National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

Health Exam Tests

Health Measurements by Participant Age and Gender

  • Physician’s exam – all ages
  • Blood pressure – ages 8 years and older
  • Bone density – ages 8 years and older
  • Liver Ultrasound – ages 12 years and older
  • Condition of teeth and gums – ages 1 year and older
  • Hearing test – ages 6-19 years and 70 years and older
  • Height, weight, and other body measures – all ages

Lab Tests on Urine: (3 years and older)

  • Kidney function tests – ages 6 years and older
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
    • Chlamydia and gonorrhea – ages 14-39
    • Trichomonas – ages 14-59
  • Exposure to environmental chemicals such as Arsenic and Nickel – selected persons ages 6 and older
  • Pregnancy test – females 12 years and older

Lab Tests on Blood: (1 year and older)

  • Anemia – all ages
  • Total Cholesterol and HDL – ages 6 years and older
  • Triglycerides and LDL – selected participants, ages 12 and older
  • Glucose measures – ages 12 years and older
  • Infectious diseases – ages 2 years and older
  • Kidney function tests – ages 12 years and older
  • Lead – 1 year and older
  • Cadmium – 1 year and older
  • Mercury – ages 1 and older
  • Liver function tests – ages 12 years and older
  • Nutrition status – 1 year and older
  • Infectious Diseases
    • Hepatitis B virus (ages 2 and up)
    • Hepatitis C viruses (ages 6 and up)
    • Cytomegalovirus – ages 1-5 years
    • Genital Herpes – ages 14-49 years
    • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) – ages 18-49 years
  • Exposure to environmental chemicals – selected persons ages 6 and older

Other Lab Tests

  • Vaginal swabs (self-administered), females ages 14-59 years
  • Penile swabs (self-administered), males ages 14-59 years

Private Health Interviews

  • Health status – ages 12 and older
  • Questions about drug and alcohol use – ages 12 years and older (No drug testing will be done)
  • Nutrition – all ages
  • Reproductive health – females ages 12 years and older
  • Questions about sexual experience – ages 14-69 years
  • Tobacco use – ages 12 years and older

After the Visit to the NHANES Examination Center

  • Persons asked about the foods they eat will receive a phone call 3-10 days after their exam for a similar interview, all ages.
  • Then participants, or an adult for participants 1-15 years old, will be asked about food shopping habits.