HIV NEEMA Publications

At a glance

HIV-supported projects contributed to multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals that cover costs of diseases, morbidity and mortality projections, cost-effective interventions, population program impact, and optimized resource allocation.

Published papers

Goodreau, S.M., Barry, M.P., Hamilton, D.T. et al. (2024). "Behavior Change Among HIV-Negative Men Who Have Sex with Men Not Using PrEP in the United States." AIDS and Behavior 28(5): 1766-1780. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-024-04281-7.

Hamilton DT, Wang LY, Hoover KW, Smith DK, Delaney KP, Li J, et al. (2023) Potential contribution of PrEP uptake by adolescents 15–17 years old to achieving the “Ending the HIV Epidemic” incidence reduction goals in the US South. PLoS ONE 18(11): e0288588.

Jones J, Jenness SM, Le Guillou A, Sullivan PS, Gift, TL, Delaney KP, Chesson H. Estimated number of incident HIV infections in men who have sex with men attributable to gonorrhea and chlamydia, per gonococcal or chlamydial infection, in the United States. Sexually Transmitted Diseases , October 31, 2022 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001724

Goodreau SM, Delaney KP, Zhu W, Smith DK, Mann LM, et al. (2023) Impacts of COVID-19 on sexual behaviors, HIV prevention and care among men who have sex with men: A comparison of New York City and Metropolitan Atlanta. PLOS ONE 18(3): e0282503.

Hamilton, D.T., Hoover, K.W., Smith, D.K. et al. Achieving the "Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S." incidence reduction goals among at-risk populations in the South. BMC Public Health 23, 716 (2023).

Martin EG, Ansari B, Hart-Malloy R, Smith DK, Delaney KP, Gift TL, et al. (2021) Racial and ethnic disparities in HIV diagnoses among heterosexually active persons in the United States nationally and by state, 2018. PLoS ONE 16(9): e0257583.

Jenness, Samuel M.; Le Guillou, Adrien; Lyles, Cynthia; Bernstein, Kyle T.; Krupinsky, Kathryn; Enns, Eva A.; Sullivan, Patrick S.; Delaney, Kevin P.. The Role of HIV Partner Services in the Modern Biomedical HIV Prevention Era: A Network Modeling Study. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: September 26, 2022 – Volume – Issue doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001711.

Bradley H, Hall E, Asher A, Furukawa N, Jones CM, Shealey J, Buchacz K, Handanagic S, Crepaz N, Rosenberg ES. Estimated number of people who inject drugs in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Jul 6:ciac543. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac543.

Eric W. Hall, Eli S. Rosenberg, Christopher M. Jones, Alice Asher, Eduardo Valverde, Heather Bradley, Estimated number of injection-involved drug overdose deaths, United States, 2000 – 2018, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Volume 234,2022, ISSN 0376-8716.

Martin EG, Ansari B, Hart-Malloy R, Smith DK, Delaney KP, Gift TL, et al. (2021) Racial and ethnic disparities in HIV diagnoses among heterosexually active persons in the United States nationally and by state, 2018. PLoS ONE 16(9): e0257583.

Jenness SM, Knowlton G, Smith DK, Marcus JL, Anderson EJ, Siegler AJ, Jones J, Sullivan PS, Enns E. A decision analytics model to optimize investment in interventions targeting the HIV PrEP cascade of care. AIDS. 2021 Apr 6.

Jenness SM, Johnson JA, Hoover KW, Smith DK, Delaney KP. Modeling an integrated HIV prevention and care continuum to achieve the Ending the HIV Epidemic goals. AIDS. 2020 Nov 15;34(14):2103-2113.

Hamilton DT, Rosenberg ES, Jenness SM, Sullivan PS, Wang LY, Dunville RL, Barrios LC, Aslam M, Goodreau SM. Modeling the Joint Effects of Adolescent and Adult PrEP for Sexual Minority Males in the United States. PloS one. 2019 May 22;14(5):e0217315.

Jenness SM, Maloney KM, Smith DK, Hoover KW, Goodreau SM, Rosenberg ES, Weiss KM, Liu AY, Rao DW, Sullivan PS. Addressing gaps in HIV preexposure prophylaxis care to reduce racial disparities in HIV incidence in the United States. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2019 Apr 1;188(4):743-52.

Kasaie P, Schumacher CM, Jennings JM, Berry SA, Tuddenham SA, Shah MS, Rosenberg ES, Hoover KW, Gift TL, Chesson H, German D. Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia Diagnosis as an Entry Point for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: A Modelling Study. BMJ open. 2019 Mar 1;9(3):e023453. Accessed 3/4/2019.

Bradley, H., Althoff, K. N., Buchacz, K., Brooks, J.T., Gill, M. J., Horberg, M.A., Kitahata, M. M., Marconi, V., Mayer, Angel Mayor, K. H., Moore, R., Mugavero, M., Napravnik, S., Paz-Bailey, G., Prejean, J., Rebeiro, P. F., Rentsch, C. T., Shouse, R. L., Silverberg, M., Sullivan, P. S., Thorne, J. E., Yehia, B., Rosenberg, E. S. "Viral suppression among persons in HIV care in the United States during 2009–2013: Sampling bias in Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) surveillance estimates." Annals of Epidemiology. 2019 Mar 1;31:3-7.

Jones, J; Weiss, K; Mermin, J; Dietz, P; Rosenberg, E.S.; Gift, T.L.; Chesson, H; Sullivan, P.S.; Lyles, C; Bernstein, K.T.; Jenness, S.M. Proportion of Incident HIV Cases Among Men Who Have Sex with Men: A Modeling Analysis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2019 January 19. Accessed 1/19/2019.

Hamilton, D. T., Goodreau, S. M., Jenness, S. M., Sullivan, P. S., Wang, L. I., Dunville, R. L., Barrios, L. C., Rosenberg, E. S. Potential Impact of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Black and White Adolescent Sexual Minority Males, American Journal of Public Health. 2018 Nov;108(S4):S284-91.

Sullivan, P. S., Purcell, D. W., Grey, J. A., Bernstein, K. T., Gift, T. L., Wimbly, T. A., Hall, E., Rosenberg, E. S. Patterns of Racial/Ethnic Disparities and Prevalence in HIV and Syphilis Diagnoses Among Men Who Have Sex With Men, 2016: A Novel Data Visualization, American Journal of Public Health 2018 Nov;108(S4):S266-73. Accessed 11/7/2018.

Rosenberg ES, Bradley H, Buchacz K, McKenney J, Paz-Bailey G, Prejean J, Brooks J, Shouse L, Sullivan PS. Improving Estimation of HIV Viral Suppression in the United States: A Method to Adjust HIV Surveillance. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2018 Sep 1;187(9):1962-1969. Accessed 4/30/2018.

Kasaie P, Berry SA, Shah MS, Rosenberg ES, Hoover KW, Gift TL, Chesson H, Pennington J, German D, Flynn CP, Beyrer C, Dowdy DW. Impact of Providing Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV at Clinics for Sexually Transmitted Infections in Baltimore City: an Agent-Based Model. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2018 June 25. Accessed 6/28/2018.

Jones J, Grey J, Purcell D, Bernstein K, Rosenberg E. Estimating Prevalent Diagnoses and Rates of New Diagnoses of HIV at the State Level by Age Group Among Men who Have Sex With Men in the United States. Open Forum of Infectious Diseases. 2018 June 1. Accessed 6/20/2018.

Mirzazadeh A, Biggs A, Viitanen A, Horvath H, Wang L, Dunville R, Barrios LC, Kahn JG, Marseille E. Do School-Based Programs Prevent HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Prevention Science. 2018 May 1;19(4):490-506.

Rosenberg ES, Purcell D, Grey JA, Hankin-Wei A, Hall, E, Sullivan PS. Rates of Prevalent and New HIV Diagnoses by Race and Ethnicity Among Men Who Have Sex with Men, US States, 2013-2014. Annals of Epidemiology. 2018 April 30. Accessed 5/1/2018.

Goodreau SM, Hamilton DT, Jenness SM, Sullivan PS, Kearns RA, Wang LY, Dunville RL, Barrios LC, Rosenberg, ES. Targeting Human Immunodeficiency Virus Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to Adolescent Sexual Minority Males in Higher Prevalence Areas of the United States: A Modeling Study. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2017 December 13. Accessed 1/24/2018.

Malekinejad M, Parriott A, Blodgett JC, Horvath H, Shrestha RK, Hutchinson AB, Volberding P, Kahn JG. Effectiveness of Community-Based Condom Distribution Interventions to Prevent HIV in the United States: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2017 Aug 3;12(8):e0180718.

Risher K, Kapoor S, Daramola A, Paz-Bailey G, Skarbinkski J, Doyle K, Shearer K, Dowdy D, Rosenberg ES, Sullivan P, Shah M. Challenges in the Evaluation of Interventions to Improve Engagement Along the HIV Care Continuum in the United States: A Systematic Review. AIDS and Behavior. 2017 Jul 1;21(7):2101-23. Accessed 4/7/2017.

McKenney J, Chen A, Hoover KW, Kelly J, Dowdy D, Kasaie P, Sullivan PS, Rosenberg ES. Optimal Costs of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for Men Who Have Sex With Men. PLoS One. 2017; 12(6): e0178170. Accessed 6/1/2017.

Sharma A, Wang LY, Dunville R, Valencia RK, Rosenberg ES, Sullivan PS. HIV and Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing Behavior Among Adolescent Sexual Minority Males: Analysis of Pooled Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data, 2005–2013. LGBT Health. 2017 Feb 1. Accessed 3/3/2017.

Jenness SM, Sharma A, Goodreau S, Rosenberg ES, Weiss K, Hoover K, Smith D, Sullivan P. Individual HIV Risk versus Population Impact of Risk Compensation after HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Initiation. PLoS One. 2017; 12(1): e0169484. Accessed 4/7/2017.

Jenness SM, Goodreau SM, Rosenberg ES, Beylerian EN, Hoover KW, Smith DK, Sullivan PS. Impact of the Centers for Disease Control's HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Guidelines for Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2016; 214(12): 1800-1807. Accessed 9/6/2016.

Shah M, Perry A, Risher K, Kapoor S, Grey J, Sharma A, Rosenberg ES, Del Rio C, Sullivan P, Dowdy DW. Effect of the US National HIV/AIDS Strategy targets for improved HIV care engagement: a modelling study. The Lancet HIV. 2016;3(3):e140-146. Accessed 9/06/2016.

Sharma A, Wang LY, Dunville R, Kearns R, Rosenberg E, Sullivan P. HIV and STD Testing Behavior among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men: Analysis of Pooled Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data, 2005-2013. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2016;58(2):S80. Accessed 9/08/2016.

Grey JA, Bernstein KT, Sullivan PS, Purcell DW, Chesson HW, Gift TL, Rosenberg ES. Estimating the Population Sizes of Men Who Have Sex With Men in US States and Counties Using Data From the American Community Survey. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2016;2(1):e14. Accessed 8/31/2016.

Rosenberg ES, Grey JA, Sanchez TH, Sullivan PS. Rates of Prevalent HIV Infection, Prevalent Diagnoses, and New Diagnoses Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in US States, Metropolitan Statistical Areas, and Counties, 2012-2013. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. 2016;2(1):e22. Accessed 9/06/2016.