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Engineering Controls Database

Control of Dust Exposure for Random Orbital Hand Sanders

Random orbital hand sanders have been found to create significant amounts of wood dust.
Workers exposed to wood dusts have experienced a variety of adverse health effects such as eye and skin irritation, allergy, reduced lung function, asthma, and nasal cancer.
NIOSH researchers found that wood dust created by random orbital hand sanders is often poorly controlled. To address this problem, researchers designed and tested a new control system for these hand sanders that significantly reduced dust emissions.

Random orbital hand sanders are widely used in woodworking applications. The dust generated by these tools is sometimes controlled by an aspirator in combination with a perforated sanding pad. The aspirator creates a vacuum to draw wood dust up through holes in the sanding pad. It was found that, in spite of this control, large amounts of wood dust were still emitted into the workroom. A new control system that uses additional exhaust and a slotted sanding pad was implemented to increase dust control. The increased suction of the additional exhaust alone causes the sanding pad to be pulled to the work surface making the tool difficult to use. To alleviate this problem, curved slots are cut into the sanding pad. This relieves the pressure caused by the extra suction and provides additional dust control at the pad periphery. The new sander does not interfere with the operator, requires no special maintenance and is inexpensive to operate.

Additional exhaust and slotted sanding pad for hand sanders

Additional exhaust and slotted sanding pad for hand sanders
180-05-A; 180-05-B; 180-05-C; 180-05-D; 180-05-E; 180-05-F; 180-05-G; 180-05-H; 180-05-I; 180-05-J1; 180-05-J2; 180-05-K1; 180-05-K2; 180-05-L; 180-05-M; 180-05-N; 180-05-O; 180-05-P; 180-05-Q; 180-05-R; 180-05-S; 180-05-T; 180-05-U; 180-05-V; 180-11-A; 185-05-A; 185-05-B; 185-05-C; 185-05-D;
orbital hand sander
powered hand tools
slotted sanding pad
The additional exhaust system and slotted sanding pad reduced dust emissions by approximately 90 percent compared with the currently used aspirator controlled sander.