06/29/2018: Lab Resource: APHL’s Biosafety Practices and Needs in Clinical Laboratories Survey

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CDC's Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS)

Audience: CLIA Laboratory Directors at Sentinel clinical laboratories, Ebola Treatment Center laboratories, Ebola Assessment Hospitals

Subject: APHL’s Biosafety Practices and Needs in Clinical Laboratories Survey

Level: LOCS Update/Resource

Dear LOCS members:

To comprehensively assess the needs and challenges of laboratory biosafety, the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) announces the launch of the Biosafety Practices and Needs in Clinical Laboratories Survey. The survey is intended for sentinel clinical laboratories as well as laboratories in facilities that have been identified as Ebola Treatment Centers (ETCs) and Ebola Assessment Hospitals across the United States. This survey will allow APHL to gather information on institutional biosafety practices, linkages with public health laboratories, and unmet biosafety needs.

The survey can be accessed HERE.

Completed responses are due to APHL by close of business July 31, 2018.

Please contact the APHL staff below if you have questions or concerns:

  • Technical Questions (i.e., survey navigation, passwords, access): Jacob Rosalez, Senior Specialist, Institutional Research, at 240-485-3830 or Jacob.rosalez@aphl.org
  • Subject Matter: Michael Marsico, Specialist, Biosafety & Biosecurity, Public Health Preparedness and Response, at 240-485-2710 or Michael.marsico@aphl.org

Thank you,

The Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS)
