Global Public Health Data Innovation

Key points

  • CDC has unique expertise in establishing systems for emergency operations and response and using public health data.
  • CDC's Global Public Health Data Innovation aims to address key barriers to the effective use of data in public health responses.
Purple and black spherical structure resembling a globe. Blue and white dots span the globe randomly, some with straight lines between them. Background is sky blue with a few white dots.


CDC enhances global health security by partnering with countries to improve their ability to respond to disease threats. CDC has unique expertise in establishing systems for emergency operations and response and using public health data to inform decisions.

CDC’s Global Public Health Data Innovation (GPHDI) initiative strives to overcome barriers to the effective use of data in public health responses, including:

  • Issues with data systems or data-intensive public health processes.
  • Workforce limitations that inhibit rapid deployment of digital health solutions at scale.
  • Gaps in data systems governance and policy that inhibit digital health strategy and response planning.

This three-year initiative is supported by investment from the 2021 U.S. American Rescue Plan Act.


GPHDI funds activities that allow CDC’s work through the Data Modernization Initiative to be leveraged in 10 target countries in the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

These activities support projects that:

  • Strengthen national data analytics infrastructure and computational platforms.
  • Bolster capabilities for public health decision-making.
  • Enable scalable and timely public health response through Public Health Data Automation.
  • Enhance data availability and use through data integration and Health Information Exchange.
  • Increase capacity building in digital health.
  • Extend coordination and leadership in digital health.
World map with ten countries highlighted (Honduras, Colombia, Paraguay, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Thailand, Ukraine, and Georgia).
10 target countries

GPHDI's target countries include:

  • Colombia
  • Georgia
  • Honduras
  • Kenya
  • Paraguay
  • Sierra Leone
  • Thailand
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • Zambia

Implementation strategies

  1. Establish or expand scalable platforms for national data linkage, repository, and analytics, and the human resources capable of designing and using them. Enable their use by public health authorities to rapidly respond to evolving public health events.
  2. Enable data automation and reporting to authorize secure transfer of service delivery data for public health use. This minimizes data collection burden, reduces report delay, and accelerates implementation of new or revised public health reporting when needed.
  3. Establish data integration, allowing public health authorities to access, compile, and exchange data from different sources. Use common architecture, data standards, cloud technology, and aligned business processes.
  4. Empower the public health workforce at all levels through coaching and mentorship, training materials, and programs in public health informatics. This builds the leadership and core competencies in informatics and digital health needed to operationalize data modernization.
  5. Coordinate global, regional, and national partners to implement or improve interoperable systems to facilitate data sharing and decision making. Support global networks to review and disseminate best practices in global digital health.

Core Components

Cloud Infrastructure

Establish roadmaps for adoption of cloud services models that prioritize data sovereignty and governance.

Data Automation and Reporting

Support digital enablement and business transformation for electronic laboratory and case reporting, and the adoption of computable specifications and SMART guidelines.

Data Standards

Promote and provide technical assistance to harmonize and adopt messaging and content standards for health data.

Data Analytics Platforms

Develop and implement global health use cases for integrated data analytics platforms.

Data Integration

Establish process and architecture for integration of data from multiple sources to improve decision making and situational awareness.

Governance, Leadership, and Policy

Draft policy and governance documents for adoption at the country level and provide coordinated technical assistance.


Enable workforce development through development of training materials and programs in public health informatics.


Leveraging digital solutions for better health in Moldova

WHO/Europe and CDC are working together to enhance data and digital health in the Republic of Moldova. The joint mission aims to support the new strategy for digital transformation and improve the quality and accessibility of health services for approximately 3 million people living in the country.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital health technologies and the use of health data science in the WHO European Region. It also highlighted the need for a well-trained health workforce that understands health informatics and data to support public health.

The 2023-2030 Strategy for Digital Transformation of the Republic of Moldova aims to address these challenges, including through a formation of a specialized unit within the Government. The recently adopted strategy was created in line with the EU standards and regulations, as well as the world's best practices, in collaboration with international experts.

To improve the use of data science in public health, WHO/Europe and the CDC also launched the informatics fellowship for eastern Europe and central Asia in 2022. The programme aims to support future technical leaders, executive leadership, and mid-career public health officials. Four representatives from Moldova will begin their participation in May 2024.


Learn more about how CDC improves data systems infrastructure in public health: