A picture of a large cooling tower with easily visible water lines.
A picture of a large cooling tower with easily visible water lines.
A picture of a cooling tower with easily visible fan blades.
A picture of a cooling tower with easily visible fan blades.
A picture of older and newer cooling towers installed next to each other.
A picture of older and newer cooling towers installed next to each other.
A cooling tower with side fans (highlighted with arrows), which are difficult to see from aerial photographs.
A cooling tower with side fans (highlighted with arrows), which are difficult to see from aerial photographs.
A round-shaped cooling tower; cooling towers coming in various shapes, sizes, and configurations.
A round-shaped cooling tower; cooling towers coming in various shapes, sizes, and configurations.
An elevated, round-shaped cooling tower.
An elevated, round-shaped cooling tower.
An elevated cooling tower with a side fan that is not visible.
An elevated cooling tower with a side fan that is not visible.