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Poultry Processing Production Worker Drowns in an Open Offal Wastewater Pit — California

California Case Report: 23CA002
Release Date: July 25, 2024


On May 6, 2023, a 66-year-old Hispanic male production worker at a poultry processing plant (the victim) drowned when he fell into an open offal wastewater pit. Offal is a mixture of water and chicken organs, blood, feathers, and other waste products. He was preparing to do preventative maintenance and clean the area surrounding the pit. A co-worker later found him inside the pit where he drowned. Even though hydrogen sulfide (H2S) levels were not measured or monitored on the day of the incident, the gas is often present at poultry and meat processing facilities.


  • Failure to develop and implement a hydrogen sulfide (H2S)safety program for the offal wastewater room
  • No hazard assessment was conducted
  • Missing and unsecured floor grates protecting the offal wastewater pit
  • Damaged guardrails around the offal wastewater pit.


California FACE (CA/FACE) investigators determined that, in order to prevent similar incidents, poultry processing plants with wastewater treatment operations should:

  • Develop and implement policies, procedures, and inspections as part of a safety program to prevent workers from being overexposed to H2S.
  • Ensure offal pits are identified as permit required confined spaces and a confined space program is implemented.
  • Ensure all pumps and equipment in the pit room remain in operation so there is wastewater flow through the offal pit.
  • Ensure offal pits are guarded and covered.

Poultry Processing Production Worker Drowns in an Open Offal Wastewater Pit — California [PDF – 1 MB]