
How is percentage of hospitalization calculated?

The percentage of hospitalization is calculated as follows:

Number of cases reported to FoodNet in 2015 in which patient was hospitalized divided by number of cases reported to FoodNet multiplied by 100

Patients are considered to have been hospitalized if hospitalization occurs at any time within 7 days of the specimen collection date.


Table 11. Number and percentage of hospitalizations in 2015*, by pathogen, Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet), United States
Pathogen Total 2015
# of hospitalizations Total # of cases % hospitalized
Total 4,531 20,107 22.53
Campylobacter 1,065 6,309 16.88
Listeria 111 116 95.69
Salmonella 2,074 7,728 26.84
Shigella 619 2,688 23.03
STEC§ O157 180 463 38.88
STEC non-O157 126 796 15.83
Vibrio 47 192 24.48
Yersinia 37 139 26.62
Cryptosporidium 268 1612 16.63
Cyclospora 4 64 6.25

*Data are preliminary
Listeria cases defined as isolation of L. monocytogenes from a normally sterile site or, in the setting of miscarriage or stillbirth, isolation of L. monocytogenes from placental or fetal tissue
§Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli

Download the table: Table 11. Number and Percentage of Hospitalizations by Pathogen, 2015 [XLS – 11KB] Table

Download the table: Table12a. Number and Percentage of Hospitalizations by Pathogen and age group [XLS – 11KB]