Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Data & Statistics

School Health Policies and Practices Study

The School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS) is a national survey periodically conducted to assess school health policies and practices at the state, district, school, and classroom levels. SHPPS was most recently conducted in 2006; the next SHPPS is planned for 2012. The 2006 SHPPS questionnaire contains three questions that specifically address the subject of hearing screenings in schools and hearing loss in health education:

  • Has your state adopted a policy stating that districts or schools will screen students for hearing problems?
  • Has your state adopted a policy stating that a student’s parents or guardians will be notified when the student’s hearing screening indicates a potential problem?
  • Has your state adopted a policy stating that a student’s teacher will be notified when the student’s hearing screening indicates a potential problem?