Associate Director for Science, Division of Violence Prevention

Staff Bio

Kathleen C. Basile, PhD

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

Kathleen Basile
Kathleen Basile is the associate director for science in the Division of Violence Prevention.

CDC role

Kathleen C. Basile, PhD, serves as associate director for science in the Division of Violence Prevention (DVP) at the CDC Injury Center. She provides guidance to leadership and staff on scientific policy, training, and research priorities on violence prevention topics. Dr. Basile is a subject matter expert for sexual and intimate partner violence definitions, research, evidence-based prevention strategies, and surveillance.

Previous experience

Dr. Basile began her career at CDC in 2000 in DVP as a behavioral scientist. In 2006, she became the team lead of the Etiology Team and served until 2012, when she became the team lead for the Sexual Violence and Child Maltreatment Team in the Research and Evaluation Branch of DVP. In 2016, she moved to DVP’s Office of the Associate Director for Science, first as senior scientist, then as deputy associate director for Science in 2021. She became associate director for science in 2023. Before coming to CDC, she was a research associate in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University.

Areas of expertise

  • Sexual violence
  • Intimate partner violence


Dr. Basile received her Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from Alfred University in Alfred, NY, and her Master of Arts and doctorate degrees in sociology from Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA. She has authored more than 100 journal articles, chapters, reports, and other publications. She has received several awards and nominations for her work in public health.

Surveillance Branch Chief, Division of Violence Prevention