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Hispanic Roofer’s Fall Protection Failed Causing Him to Fall 29.91 Feet to his Death, Kentucky

Kentucky Case Report: 14KY030


On Monday, June 30, 2014 at 11:48 am a 60-year-old Hispanic roofer was removing shingles from a church roof. As he leaned back on the leading edge of the roof, his safety rope snapped, causing him to fall 29 feet 11 inches to hard dirt below. Although the victim was wearing a safety harness, it was not considered a personal protection fall arrest system and he was not tied off properly. Emergency services were called and the victim was in cardiac arrest when emergency personnel arrived. The victim died 20 minutes later in the hospital from injuries sustained from the fall.

Hispanic Roofer’s Fall Protection Failed Causing Him to Fall 29.91 Feet to his Death, Kentucky [PDF 999 KB]