Local Education Agencies and Consortia


To fund agencies to improve the health and well-being of youth by supporting local education agencies in implementing CDC’s What Works in Schools program, and collecting and using school-based surveillance data.

School-based prevention

CDC funding helps districts and schools implement the What Works in Schools program. This primary prevention approach aims to improve the behaviors and experiences of middle and high school students and reduce disparities in sexual risk behavior, substance use, experience of violence, poor mental health, and suicidality by supporting schools to:

This approach also emphasizes:

  • Reducing disparities in adolescent risk behaviors and experiences
  • Fostering engagement with youth, families, and communities

School-based surveillance

Funding supports the collection and use of surveillance data at the school district level. Recipients will conduct the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and School Health Profiles in their jurisdictions.

Map of funded local education agencies and consortia

Local education agencies map

Agency information

The following local education agencies receive funding from CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health for the What Works in Schools program and school-based surveillance.

These local education agencies are required to reach 40,000+ students and complete the following 4 strategies: health education, health services, safe and supportive environments, and family, school, and community engagement.


The following organizations receive funding from CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health to support the What Works in Schools program in consortium members school districts and conduct school-based surveillance.