Bus drivers" "9130" = "9130:Driver/sales wkrs and truck drivers" "9140" = "9140:Taxi drivers and chauffeurs" "9150" = "9150:Motor vehicle operators, all other" "9200" = "9200:Locomotive engineers and operators" "9230" = "9230:Railroad brake, signal, and switch operators" "9240" = "9240:Railroad conductors and yardmasters" "9260" = "9260:Subway, streetcar, and other rail transportation wkrs" "9300" = "9300:Sailors and marine oilers" "9310" = "9310:Ship and boat captains and operators" "9330" = "9330:Ship engineers" "9340" = "9340:Bridge and lock tenders" "9350" = "9350:Parking lot attendants" "9360" = "9360:Automotive and watercraft service attendants" "9410" = "9410:Transportation inspectors" "9415" = "9415:Transportation attendants, except flight attendants" "9420" = "9420:Other transportation wkrs" "9500" = "9500:Conveyor operators and tenders" "9510" = "9510:Crane and tower operators" "9520" = "9520:Dredge, excavating, and loading machine operators" "9560" = "9560:Hoist and winch operators" "9600" = "9600:Industrial truck and tractor operators" "9610" = "9610:Cleaners of vehicles and equipment" "9620" = "9620:Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand" "9630" = "9630:Machine feeders and offbearers" "9640" = "9640:Packers and packagers, hand" "9650" = "9650:Pumping station operators" "9720" = "9720:Refuse and recyclable material collectors" "9730" = "9730:Mine shuttle car operators" "9740" = "9740:Tank car, truck, and ship loaders" "9750" = "9750:Material moving wkrs, all other" "9010" = "9010:Housewife" "9020" = "9020:Volunteers" "9070" = "9070:Student" "9060" = "9060:Retired" "9100" = "9100:Did not work, patient, disabled, inmate" "9900" = "9900:Blank, unknown, information inadequate" "9830" = "9830:military occupation blank" "9840" = "9840:US Military Commissioned and warrant officers" "9850" = "9850:U.S. Military Non-commissioned Officer and other enlisted personnel" ; *------------------------------------------------------------------------; *------------------------------NIOSH RECODES-----------------------------; *------------------------------------------------------------------------; value raceeth 1="1:Hispanic" 2="2:Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native" 3="3:Non-Hispanic Asian" 4="4:Non-Hispanic Black" 5="5:Non-Hispanic Multiple Race" 6="6:Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" 7="7:Non-Hispanic White" ; value catosix 1="1:paid, civ usual occ" 2="2:mil usual occ" 3="3:homemaker" 4="4:vol/student" 5="5:blank/unk/insuf" 6="6:missing" ; value catfive 1="1:paid, civ usual ind" 2="2:mil usual ind" 3="3:unpaidblank/unk/insuf" 4="4:missing" ; run;