User Testimonials

At a glance

NBS integrates data from many sources on multiple public health conditions to help State, Territorial, Local and Tribal public health officials identify and track cases of disease over time. This capability allows public health to provide appropriate interventions to help limit the severity and spread of disease. The following testimonials illustrate how NBS is helping jurisdictions meet their public health surveillance needs.

User Testimonials

Arkansas Department Of Health

NBS offers Arkansas Department of Health a cost-efficient and easily customizable system to meet their surveillance needs.

Louisiana Department of Health

At the Louisiana Department of Health, using NBS has improved workflow, enhanced surveillance efforts, and saved $200,000 per year.

Tennessee Department of Health

One of the original beta testers of the NBS system, the Tennessee Department of Health uses NBS to support surveillance activities for a range of conditions, including general communicable diseases, bioterrorism agents, foodborne diseases, and carbon monoxide poisoning.