County Funding Profiles


The Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG) has awarded $4.5 billion to help U.S. health departments (HDs) promote and protect health in their communities. Of that, $644,430,185 was given to county HDs. This page provides an overview of how PHIG funding is broken down for the county HDs over the 5-year grant period by strategic area (workforce, foundational capabilities, and data modernization).
Community buildings

Funding Strategy Sources

A1: Workforce

Through the $3 billion Workforce funding allocation, U.S. HDs will be able to recruit, hire, retain, train, and support public health workers including epidemiologists, lab workers, communicators, data scientists, and community health workers. Of that, county HDs received $513,591,430 in total. Funding awards for workforce are supported by the American Rescue Plan Act.

A2: Foundational Capabilities

Through the $630 million Foundational Capabilities funding allocation, U.S. HDs will be able to provide foundational public health services, which include assessment and surveillance, community partnership development, equity, organizational competencies, policy development, accountability and performance management, emergency preparedness and response, and communications. Funding awards for foundational capabilities are supported by the Public Health Infrastructure and Capacity annual appropriation. County HDs received $110,948,841 in total.

A3: Data Modernization

The $811 million DMI funding enables sixty-four* HDs to deploy scalable, flexible, and sustainable technologies through funding awards, partially supported by the American Rescue Plan Act. These sixty-four HDs are also recipients of data modernization funding through the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) program. The flexibility provided through PHIG allows HDs to build on ongoing progress under ELC, and coordinate across city, county, and state public health agencies to build an integrated and systematic data modernization approach. This approach aligns with the CDC Public Health Data Strategy. County HDs received $19,889,914 in total.

  • Core DMI funding will allow for (1) planning, coordination, and capacity building; (2) enhancing collaborations with local health departments; (3) supporting a DMI Director and team; and (4) general data infrastructure modernization to HDs to maintain, improve, and modernize their approach to acquire, manage, share, and use data for public health action.
  • DMI Acceleration funding will allow for expansion of activities to build a strong data foundation. The overall goal of Core DMI and DMI Acceleration is to enhance accountability and progress towards comprehensive, efficient, and better-connected public health data systems. See more at Data Modernization Initiative.
  • Modernizing Immunization Information Systems (MIIS) supplement funding was awarded September 2024 to sixty-three A3 recipients in order to support DMI activities specific to immunization information systems.

*Sixty-three of the sixty-four eligible recipients applied for MIIS supplement funding.


This data is a snapshot of U.S. HD activity and is subject to change over the period of performance. The web page contains recipient work plan and hiring report data as of December 2024. Additional updates to work plans and hiring reports made outside of the most recent reporting period may not be captured in this data snapshot.

County Funding