Viral Hepatitis NEEMA Publications

At a glance

Viral Hepatitis supported projects contributed to multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals that cover costs of diseases, morbidity and mortality projections, cost-effective interventions, population program impact, and optimized resource allocation.

Published papers

Yang J, Lo NC, Dankwa EA, Donnelly CA, Gupta R, Montgomery MP, Weng MK, Martin NK. Determining Herd Immunity Thresholds for Hepatitis A Virus Transmission to Inform Vaccination Strategies Among People Who Inject Drugs in 16 US States. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Apr 10;78(4):976-982.

Eric W. Hall, Lakshmi Panagiotakopoulos, Carolyn Wester, Noele Nelson, Amy L. Sandul, Cost-effectiveness of Strategies to Identify Children with Perinatally Acquired Hepatitis C Infection, The Journal of Pediatrics, 2023, 113409, ISSN 0022-3476,

Pham TTH, Maria N, Cheng V, Nguyen B, Toy M, Hutton D, Conners EE, Nelson NP, Salomon JA, So S. Gaps in prenatal hepatitis B screening and management of HBsAg positive pregnant persons in the United States, 2015-2020. Am J Prev Med. 2023;S0749-3797(23)00056-9. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2023.01.041

Pham TTH, Toy M, Hutton D, Thompson WW, Conners EE, Nelson NP, Salomon JA, So S. Gaps and disparities in chronic hepatitis B monitoring and treatment in the United States, 2016-2019. Med Care. 2023;61(4):247-253. doi:10.1097/MLR.0000000000001825

So S, Terrault N, Conners EE. Universal Adult Hepatitis B Screening and Vaccination as the Path to Elimination. JAMA. 2023;10.1001/jama.2023.2806. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.2806

Toy M, Hutton D, Harris AM, Nelson N, Salomon JA, So S. Cost-Effectiveness of 1-Time Universal Screening for Chronic Hepatitis B Infection in Adults in the United States.Clin Infect Dis. 2022;74(2):210-217. doi:10.1093/cid/ciab405

Hutton DW, Toy M, Salomon JA, et al. Cost-Effectiveness of Hepatitis B Testing and Vaccination of Adults Seeking Care for Sexually Transmitted Infections.Sex Transm Dis. 2022;49(7):517-525. doi:10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001632

Dankwa, E. A., Donnelly, C. A., Brouwer, A. F., Zhao, R., Montgomery, M. P., Weng, M. K., & Martin, N. K. (2021). Estimating vaccination threshold and impact in the 2017-2019 hepatitis A virus outbreak among persons experiencing homelessness or who use drugs in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. Vaccine, 39(49), 7182–7190.

Eric W Hall, Mark K Weng, Aaron M Harris, Sarah Schillie, Noele P Nelson, Ismael R Ortega-Sanchez, Elizabeth Rosenthal, Patrick S Sullivan, Ben Lopman, Jeb Jones, Heather Bradley, Eli S Rosenberg, Assessing the cost-utility of universal hepatitis B vaccination among adults, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2022;, jiac088,

Hall, E. W., Gounder, P., Angles, J., Nelson, N. P., Rosenberg, E. S., & Weng, M. K. (2022). Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Hepatitis B Vaccination Strategies in High-impact Settings for Adults. Journal of viral hepatitis, 10.1111/jvh.13759. Advance online publication.

Heather Bradley, Eric Hall, Alice Asher, Nathan Furukawa, Christopher M Jones, Jalissa Shealey, Kate Buchacz, Senad Handanagic, Nicole Crepaz, Eli S Rosenberg, Estimated number of people who inject drugs in the United States, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2022; ciac543,

Bradley, H., et al., A stakeholder-driven framework for measuring potential change in the health risks of people who inject drugs (PWID) during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Drug Policy, 2022. 110: p. 103889.

Bradley H, Hall E, Asher A, Furukawa N, Jones CM, Shealey J, Buchacz K, Handanagic S, Crepaz N, Rosenberg ES. Estimated number of people who inject drugs in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Jul 6:ciac543.

Eric W. Hall, Eli S. Rosenberg, Christopher M. Jones, Alice Asher, Eduardo Valverde, Heather Bradley, Estimated number of injection-involved drug overdose deaths, United States, 2000 – 2018 , Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Volume 234,2022, ISSN 0376-8716.

Eric W Hall, Mark K Weng, Aaron M Harris, Sarah Schillie, Noele P Nelson, Ismael R Ortega-Sanchez, Elizabeth Rosenthal, Patrick S Sullivan, Ben Lopman, Jeb Jones, Heather Bradley, Eli S Rosenberg, Assessing the cost-utility of universal hepatitis B vaccination among adults , The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2022;, jiac088

Hutton DW, Toy M, Salomon JA, Conners EE, Nelson NP, Harris AM, So S. Cost-Effectiveness of Hepatitis B Testing and Vaccination of Adults Seeking Care for Sexually Transmitted Infections. Sex Transm Dis. 2022 Jul 1;49(7):517-525.

Dankwa, E. A., Donnelly, C. A., Brouwer, A. F., Zhao, R., Montgomery, M. P., Weng, M. K., & Martin, N. K. (2021). Estimating vaccination threshold and impact in the 2017-2019 hepatitis A virus outbreak among persons experiencing homelessness or who use drugs in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. Vaccine, 39(49), 7182–7190.

Toy M, Hutton D, Harris AM, Nelson N, Salomon JA, So S. Cost-Effectiveness of One-Time Universal Screening for Chronic Hepatitis B Infection in Adults in the United States. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2021 May 6:ciab405.

Assoumou SA, Nolen S, Hagan L, Wang J, Eftekhari Yazdi G, Thompson WW, Mayer KH, Puro J, Zhu L, Salomon JA, Linas BP. Hepatitis C Management at Federally Qualified Health Centers during the Opioid Epidemic: A Cost-Effectiveness Study. American Journal of Medicine. 2020 Nov;133(11):e641-e658.

Zhu L, Menzies NA, Wang J, Linas BP, Goodreau SM, Salomon JA. Estimation and correction of bias in network simulations based on respondent-driven sampling data. Scientific Reports. 2020 Apr 14;10(1):6348. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-63269-0. PMID: 32286412; PMCID: PMC7156755.

Assoumou SA, Wang J, Nolen S, Eftekhari Yazdi G, Mayer KH, Puro J, Salomon JA, Linas BP. HCV Testing and Treatment in a National Sample of US Federally Qualified Health Centers during the Opioid Epidemic. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 May;35(5):1477-1483.

Marseille E, Harris AM, Horvath H, Parriott A, Malekinejad M, Nelson NP, Van Handel M, Kahn JG. Hepatitis B prevalence association with sexually transmitted infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sex Health. 2021 Jun 29.

Epstein RL, Wang J, Hagan L, Mayer KH, Puro J, Linas BP, Assoumou SA. Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Testing Among 13-to 21-Year-Olds in a Large Sample of US Federally Qualified Health Centers. Jama. 2019 Dec 10;322(22):2245-8.

Bellerose M, Zhu L, Hagan LM, Thompson WW, Randall LM, Malyuta Y, Salomon JA, Linas BP. A review of network simulation models of hepatitis C virus and HIV among people who inject drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2021 Feb: 88:102580.

Assoumou SA, Tasillo A, Vellozzi C, Eftekhari Yazdi G, Wang J, Nolen S, Hagan L, Thompson W, Randall LM, Strick L, Salomon JA, Linas, BP. Cost-effectiveness and Budgetary Impact of Hepatitis C Virus Testing, Treatment, and Linkage to Care in U.S. Prisons. Clinical InfectiousDiseases. 2020 May 17;70(7):1388-1396.

Tasillo A, Eftekhari GY, Nolen S, Schillie S, Vellozzi C, Epstein R, Randall L, Salomon JA, Linas BP. Short-Term Effects and Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness of Universal Hepatitis C Virus Testing in Prenatal Care. Obstetrics and gynecology. 2019 Feb 1;133(2):289-300.

Assoumou SA, Wang J, Tasillo A, Yazdi GE, Tsui JI, Strick L, Linas BP. Hepatitis C Testing and Patient Characteristics in Washington State's Prisons Between 2012 and 2016. American journal of preventive medicine. 2019 Jan 1;56(1):8-16.

Chahal HS, Peters MG, Harris AM, McCabe D, Volberding P, Kahn JG. Cost-effectiveness of Hepatitis B Virus Infection Screening and Treatment or Vaccination in 6 High-risk Populations in the United States. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2018 Dec 26;6(1):ofy353. Accessed 1/21/2019.

Epstein RL, Sabharwal V, Wachman EM, Saia KA, Vellozzi C, Hariri S, Linas BP. Perinatal transmission of hepatitis C virus: defining the cascade of care The Journal of pediatrics. 2018 Dec 1;203:34-40.

Rosenberg E.S., Rosenthal E.M., Hall E., Barker, L., Hofmeister, M.G., Sullivan, P.S., Dietz. P., Mermin, J., Ryerson, B. Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in US States and the District of Columbia, 2013 to 2016. JAMA Network Open. 2018;1(8):e186371. Accessed 12/21/2018.

Hall EW, Rosenberg ES, Trigg M, Nelson N, Schillie S. Cost Analysis of Single-Dose Hepatitis B Revaccination Among Infants Born to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen-Positive Mothers and Not Responding to the Initial Vaccine Series. Public Health Reports. 2018 April 17. Accessed 4/18/2018.

Barocas JA, Tasillo A, Eftekhari G, Wang J, Vellozzi C, Hariri S, Isenhour C, Randall L, Ward JW, Mermin J, Salomon JA, Linas BP. Population Level Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Expanding the Recommendation for Age-Based Hepatitis C Testing in the United States, Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2018 Feb. 6. Accessed 2/9/2018.

Barocas JA, Wang J, White LF, Tasillo A, Salomon JA, Freedberg KA, Linas BP. Hepatitis C Testing Increased Among Baby Boomers Following The 2012 Change To CDC Testing Recommendations. Health Affairs 2017 36(12), 2142-2150. Accessed 2/9/2018.

Rosenberg ES, Hall EW, Sullivan PS, Sanchez TH, Workowski KA, Ward WW, Holtzman D. Estimation of State-level Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection, US States and District of Columbia, 2010. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2017 Jun 1;64(11):1573-81. Accessed 4/26/2017.

Hankin-Wei A, Rein DB, Hernandez-Romieu A, Kennedy MJ, Bulkow L, Rosenberg E, Trigg M, Nelson NP. Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Catch-up Hepatitis A Vaccination Among Unvaccinated/Partially-Vaccinated Children. Vaccine. 2016;34(35):4243-4249. Accessed 9/6/2016.

CDC led/CAMP supported publication

Hofmeister, M. G., Rosenthal, E. M., Barker, L. K., Rosenberg, E. S., Barranco, M. A., Hall, E. W., Edlin, B. R., Mermin, J. , Ward, J. W. and Blythe Ryerson, A., "Estimating Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in the United States, 2013-2016". Hepatology. (2018). Accessed 11/7/2018.