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Tree Trimmer Electrocuted and Dies While Trimming Tree Away from Power Lines – Kentucky

Kentucky Case Report: 16KY013
Release Date: May 24, 2017


On Monday, April 18, 2016, a 23-year-old male tree trimmer (victim) was strapped into a personal fall arrest harness while trimming trees along a 34.5 kilovolt power line at a height of approximately 25 feet 4 inches from the ground. As he was cutting a limb growing at a 75-degree angle to the ground, it is believed that the limb made contact with the power line as the victim was trimming it, resulting in a fatal electric shock. The victim was found dangling from the tree by his fall arrest system, and was pronounced dead at the scene at 11:00 am.

Tree Trimmer Electrocuted and Dies While Trimming Tree Away from Power Lines – Kentucky [PDF 933 KB]