Training: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention

What to know

Learn about the hazards of lead as well as information on lead program implementation. Public health professionals and state and local partners are encouraged to participate.

Diverse group discussing with each other in meeting

Training overview

Earn credit

Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) are available for completion of Modules 1 and 2.

This training consists of two modules to increase knowledge on the hazards of lead. It also provides lead program implementation suggestions for state and local partners, and other public health professionals based on best practices.

The target audiences are:

  • Physicians
  • Registered nurses
  • CEU Other Professionals
  • Public Health Professionals
  • Certified Health Education Specialists

Read the Training Program Description Booklet for a brief description of:

  • The concept of the training
  • Speaker biographies
  • Continuing education information

Module 1

Topic: Foundations of Lead Exposure

This module is suitable for new public health personnel and refreshers for existing staff members.

Four video recorded segments introduce lead as a public health problem and provide an overview of lead prevention program expectations.

Module 1: segment 1

Topic: Lead as a Public Health Concern

This segment conveys the dynamics of lead exposure as a major public health problem. It also talks about its continuing impact on children and adults.

Information shared will assist trainees in:

  • Defining lead poisoning
  • Understanding its causes
  • Identifying the major health outcomes of exposure

Supporting information

Guidelines for the Identification and Management of Lead Exposure in Pregnant and Lactating Women – 2010, CDC

Educational Interventions for Children Affected by Lead – April 2015, CDC

Module 1: segment 2

Topic: History of Lead Poisoning and Contemporary Issues

Trainees will learn:

  • Past and present uses of lead
  • History and timeline of lead policies in the United States
  • Impacts of recent lead exposure incidents within affected communities

Supporting information

Module 1: segment 3

Topic: Introductory Overview of a Lead Prevention and Mitigation Program in Health Departments

This segment will introduce trainees to four strategic priorities for developing a lead prevention program and define basic concepts:

  1. Blood lead testing and reporting
  2. Blood lead surveillance
  3. Linkage to services
  4. Targeted population-based policy interventions

Trainees will learn to identify features of well-run programs and the four major components of state/local/territorial/tribal lead prevention and mitigation programs.

Supporting information

Module 1: segment 4

Topic: Roles and Responsibilities for Jurisdictions and CDC

This segment introduces the roles of personnel and CDC partners. They support the implementation of Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs (CLPPPs).

Trainees will learn how specific public health roles relate to the CLPPP's four key strategies for managing a CDC-funded program.

Module 2

Topic: Strategic Planning and Implementation of the Four Key Strategies of a Lead Prevention Program and Evaluating Its Impact.

Five video segments present the fundamental expectations for CDC's programmatic strategies for jurisdictional lead programs:

  • Testing and reporting
  • Surveillance
  • Linkage to servcies
  • Targeted population-based interventions
  • Segment on program evaluation

Module 2: segment 1

Topic: Key Strategy - Testing and Reporting

This segment is designed to teach trainees how to:

  • Develop and sustain Lead Advisory Committees and screening plans
  • Implement state blood lead testing recommendations
  • Report requirements
  • Enhance blood lead level testing practices

Supporting information

ACLPPP Report – CDC, 2012

Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity (American Academy of Pediatrics)

Module 2: segment 2

Topic: Key Strategy - Surveillance

This segment is designed to assist trainees in developing or improving surveillance procedures. It focuses on the following aspects of childhood lead exposure blood test results and other data:

  • Collection
  • Quality assurance
  • Analysis
  • Dissemination

Module 2: segment 3

Topic: Key Strategy - Linkage to Services

This segment guides trainees in strategies to identify children with blood lead levels requiring follow-up. It also includes how to connect them to medical, social, behavioral, environmental, or other required services.

Details include establishing partnerships with these services. They aid children with blood lead levels above CDC's current reference value: 3.5 micrograms per deciliter of blood (μg/dL).

Supporting information

Module 2: segment 4

Topic: Key Strategy - Targeted and Population-based Intervention

This segment guides trainees in developing strategic partnerships and policies. These aim to implement targeted, population-based interventions with emphasis on community-based approaches for primary prevention of childhood lead exposures.

Module 2: segment 5

Topic: Program Evaluation

This segment provides methods and best practices used to evaluate lead exposure prevention programs.