Cross-Cutting NEEMA Abstracts

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Findings from cross-cutting related projects were presented at a variety of scientific conferences. These activities inform and improve the effectiveness of public health programs and activities through the NCHHSTP Epidemiologic and Economic Modeling Agreements (NEEMA).

Cross-cutting abstracts

Swartwood, NA., Li, Y., Reagan, M., Marks, SM., Barham, T., Beeler-Asay, GR., Cohen, T., Hill, AN., Horsburgh, CR., Khan, AD., McCree, DH., Myles, R., Salomon, JA., Self, JL., Menzies, NA. Investigating the impact of closing disparities in TB incidence and case fatality rates across U.S.-born racial/ethnic populations in the United States. Presented at the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Annual TB Conference: The Union – NAR, February 23-25, 2023.