Fluoridation Learning Online

At a glance

Fluoridation Learning Online is a free resource designed to build the capability of state fluoridation programs, and to help increase knowledge and refine skills to implement and maintain community water fluoridation.

Fluoridation Learning Online logo with the "F, L, O" being blue.

Training overview

Fluoridation Learning Online is CDC’s main training for state fluoridation program staff and water operators. This training is designed to be accessible on multiple devices, including most desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Fluoridation Learning Online is a free, web-based resource. The course is available through CDC TRAIN, an affiliate of the Public Health Foundation's TRAIN Learning Network, which provides access to more than 1,000 courses developed by CDC programs, grantees, and other funded partners.

Course length

Fluoridation Learning Online consists of four modules. The first three modules describe the fundamentals of community water fluoridation, including how fluoride works and why we use it; how state programs support and communicate fluoridation's benefits; and how water treatment systems are designed and operate. Each of these modules can be completed in about an hour.

The final module contains detailed technical information on fluoridation operations, including lessons on fluoride additives, safety, operations, and testing. This extended, 12-lesson module may take up to 4 hours to complete.

The training saves learners' progress across multiple sessions, so learners can take the course at their own pace.

Signing into CDC's training group

If you have a TRAIN account from another affiliate, like a state health department, you may need to add the CDC group to your profile for the training to appear. To do so, select your name at the top right, then “Your Profile,” and then the Manage Groups tab. Select the “Join Another Group” button, and search for CDC.

Fluoridation Learning Online modules

  • Module 1: Water Fluoridation Background discusses the history and science of fluoridation, fluoridation's benefits, and health effects.
  • Module 2: State Water Fluoridation Activities reviews state program management and oversight, and communication principles.
  • Module 3: Water Treatment Background provides an overview of water system operations and design.
  • Module 4: Water Fluoridation Operations provides technical information related to water fluoridation additives and operations.


  • State oral health staff and practitioners.
  • State drinking water regulatory engineers.
  • Water system operators.
  • Government officials.
  • Students and educators.
  • Members of the public interested in community water fluoridation.

Continuing education credits

While CDC does not provide continuing education credits or training units for water operators, several states have approved continuing education credits for water operators who complete Fluoridation Learning Online. If you are seeking credits for operator certification/recertification, contact the organization in your state that provides the certification for instructions on how to submit the course completion certificate for credit or request that Fluoridation Learning Online be added to their approved training list.

States that have approved this training for state water operator continuing education credits include: