Health & Academics Publications & Resources

Basic Information and Research

The Association Between School-Based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic Performance [pdf 2.5M] (Full report)   Executive Summary [pdf 309K]
Highlights research studies showing how school-based physical activity is related to academic performance

Adolescent Health and Academic Achievement Study 
Population Research Center/University of Texas

Healthier Students Are Better Learners: A Missing Link in School Reforms to Close the Achievement Gap [pdf 675K] Webcast
Campaign for Educational Equity

Making the Connection: Health and Student Achievement [ppt 5.7MB — 77 slides]
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials and the Society of State Directors of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

The Critical Connection Between Student Health and Academic Achievement: How Schools and Policymakers Can Achieve a Positive Impact [pdf 2.2M]
California Endowment, Hewlett Foundation, and James Irvine Foundation

Educational Resources

National Health Education Standards 
National standards for what students should know and be able to do by grades 2, 5, 8, and 12 to promote personal, family, and community health

Curriculum and Instruction: National Guidelines
National Association of State Boards of Education

School Health Programs 
National School Boards Association

The Whole Child
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Strategies and Interventions

School Connectedness: Strategies for Increasing Protective Factors Among Youth
Strategies for school personnel and others to use in helping students’ feel more connected to their school

Research Review: School-based Health Interventions and Academic Achievement [pdf 2.1M]
Recommendations based on results of the 2006 Washington State Healthy Youth Survey

What School Administrators Can Do to Enhance Student Learning by Supporting a Coordinated Approach to Health [pdf 821K]
American School Health Association

What School Boards Can Do to Enhance Student Learning by Supporting a Coordinated Approach to Health [pdf 764K]
National School Boards Association

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Student Performance
Environmental Protection Agency guidance on how improvements in school environmental quality can enhance students’ academic performance.


Fit, Healthy, and Ready to Learn: A School Health Policy Guide  
National Association of State Boards of Education

Local School Wellness Policy  

School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006
National survey assessing school health policies and practices at the state, district, school, and classroom levels

State School Health Policy Database
National Association of State Boards of Education

Related Journal Articles

The Association Between School-Based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic Performance: A Systematic Review of the Literature  (Abstract)
Rasberry CN, Lee SM, Robin L, Laris BA, Russell LA, Coyle KK, Nihiser, AJ  
Preventive Medicine, 2011 ;52, Suppl 1:S10–20

A Correlational Study of the Relationship Between a Coordinated School Health Program and Achievement: A Case for School Health (Abstract)
Vinciullo FM, and Bradley BJ
Journal of School Nursing 2009;25(6):453–465

Coordinated School Health Programs and Academic Achievement: A Systematic Review of the Literature (Abstract)
Murray NG, Low BJ, Hollis C, Cross AW, Davis SM
Journal of School Health 2007;77(9):589–600