Tuberculosis News Media Resources

At a glance

Access the most recent tuberculosis (TB) visuals for use by your news media organization. This page includes public domain videos, graphics, and illustrations. It will be updated as new media resources become available.

Symbols of a newspaper, mobile device, laptop, and broadcast antenna surrounding a microphone


Illustration of cut-away image showing the inside of the tuberculosis bacteria cell.
Tuberculosis bacterial cell

"Close up of tuberculosis bacteriaClose

TB is still here - Data show U.S. cases increased again in 2022

Bar chart showing that cases of TB increased in 2022, but did not return to pre-pandemic levels.
Cases of TB increased in 2022, but did not return to pre-pandemic levels.
Los casos de tuberculosis aumentaron en el 2022, pero no volvieron a los niveles prepandémicos.
Los casos de tuberculosis aumentaron en el 2022, pero no volvieron a los niveles prepandémicos.

NCHHSTP press releases‎

Access a collection of recent press releases covering tuberculosis.