Kentucky Overdose Prevention Funding

Key points

The CDC Injury Center prioritizes funding for the prevention of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), overdose, and suicide. This page shows how funds were appropriated in the state of Kentucky in FY22.

State of Kentucky

Overdose prevention funding - Kentucky

There were 106,699 drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2021 (32.4 deaths per 100,000 standard population), a 16% increase from 2020.1

Overdose deaths in Kentucky in 20212
  • 2,381
Overdose deaths per 100,000 people (age-adjusted) in Kentucky in 20212
  • 55.6

Total overdose prevention funding in Kentucky‎

CDC appropriated $8,342,432 for overdose prevention activities in the state of Kentucky in FY22.
Overdose Data to Action (OD2A)
  • Kentucky State Award: $7,170,148
Public Health and Public Safety
  • Overdose Response Strategy: $74,500*
  • University of Kentucky: $362,500
  • University of Kentucky: $735,284

*average award amount

Examples of how Kentucky is working to prevent overdose

Real-time treatment facility locator

Kentucky's locator website helps individuals find a near-real-time substance use disorder treatment facility. Kentucky expanded the original website to share the website strategies and resources with neighboring state, Tennessee. Tennessee launched in early 2023.

Mobile harm reduction unit

In Kentucky, naloxone education and kits were successfully distributed to community members at local events via a mobile harm reduction unit. In addition, partnerships with local businesses and outreach to hearing-impaired populations led to distribution of close to 1,000 two-dose units of naloxone statewide.

  1. Spencer MR, Miniño AM, Warner M. Drug overdose deaths in the United States, 2001–2021. NCHS Data Brief, no 457. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2022. DOI:
  2. NVSS – Drug Overdose Deaths