Shopping List for Cleaning Mold in Your Home After a Flood

Key points

  • Be safe when cleaning up mold!
  • Use the items on this list to clean mold in your home after a flood.
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Language: English (US)
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Shopping List for Cleaning Mold in Your Home After a Flood

Essential List of Items for Cleaning Mold:

  • Bucket
  • Stiff bristle brush
  • N-95 respirators, or ones that provide more protection (check packaging for "N-95")
  • Goggles
  • Protective rubber gloves
  • Waterproof rubber boots
  • Dish detergent
  • Household bleach

Other Items That Can Be Helpful:

  • Wet/dry vacuum
  • Large plastic trash bags
  • Towels (not fancy)
  • Paper towels (for light cleanup and washing your own hands, etc.)
  • Large plastic resealable bags for precious items
  • First-aid kit
  • Bottled drinking water

Be Safe When Cleaning Up Mold!

  • Designate a safe, mold-free area outside of the mold cleanup area for first aid, personal hygiene, and storing/accessing food and water.
  • When working in areas with mold, wear a N-95 respirator and wear protective gloves, boots, and clothing. Be sure to follow the instructions for wearing the respirator.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after mold cleanup, and change your clothes after working on mold cleanup activities.