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Recommendations and Reports |
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May 20, 1994 / 43(RR-8);1-17 |
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![]() Persons using assistive technology might not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please send e-mail to: mmwrq@cdc.gov. Type 508 Accommodation and the title of the report in the subject line of e-mail. Guidelines for Preventing Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Through Transplantation of Human Tissue and OrgansThe following CDC staff members prepared this report: Martha F. Rogers, M.D. Robert J. Simonds, M.D. Kay E. Lawton, R.N., M.N. Robin R. Moseley, M.A.T. National Center for Infectious Diseases Wanda K. Jones, Dr.P.H. Office of the Associate Director for HIV/AIDS Consultants External Consultants Abbott Diagnostic Division Council of State and Territorial Ping Wu, Ph.D. Epidemiologists Abbott Park, IL Kathleen F. Gensheimer, M.D., M.P.H. Augusta, ME American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Cryolife Theodore I. Malinin, M.D. Gerald H. Schell Miami, FL Marietta, GA American Association of Blood Banks Donor Families and United Network for Organ Margaret Coolican, M.S., R.N. Sharing Hartford, CT E. Shannon Cooper, M.D., J.D. New Orleans, LA Emory University Kenneth W. Sell, M.D., Ph.D. American Association of Tissue Banks Atlanta, GA Charles B. Cuono, M.D., Ph.D. New Haven, CT Eye Bank Association of America R. Doyle Stulting, M.D., Ph.D. American Fertility Society Atlanta, GA Edwin P. Peterson, M.D. Ypsilanti, MI Hogan & Hartson Isabel P. Dunst, J.D. American Hospital Association Washington, DC John E. McGowan, M.D. Atlanta, GA Human Milk Banking Association of North America, Inc. Gina Pugliese, R.N., M.S. Lois D.W. Arnold, M.P.H. Chicago, IL West Hartford, CT American Medical Association LifeNet Transplant Services Norbert P. Rapoza, Ph.D. Scott Bottenfield Chicago, IL Richard L. Hurwitz, M.D. Virginia Beach, VA American Nurses Association Mary Anne House, R.N., M.S.N. Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation Augusta, GA Joel Osborne Little Silver, NJ American Red Cross S. Randolph May, Ph.D. National Marrow Donor Program Washington, DC Herbert A. Perkins, M.D. San Francisco, CA Arell Shapiro, M.D. Los Angeles, CA North American Transplant Coordinators Organization American Society of Hematology Linda L. Jones, R.N. Nancy A. Kernan, M.D. Columbus, OH New York, NY Osteotech, Inc. American Society of Transplant Ann Prewett, Ph.D. Physicians Shrewsbury, NJ Ronald H. Kerman, Ph.D. Houston, TX Roche Biomedical Laboratories Tom Calloway, M.D. Association of Organ Procurement Bruce McCreedy, Ph.D. Organizations Research Triangle Park, NC Kenneth E. Richardson Louisville, KY Tissue Technology Association Armand M. Karow, Jr., Ph.D. Association of State and Territorial Augusta, GA Health Officers Jeanne V. Linden, M.D., M.P.H. Transplant Recipients International Albany, NY Organization Rose Kaucic, R.N. Association of State and Territorial Pittsburgh, PA Public Health Laboratory Directors David E Carpenter, Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh School of Springfield, IL Medicine Oscar L. Bronsther, M.D. Battelle Human Affairs Research Pittsburgh, PA Center Roger W. Evans, Ph.D. University of Maryland at College Seattle, WA Park Aaron Spital, M.D. Council of Community Blood Centers College Park, MD James L. MacPherson Washington, DC Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Ronald Turnicky, D.O. Washington, DC Public Health Service Consultants Centers for Disease Control Health Care Financing Administration and Prevention Robert E. Wren C. Robert Horsburgh, Jr., M.D. Wanda K. Jones, Dr.P.H. Health Resources Services Kay E. Lawton, R.N., M.N. Administration Linda S. Martin, Ph.D. Judith B. Braslow Verla J. Neslund, J.D. Gary R. Noble, M.D. National Institutes of Health Lyle R. Petersen, M.D., M.P.H. Paul R. McCurdy, M.D. Martha F. Rogers, M.D. Gerald Schochetman, Ph.D. Office of the Assistant Secretary Robert J. Simonds, M.D. for Health Nancy D. Pearce Food and Drug Administration Jay S. Epstein, M.D. Donald W. Pohl James A. Weixel Randolph E Wykoff, M.D., M.RH. & T.M. Summary Although previous recommendations for preventing transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through transplantation of human tissue and organs have markedly reduced the risk for this type of transmission, a case of HIV transmission from a screened, antibody-negative donor to several recipients raised questions about the need for additional federal oversight of transplantation of organs and tissues. A working group formed by the Public Health Service (PHS) in 1991 to address these issues concluded that further recommendations should be made to reduce the already low risk of HIV transmission by transplantation of organs and tissues. In revising these recommendations, the PHS sought assistance from public and private health professionals and representatives of transplant, public health, and other organizations. The revised guidelines address issues such as donor screening, testing, and exclusionary criteria; quarantine of tissue from living donors; inactivation or elimination of infectious organisms in organs and tissues before transplantation; timely detection, reporting, and tracking of potentially infected tissues, organs, and recipients; and recall of stored tissues from donors found after donation to have been infected. Factors considered in the development of these guidelines include differences between the screening of living and cadaveric donors; time constraints due to organ/tissue viability that may preclude performing certain screening procedures; differences in the risk of HIV transmission from various organs and tissues; differences between systems for procuring and distributing organs and tissues; the effect of screening practices on the limited availability of organs and some tissues; and the benefit of the transplant to the recipient. INTRODUCTION Exclusion of prospective blood donors based on their acknowledged risk behaviors for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection began in 1983 (1). In 1985, when tests for HIV antibody became available, screening prospective donors of blood, organs, and other tissues also began (2,3). Both measures have reduced markedly the transmission of HIV via these routes. A 1991 investigation determined that several recipients had been infected with HIV by an organ/tissue donor who had tested negative for HIV antibody at the time of donation (4). This occurrence raised questions about the need for additional federal oversight of transplantation of organs and tissues. To address these questions, the Public Health Service (PHS) formed a working group comprising representatives from several federal agencies. The working group concluded that, although existing recommendations are largely suffi- cient, revisions should be made to reduce the already low risk of HIV trans- mission via transplantation of organs and tissues. Adequate federal regula- tions, recommendations, and guidelines for blood and plasma are already established and are not addressed in this document. Those developing guidelines for other organs and tissues should consider donor screening and testing; quarantine of tissue from living donors; inacti- vation or elimination of infectious organisms in organs and tissues before transplantation; timely detection, reporting, and tracking of potentially infected organs, tissues, and recipients; and recall of stored tissue from donors found after donation to have been infected. These guidelines apply largely to donation and transplantation of organs and solid tissues. Although they also apply generally to donation of human milk and semen, some modifications may be needed because donors of human milk and semen are living and often donate repeatedly. Additionally, donor milk should be pasteurized (a heating procedure that inactivates HIV) before dispensing. This document can serve as a general guide to facilities that bank breast milk or semen and should be followed where feasible. In revising these recommendations for transplantation of organs and tissues, PHS sought assistance from public and private health professionals and representatives of transplant, public health, and other organizations (see pages iii-v). These guidelines do not supersede existing state laws but are to be implemented in accordance with existing statutes. BACKGROUND Epidemiology of HIV Infection in Recipients of Organs and Tissues Most transmission of HIV to organ/tissue recipients occurred before 1985, before the implementation of donor screening. In addition to HIV transmission through blood and blood products, reports of HIV infection following trans- plantation have implicated the kidney, liver, heart, pancreas, bone, and possibly skin as sources of infection (4). HIV has also been transmitted from infected semen during artificial insemination (5). Several studies and case reports indicate that HIV can be transmitted through breast milk from HIV- infected women to their children (6,7); these investigations include several prospective studies indicating that breast-fed infants are at greater risk of acquiring HIV from their infected mothers than are bottle-fed infants (8,9). Reports of transmission from screened, HIV-antibody-negative donors of organs or tissues have been rare. In one instance, hemodilution from multiple transfusions given to the organ/tissue donor before collection of the blood sample resulted in an HIV-antibody test result that was initially false negative (10). Serum samples taken on admission, before the transfusions, and 2 days after the transfusions later tested positive for antibody to HIV. In another instance, a kidney donor tested HIV-antibody negative 8 months before donation but seroconverted between the time of testing and donation (11). The donor was not retested at the time of donation. In a third instance, an organ from an HIV-infected donor was transplanted under emergency conditions before results of the HIV-antibody test were known (12). A fourth case involved transmission from an organ/tissue donor whose HIV- antibody test was negative at the time of donation (4). Most likely, the donation occurred sometime between infection and antibody seroconversion, which, for most infected persons, ranges from 4 weeks to 6 months (13). Six years after the donor's death and ensuing donation, HIV infection in the stored donor material was confirmed by virus culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of stored donor lymphocytes (4). Among the 41 recipients identified and tested, those who received the solid organs and unprocessed, fresh-frozen bone acquired HIV infection from the allografts (one recipient of a heart, two recipients of kidneys, one recipient of a liver, and three recipients of fresh-frozen bone). The recipients of other processed bone and relatively avascular soft tissue (fascia lata, tendons, ligaments, dura mater, and corneas) did not become HIV infected (4). Current Use of Organ and Tissue Transplants The number of transplants has grown considerably over the last several years, a phenomenon attributable to many factors, including the availability of improved immunosuppressant drugs. Approximately 66 Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs) and 260 organ transplant centers are members of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN). In 1990 these centers recovered approximately 15,000 organs (e.g., kidney, liver, heart, lung, and pancreas) from 4,500 donors. OPOs and tissue banks also recovered tissues (other than the organs listed above) from an estimated 7,500-10,000 donors in 1990. These tissues were used in approximately 250,000-300,000 (mostly bone) allografts. In 1990, member banks of the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) retrieved ocular tissue from more than 40,000 donors. These tissues are used for corneal transplantation and are also processed into epikeratophakia lenticules (EBAA Statistical Report, 1990). More than 400 establishments either bank or commercially process one or more human tissues. Approximately 100 eye banks and 125 bone banks operate in the United States (although the number of hospitals that store bone for future transplantation is difficult to estimate). Also, several hospitals may retrieve and store bone from living donors. Seven human milk banks operating in the United States process donor breast milk. The American Fertility Society is aware of approximately 100 semen banks in the United States. Slightly fewer than half of artificial inseminations performed in the United States involve unrelated-donor semen used to insem- inate approximately 75,000 women per year. In addition to these 100 semen banks, an undetermined number of smaller banks are hospital based or located in the offices of individual physicians. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is aware of 99 bone marrow transplant centers, of which 41 participate in programs involving bone marrow transplants from unrelated donors. Many additional facilities are equipped to obtain marrow from donors. About 2,200 bone marrow transplants involving allogeneic marrow took place in the United States in 1991. Of those, approximately 435 were provided by donors who were not related to the recipients. Peripheral blood stem cells are being used for autologous transplantation and, in the future, may be useful for allogeneic use. Furthermore, cord blood stem cells are being used for both related- and unrelated-donor allogeneic transplantation. Current Guidelines and Recommendations Procedures for procurement and transplantation of organs and tissues are addressed by a) federal laws, regulations, and guidelines; b) state laws and regulations; and c) voluntary industry standards. Several federal agencies either directly or indirectly regulate procurement and transplantation of organs and tissues. These activities range from the publication of guidelines that address the transmission of communicable diseases through transplan- tation to regulatory requirements for registration and premarket product licensure or approval (blood and certain other tissue products). The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), through the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), administers the contract for OPTN as required by Section 372 of the Public Health Service Act and as amended {42 USC 274}. The contract covers specified solid organs (kidney, liver, heart, lung, and pancreas) but does not cover corneas, eyes, or other tissues. Technically, all UNOS policies are voluntary; however, HRSA is currently developing regulations dealing with OPTN membership and operation. Under a separate contract with HRSA, UNOS maintains a Scientific Registry for Transplant Recipients that includes information on all solid-organ transplant recipients (since October 1, 1987) from the date of transplan- tation until failure of the graft or death of the patient. In addition, HRSA informally conveys recommendations to organizations involved in procurement and transplantation of organs. Through OPTN and the Scientific Registry for Transplant Recipients, HRSA has the capacity to link organ donors and their recipients. FDA regulates a limited number of specific tissues as either "biological products" or "medical devices." Examples of tissues include blood, dura mater, corneal lenticules, umbilical veins, nonautologous cultured skin, and heart valves. In addition, FDA has recently published regulations regarding behavioral screening and infectious-disease testing (HIV-1, HIV-2, hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C virus) for donors of human tissue for transplan- tation (14). FDA also regulates certain agents and devices for processing bone marrow, although bone marrow transplants from unrelated donors are under the auspices of NHLBI. NHLBI manages the federal contract for the National Marrow Donor Program. Two bone marrow donor registries currently exist: one independent registry and one registry managed through the NHLBI contractor. Each registry group has voluntary guidelines/standards that resemble blood-banking standards. Although federal regulations have not yet been promulgated, the current practice of bone marrow acquisition and transplantation includes procedures to reduce the risk of HIV transmission. NHLBI is preparing regulations that will set forth criteria, standards, and procedures for entities involved in bone marrow collection, processing, and transplantation. These entities include the National Marrow Donor Registry, individual donor centers, donor registries, marrow-collection centers, and marrow-transplant centers. The regulations will include donor-selection criteria to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases, including HIV infection. Donor Screening PHS has made recommendations for preventing HIV transmission through organ/tissue transplantation and artificial insemination (1-3,15,16). These recommendations include screening for behaviors that are associated with acquisition of HIV infection, a physical examination for signs and symptoms related to HIV infection, and laboratory screening for antibody to HIV. PHS has made no specific recommendations for donation and banking of human milk, although HIV-infected women in the United States are advised to avoid breast feeding their infants because of the risk of HIV transmission through breast milk (17). The Human Milk Banking Association of North America has issued guidelines for the establishment and operation of human milk banks (18). These guidelines state that all human milk donors should be screened according to the American Association of Blood Banks' standards for screening blood donors. All milk accepted for donation should be pasteurized unless the recipient's condition requires fresh-frozen milk, in which case the milk bank director should consult with the medical director and advisory board to approve the dispensing of microbiologically screened, fresh-frozen milk from suitable donors. Since March 1985, the FDA has licensed a number of screening and supple- mental tests for detection and confirmation of HIV antibody. All these tests are intended for use on either fresh or freezer-stored samples of serum or plasma. The FDA has not required manufacturers to submit data showing that HIV-1 antigen and antibody-detection kits produce accurate results when applied to postmortem blood samples. Postmortem blood samples are often hemolyzed, which may affect the specificity of screening assays for HIV antibody (19,20). The screening tests include enzyme immunoassays (EIAs), several of which are also approved for testing blood spots dried onto a specific filter paper, which may provide a method for storing samples. Rapid screening assays for HIV antibody that use a latex-agglutination or EIA (microparticle-based) format have also been approved for screening serum, plasma, or whole blood. A licensed EIA for detecting antibodies to HIV-2 is also commercially available, as are "combination tests" that simultaneously detect antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 (21). FDA has also licensed one manufacturer to make and distribute a test for detection of HIV-1 p24 antigen for patient diagnosis and prognosis of HIV infection but not for screening blood donors. Western blot tests and an immunofluorescence assay for HIV-1 are approved for supplemental, more specific testing of serum, plasma, and whole-blood samples found reactive by HIV-1 antibody screening tests. No additional, more specific test is approved that confirms either antibodies to HIV-2 (21) or eluted, dried blood-spot results. The licensed p24-antigen test includes a neutralization procedure that is to be used for specific testing of samples with repeatedly reactive test results. Federal regulations already require that all donations of blood, blood components, and plasma intended for further processing into injectable products ("source plasma") be screened with a licensed test that detects HIV antibody. Since June 1992, PHS has also required that all blood and plasma donations be screened for HIV-2 antibody. PHS has not recommended the use of the licensed HIV-1 p24-antigen assay for screening donated blood or source plasma, nor has the kit been approved for use in donor screening. This position is based on findings from several studies indicating that a blood donor with a positive test for antigen and a negative test for antibody is rare (22,23). Such rarity is probably attribu- table to the effectiveness of the donor-qualification procedures, including donor education, voluntary exclusion, and antibody testing that together operate to prevent donation by persons at increased risk for HIV infection. Limited studies have been conducted to examine the use of the p24-antigen assay to screen organ/tissue donors (19,20,24). Among approximately 1,000 samples from HIV-1 antibody-negative donors, no donors had detectable HIV-1 p24 antigen. Recipient Screening Until recently, PHS had made no recommendations regarding routine testing of recipients of organs, tissues, semen, or donated human milk. However, in response to the July 18, 1991, report of the PHS Workgroup on Organ and Tissue Transplantation, HRSA asked UNOS to request that transplant centers implement an interim voluntary HIV-testing policy for organ recipients. HRSA has requested that recipients be tested for HIV-1 antibody immediately before transplantation and at 3, 6, and 12 months after transplantation. If HIV infection is diagnosed in an organ recipient, the results of the HIV test are reported by the transplant center to the Scientific Registry for Transplant Recipients and to the procuring OPO, in accordance with existing state laws. No comparable registry exists for recipients of tissues, semen, or donated human milk. However, the National Marrow Donor Program routinely tracks both donors and recipients of bone marrow for unrelated-donor transplants. This program reports no known seroconversions among either donors or recipients, although recipients are not routinely screened for HIV. Routine testing of recipients after transplantation has several potential benefits. First, early identification of HIV infection in a recipient allows for early intervention before signs and symptoms develop. Both antiviral therapy to prevent progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (25) and prophylactic therapy to prevent opportunistic infections (26,27) have been recommended for HIV-infected patients, based on CD4+ T-lymphocyte levels. Second, early identification of HIV infection in a transplant recipient allows for early intervention to prevent further transmission from the recipient to sex or needle-sharing partners and to future offspring (through vertical transmission from mother to infant). Third, early identification of HIV infection in a recipient potentially identifies an infectious donor. Should further investigation indicate that the donor is the source of the HIV infection in the recipient, other recipients of tissue from that same donor can be notified and stored tissue can be retrieved, preventing further transmission through transplantation. Concern has been expressed that linking HIV infection in a transplant recipient to the transplantation may be difficult because many recipients may have also received blood or blood products or have other risk factors. However, identification of multiple HIV-infected recipients of tissue from the same donor strongly implicates the donor as the source of the HIV infection in the recipients. In addition, stored blood or lymphoid samples from the donor (when available) can be tested for the presence of virus to confirm the HIV-infection status of the donor (4). Questions have been raised about whether transplant recipients who may be receiving immunosuppressive therapy to prevent rejection are capable of producing antibody against HIV if transmission occurs. Several reports now indicate that the HIV-antibody response is not delayed in transplant recipients receiving antirejection therapy, which primarily affects cellular immunity (4). The additional costs of routine screening for HIV in recipients must be considered as well. The Institute of Medicine has estimated that laboratory costs are approximately $4 for a patient who tests negative and $35 for a patient who tests positive. (The latter cost includes the added expense of repeat EIAs and Western blot or other supplemental tests.) These costs may be underestimates, however. The time required for pretest and posttest counseling was estimated to be approximately 0.5-1.0 hour for an HIV- seronegative patient and 1.5-2.0 hours for an HIV-seropositive patient (28). Inactivation of HIV in Tissues Thorough donor screening is considered the most effective method for preventing HIV transmission through transplantation; however, the use of chemical or physical inactivating or sterilizing agents to reduce further the already low risk of transmission has been considered. If such agents are to be useful, they must either inactivate or eliminate the virus while maintaining the functional integrity of the tissue or organ. No mechanism for inactivating virus in whole organs currently exists. However, several agents have been suggested as possible disinfectants for tissues such as bone fragments (4). Pasteurization has been shown to inacti- vate HIV in human milk without substantially compromising nutritional and immunologic characteristics (29). Although some physical and chemical agents have been shown to reduce the likelihood of isolating virus from treated solid tissues, conclusive evidence that those processes render solid tissue completely safe yet structurally intact is lacking. In the recent case of an HIV-infected donor who was antibody negative (4), tissues that had been processed in a variety of ways did not transmit HIV. These tissues included a) lyophilized fascia lata, tendons, or ligaments; b) dura mater that was lyophilized and irradiated with 3.0-3.4 Mrad of gamma radiation through a cobalt-60 source; c) bone fragments that were treated with ethanol and lyophilized; and d) one sample of fresh- frozen long bone with the marrow elements evacuated (4). However, because most of these tissues were relatively avascular, it is unclear whether the absence of HIV transmission was due to processing, avascularity, or both. General Considerations In developing guidelines for preventing HIV transmission from organ/ tissue donors to recipients, several factors were considered: a) differences between the screening of living, brain-dead, and cadaveric donors; b) time constraints due to organ/tissue viability that may preclude performing certain screening procedures; c) differences in the risk for HIV transmission from various organs and tissues; d) differences between systems in place for procuring and distributing organs and tissues; e) the effect of screening practices on the limited availability of organs and some tissues; and f) the benefit of the transplant to the recipient (i.e., some transplants are lifesaving, whereas others are life enhancing). Living donors can be interviewed about potential high-risk behavior, whereas deceased donors cannot. In the case of brain-dead or cadaveric donors, family members and others may be unable to provide an accurate risk history. Therefore, exclusion of potentially infected brain-dead or cadaveric donors relies even more heavily on laboratory screening and physical examinations than on interviews regarding high-risk behavior. Screening procedures that require more than 24 hours to complete may not be feasible for brain-dead or cadaveric donors of organs and certain tissues. Most tissues must be recovered and most organs must be recovered and trans- planted shortly after cessation of circulatory function of the donor. Whereas some tissues can be stored for months, others must be transplanted within a few days after procurement. These time constraints may limit the ability to interview certain family members or significant life partners who are not nearby and may preclude the use of certain laboratory screening tests that cannot be performed within these time constraints. The precise risk of HIV transmission from various tissues is not known, yet some organs and tissues clearly present a higher risk for HIV trans- mission than others (4). For example, studies indicate that the risk for transmission from an organ of an HIV-infected donor is nearly 100%. Fresh- frozen, unprocessed bone also appears to carry a high risk for transmission, particularly if marrow elements and adherent tissue are not removed. Rela- tively avascular solid tissue, some of which is also processed by using techniques that might inactivate HIV, appears to carry a lower risk for HIV transmission. As noted earlier in these guidelines, there is considerable variability in the role of federal agencies regarding transplantation of organs and tissues and the procurement and distribution systems. Oversight for, existence of, and compliance with recommendations also vary between these systems. When organs and tissues are procured from a single donor, tracking systems must involve multiple distribution systems that may be difficult to link. Donor-screening practices must also consider the already inadequate supply of most organs and tissues needed for transplantation. However, even though attempts should be made to ensure the highest level of safety, donor- screening practices should not unnecessarily exclude acceptable potential donors. Those involved in developing guidelines should consider that some trans- plants are lifesaving (e.g., a heart transplant), whereas others are life enhancing. Some physicians may be willing to offer the patient a transplant of a lifesaving organ from a donor whose HIV risk status is questionable but would not use life-enhancing tissue from such a donor. RECOMMENDATIONS Donor Screening
Donor Testing
Donor Exclusion Criteria Regardless of their HIV antibody test results, persons who meet any of the criteria listed below should be excluded from donation of organs or tissues unless the risk to the recipient of not performing the transplant is deemed to be greater than the risk of HIV transmission and disease (e.g., emergent, life-threatening illness requiring transplantation when no other organs/tissues are available and no other lifesaving therapies exist). In such a case, informed consent regarding the possibility of HIV transmission should be obtained from the recipient. Behavior/History Exclusionary Criteria
Specific Exclusionary Criteria for Pediatric Donors
Laboratory and Other Medical Exclusionary Criteria
Inactivation of HIV in Organs/Tissues Definitive recommendations cannot yet be made regarding inactivation of HIV in organs and tissues because of lack of information about potentially effective inactivation measures. Research should continue in this area. Efforts to evaluate the effect of certain processing techniques on tissue sterility and quality should be expanded to include virologic studies for HIV. Thus, until more is known, it is prudent to process bone and bone fragments and carefully evacuate all marrow components from whole bone whenever feasible. Quarantine For semen donations and, when possible, for tissue donations from living donors, the collection should be placed in frozen quarantine and the donor retested for antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 after 6 months (15). The quaran- tined material should be released only if the follow-up test results have been obtained and are negative. Record Keeping for Tracking of Recipients and Tissues
Testing and Reporting of Recipients
Recall of Stored Tissue and Tracking of Recipients of Organs/Tissue from HIV- Infected Donors
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