2019 Summary of Diagnostics Among Infants Not Passing Hearing Screening

2019 Summary of Diagnostics Among Infants Not Passing Hearing Screening
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May 2021

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Data Source: 2019 CDC EHDI Hearing Screening & Follow-up Survey (HSFS)

2019 Summary of Diagnostics Among Infants Not Passing Hearing Screening
State / Territory
(n = 55)
Total Screened Total Not Pass Percent Not Pass No Hearing Loss Percent w.  No Hearing Loss Hearing Loss Percent w. Hearing Loss§ Prevalence per 1,000 screened No Documented Diagnosis: LFU/LTD
Parents/ Family Contacted but Unresponsive Unable to Contact  Unknown Overall Number  LFU/LTD:
Due to
Contacted but Unresponsive
+ Unable to Contact
+ Unknown
Overall Percent LFU/LTD:
Due to
+ Contacted but Unresponsive
+ Unable to Contact
+ Unknown
Percent LFU/LTD††:
Due to
+ Unable to Contact
+ Unknown
Percent Unresponsive§§:
Due to
Parents/ Family Contacted but Unresponsive
Alaska^ 9,352 140 1.5 71 50.7 16 11.4 1.7 30 1 0 31 22.1 0.7 21.4
American Samoa^ 831 14 1.7 3 21.4 1 7.1 1.2 0 0 5 5 35.7 35.7 0.0
Arizona^ 79,554 857 1.1 296 34.5 186 21.7 2.3 146 118 0 264 30.8 13.8 17.0
Arkansas^ 34,517 740 2.1 84 11.4 62 8.4 1.8 43 323 104 470 63.5 57.7 5.8
California^ 438,353 2,699 0.6 1,051 38.9 915 33.9 2.1 147 163 0 310 11.5 6.0 5.4
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands^ 903 34 3.8 3 8.8 10 29.4 11.1 0 2 0 2 5.9 5.9 0.0
Connecticut 35,338 461 1.3 302 65.5 93 20.2 2.6 31 0 0 31 6.7 0.0 6.7
Delaware^ 10,769 104 1.0 6 5.8 16 15.4 1.5 0 29 46 75 72.1 72.1 0.0
District of Columbia^ 13,136 362 2.8 18 5.0 8 2.2 0.6 0 1 330 331 91.4 91.4 0.0
Florida^ 209,204 9,453 4.5 7,768 82.2 257 2.7 1.2 298 672 1 971 10.3 7.1 3.2
Georgia^ 123,725 2,522 2.0 531 21.1 164 6.5 1.3 204 174 915 1,293 51.3 43.2 8.1
Guam^ 2,791 110 3.9 5 4.5 3 2.7 1.1 11 4 0 15 13.6 3.6 10.0
Hawaii^ 16,579 250 1.5 119 47.6 64 25.6 3.9 6 12 33 51 20.4 18.0 2.4
Idaho^ 21,017 771 3.7 524 68.0 49 6.4 2.3 119 32 11 162 21.0 5.6 15.4
Illinois^ 135,666 2,027 1.5 1,109 54.7 311 15.3 2.3 76 30 386 492 24.3 20.5 3.7
Indiana^ 77,218 3,589 4.6 2,600 72.4 169 4.7 2.2 330 55 22 407 11.3 2.1 9.2
Iowa^ 37,010 601 1.6 300 49.9 57 9.5 1.5 53 94 1 148 24.6 15.8 8.8
Kansas^ 36,615 629 1.7 464 73.8 66 10.5 1.8 3 1 35 39 6.2 5.7 0.5
Kentucky^ 49,745 1,042 2.1 662 63.5 59 5.7 1.2 71 45 36 152 14.6 7.8 6.8
Louisiana^ 58,251 560 1.0 90 16.1 104 18.6 1.8 40 104 2 146 26.1 18.9 7.1
Maine^ 11,243 228 2.0 157 68.9 16 7.0 1.4 39 0 5 44 19.3 2.2 17.1
Marshall Islands^ 918 27 2.9 5 18.5 7 25.9 7.6 8 0 0 8 29.6 0.0 29.6
Maryland^ 66,185 1,084 1.6 623 57.5 88 8.1 1.3 197 92 5 294 27.1 8.9 18.2
Massachusetts^ 69,354 1,481 2.1 1,142 77.1 139 9.4 2.0 4 18 30 52 3.5 3.2 0.3
Michigan^ 105,079 1,150 1.1 340 29.6 173 15.0 1.6 240 262 30 532 46.3 25.4 20.9
Micronesia 1,584 61 3.9 3 4.9 0 0.0 0.0 2 0 20 22 36.1 32.8 3.3
Minnesota 64,424 956 1.5 415 43.4 182 19.0 2.8 210 28 6 244 25.5 3.6 22.0
Missouri 71,440 1,183 1.7 731 61.8 91 7.7 1.3 307 0 0 307 26.0 0.0 26.0
Montana^ 10,803 194 1.8 29 14.9 12 6.2 1.1 128 0 21 149 76.8 10.8 66.0
Nebraska^ 25,030 184 0.7 66 35.9 51 27.7 2.0 17 3 3 23 12.5 3.3 9.2
Nevada^ 33,770 530 1.6 185 34.9 54 10.2 1.6 32 140 90 262 49.4 43.4 6.0
New Hampshire^ 11,481 370 3.2 192 51.9 21 5.7 1.8 127 0 0 127 34.3 0.0 34.3
New Jersey^ 95,480 807 0.8 277 34.3 90 11.2 0.9 0 0 392 392 48.6 48.6 0.0
New Mexico^ 20,750 533 2.6 287 53.8 31 5.8 1.5 100 5 12 117 22.0 3.2 18.8
New York 216,277 2,558 1.2 524 20.5 287 11.2 1.3 0 0 1,663 1,663 65.0 65.0 0.0
North Carolina^ 119,709 1,115 0.9 355 31.8 234 21.0 2.0 57 219 12 288 25.8 20.7 5.1
North Dakota^ 11,861 310 2.6 83 26.8 16 5.2 1.3 90 68 0 158 51.0 21.9 29.0
Ohio 132,162 4,898 3.7 3,284 67.0 257 5.2 1.9 849 160 0 1,009 20.6 3.3 17.3
Oklahoma^ 47,088 689 1.5 0 0.0 78 11.3 1.7 76 263 13 352 51.1 40.1 11.0
Oregon^ 41,669 1,333 3.2 1,072 80.4 94 7.1 2.3 59 13 24 96 7.2 2.8 4.4
Palau 209 2 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Pennsylvania^ 131,440 1,010 0.8 563 55.7 162 16.0 1.2 121 72 0 193 19.1 7.1 12.0
Puerto Rico^ 18,556 769 4.1 351 45.6 22 2.9 1.2 75 85 51 211 27.4 17.7 9.8
Rhode Island^ 10,627 248 2.3 130 52.4 17 6.9 1.6 49 5 0 54 21.8 2.0 19.8
South Carolina 52,207 828 1.6 186 22.5 111 13.4 2.1 196 5 310 511 61.7 38.0 23.7
South Dakota 11,749 242 2.1 39 16.1 28 11.6 2.4 8 4 138 150 62.0 58.7 3.3
Tennessee^ 85,213 2,228 2.6 1,409 63.2 165 7.4 1.9 201 226 0 427 19.2 10.1 9.0
Texas^ 370,561 4,647 1.3 1,318 28.4 387 8.3 1.0 23 23 2,327 2,373 51.1 50.6 0.5
Utah^ 47,682 705 1.5 526 74.6 93 13.2 2.0 22 10 0 32 4.5 1.4 3.1
Vermont^ 5,139 44 0.9 27 61.4 17 38.6 3.3 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Virginia^ 95,424 1,705 1.8 822 48.2 107 6.3 1.1 50 24 613 687 40.3 37.4 2.9
Washington^ 83,511 1,083 1.3 444 41.0 163 15.1 2.0 192 117 0 309 28.5 10.8 17.7
West Virginia^ 18,521 623 3.4 337 54.1 10 1.6 0.5 1 3 251 255 40.9 40.8 0.2
Wisconsin^ 61,833 646 1.0 250 38.7 103 15.9 1.7 130 18 8 156 24.1 4.0 20.1
Wyoming^ 5,835 39 0.7 15 38.5 18 46.2 3.1 1 0 0 1 2.6 0.0 2.6
Totals 3,545,388 61,475 1.7 32,193 52.4 5,934 9.7 1.7 5,219 3,723 7,951 16,893 27.5 19.0 8.5

Data Notes

In many regions the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the delivery of health care services in 2020, including newborn hearing screening and follow-up services. As a result, infants born in late 2019 and needing hearing screening and/or follow-up services in 2020 may have had difficulties obtaining these services.

Data include information about any services that infants born in the calendar year 2019 received through 2020, until time of survey reporting.

LFU / LTD = Loss to Follow-up / Loss to Documentation

Percent Not Pass: (# Total Not Pass / # Total Screened) * 100

Percent with No Hearing Loss: (# No Hearing Loss / # Total Not Pass) * 100

§ Percent with Hearing Loss: (# Hearing Loss / # Total Not Pass) * 100

Prevalence per 1,000 screened: (# Hearing Loss / # Total Screened) * 1,000

Overall Percent LFU / LTD: ((# Contacted but Unresponsive + # Unable to Contact + # Unknown) / # Total Not Pass) * 100

†† Percent LFU / LTD: ((# Unable to Contact + # Unknown) / # Total Not Pass) * 100

§§ Percent Unresponsive: (# Contacted but Unresponsive / # Total Not Pass) * 100

^ Jurisdiction reported using revised “Parents/Family Contacted but Unresponsive” definition. Refer to 2019 Hearing Screening and Follow-up Survey Explanations document pages 6-7 for both “old” and “revised” Unresponsive definitions.

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