Community Health Workers Swift Action on Marburg Virus Disease Alert in Tanzania

Community Health Workers Swift Action on Marburg Virus Disease Alert in Tanzania

Title: ​“Community Health Workers Swift Action on Marburg Virus Disease Alert in Tanzania”

On-screen graphic: Shows a region of Tanzania

Narrator: Vedestina Shumbusho, Community Health Worker in Kagera

On-screen text: On March 15, 2023, I received information through a WhatsApp group regarding reported deaths in the Kaunyengereko Village, suspected to be caused by an unidentified disease. Given my training in health-related emergencies and alert reporting, I took the initiative to report the rumor on March 16, 2023.

On-screen graphic: Community Health Worker being trained in the field.

On-screen text: Top of Screen: Through Vedastina’s quick response

Bottom of screen: The Ministry of Health for Tanzania quickly implemented measures to prevent the spread of the virus and its transmission to other areas within the region or the country.

On-screen graphic: Community Health Worker standing by a tree in her village.

On-screen text: My training, provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Amref Health Africa in March 2022, played a significant role in facilitating this timely process.

On-screen graphic: Community Health Worker walking through the village.

On-screen text: “Marburg is a highly virulent virus and causes hemorrhagic fever, with a fatality ratio of up to 88%. It is in the same family as the virus that causes Ebola virus disease.”  (World Health Organization)

On-screen graphic: Community Health Worker speaking

On-screen text: What drives my commitment to this work, is the satisfaction of knowing that my alerts contribute to ongoing efforts, ensuring the safety and well-being of my community.

On-screen graphic: Community Health Worker smiling on camera.

On-screen text:  Top of screen: Her Bravery and Dedication

Bottom of Screen: to the well-being of the community serve as an inspiration to many.

On-screen graphic: Community Health Worker standing on top of the rocks in the Kagera region.

On-screen text:  I strongly advise my fellow community health workers who have undergone this training not to keep vital information to themselves, but to report it to the relevant authorities for prompt action.

On-screen graphic: Community Health Worker speaking to the camera and walking with a clipboard with a CDC GHSA Project jacket. Switch to Community Health Workers in front of the Tanzania hospital.

On-screen text:  The success of our response to the Marburg Virus Disease outbreak in the Kagera region is significantly attributed to the dedication of the community health workers. This commitment underscores the critical need for investing in Global Health Security, particularly in regions that are prone to disease outbreaks.

On-screen graphic: Community Health Workers sharing information with people in the community

On-screen text:  The Global Health Security Agenda Project II supports community health workers like Vedastina Shumbusho, to save lives and prevent the spread of diseases within the communities.

On-screen graphic: Logos:  CDC & Amref Health Africa

YouTube video referenced: Community Health Workers Take Swift Action on Marburg Virus Disease Alert in Tanzania