Connections Newsletters

At a glance

Connections is a bi-monthly newsletter from CDC's National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. The newsletter includes statements from the director on recent guidance documents, publications highlights, new products, news media updates, and upcoming events and observances.

Connections Newsletter from the Director of CDC's National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention

Get connected with Connections

Dr. Jonathan Mermin, Director of NCHHSTP, shares some of the latest updates in science, research, policy, and communications, and links for more information, in his bi-monthly Connections newsletter.

Subscribe to Connections to Get:

• Insight into our work at NCHHSTP, including more personalized stories

• Recent publications from peer-reviewed journals and CDC's MMWR

• Real-time X (formerly Twitter) posts from Dr. Mermin

• News media updates via our NCHHSTP Communication Center