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Medical College of Wisconsin Comprehensive Injury Center

At a glance

View the Medical College of Wisconsin Comprehensive Injury Center ICRC profile and grantee research projects. ICRCs study ways to prevent injuries and violence and work with community partners to put research findings into action. They focus on three core functions: research, training, and outreach.

MCW Aerial Photo

Contact Information

Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD
Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD

Center Name: Medical College of Wisconsin Comprehensive Injury Center
Director: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD
Address: 8701 Watertown Plank Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53226
Phone: (414) 955-7671
X and Facebook: cicatmcw


The Comprehensive Injury Center (CIC) at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) focuses on creating healthier and safer communities for all. We will expand this work throughout the first year of our CDC ICRC funding by enhancing MCW's established injury research infrastructure through research funding, new education and training opportunities, and increased community engagement efforts. Our unique approach focuses on reducing and eliminating disparities in injury and violence.


  • Increase investment, infrastructure, and expertise in injury prevention and control research on the MCW campus to improve injury and violence-related outcomes and reduce disparities in Milwaukee and Wisconsin.
  • Increase accessibility and translation of research focusing on underserved populations who experience or are at risk for injury-related health disparities. Advance the equity of injury and violence prevention efforts, leading to actionable change within communities and across states.
  • Expand and strengthen educational opportunities for injury prevention researchers and practitioners at MCW, its affiliating healthcare partners, and the community to provide tools for proactively addressing injury disparities in their future work.
  • Commit to meaningful, bi-directional communication with community partners, organizations, healthcare systems, and public health agencies to address communities' specific priorities and needs.

Advancing Injury and Violence Prevention

  • Suicide
  • Firearms
  • Violence
  • Alcohol
  • Opioid Overdose
  • Community Safety

2024 ICRC Grantee Research Projects - CIC

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Suicide
  • Firearms and Alcohol
  • Opioid Overdose

Core Areas

Outreach Core: The CIC's Outreach Core will focus on expanding collaboration with community partners, public health agencies, and healthcare systems to identify and reduce disparities in injury burden. They will develop a community advisory board (CAB) comprised of community members in Wisconsin who experience or are at risk of injury-related health disparities that will guide the CIC's work throughout the funding period. This core will also disseminate research findings and injury data to support the implementation of injury prevention and control strategies, provide technical assistance and research assistance to communities across Wisconsin, and leverage data and surveillance capabilities of the CIC to support additional efforts to reduce injury disparities.

Training and Education Core: The CIC's Training and Education Core will develop, implement, and evaluate multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary training and education. The core will reach multiple audiences in community engagement, research, public health, and clinical aspects of injury science. Some of the core's key activities will include:

  • Continuing implementation of a summer injury prevention institute for MCW students interested in injury prevention and control research,
  • Maintaining a research fellowship,
  • Mentoring students and early-career researchers,
  • Providing opportunities to learners from underrepresented groups,
  • Hosting events and learning opportunities for campus and community partners, and
  • Developing and implementing a trauma-informed care curriculum for providers at one of MCW's partner health care institutions.

Administrative Core: The CIC's Administrative Core will provide leadership, oversight, and infrastructure to oversee the administrative functions of the center. It will monitor and evaluate progress toward achieving the overall goals and objectives of the CIC. It will also convene internal and external advisory committees of injury and violence prevention professionals to provide strategic guidance to ensure that CIC activities and direction match emerging trends in the field of injury and violence prevention.