Washington Group on Disability Statistics

Washington Group on Disability Statistics

Second Meeting

January 9-10, 2003: Ottawa, Canada

Introduction and Review of Objectives and Agenda

Gary Catlin (Statistics Canada) provided a welcome, a review of the objectives and agenda for the second meeting, and a review of the developments since the first meeting.

Disability Measurement Matrices: Relationships Between Purposes of Measurement and Characteristics of Measures of Disability

This session focused on describing disability measurement matrices, conceptual and empirical, and identifying gaps that exist in disability measurement relative to data needs identified by the Washington Group (WG). Description of experiences using general disability and health measures ended the session.

Testing and Evaluation of General Disability Measures Currently in Use

This session included presentations of results, analyses, and recommendations from countries using general disability measures in recent censuses or sample-based surveys. Presentations were also made by countries with plans to test such measures. Comparability of measures and methodological issues were also discussed.

Executive Summary