The Influenza Vaccination Coverage in Long-term Care Settings

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What is the current influenza vaccination coverage rate among health care personnel (HCP)?

As reported in the September 28, 2018 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), overall, 78.4% of HCP reported having received an influenza vaccination for the 2017-18 season, similar to the reported coverage among HCP in the previous four influenza seasons. Vaccination coverage was highest among HCP working in hospitals (91.9%) and lowest among HCP working in long-term care settings (67.4%). Since the 2011-12 influenza season, HCP in LTC settings continue to have the lowest reported influenza vaccination rates among all HCP. In comparison, the Healthy People 2020 annual target goal for influenza vaccination among health care personnel is 90 percent (see Healthy People 2020 objective IID-12.9). **

** The methods used in the Internet panel survey differ from those of the NHIS; thus, results from the Internet panel survey should not be directly compared to the Healthy People 2020 target.

** The methods used in the Internet panel survey differ from those of the NHIS; thus, results from the Internet panel survey should not be directly compared to the Healthy People 2020 target.

FIGURE. Percentage of health care personnel* (HCP) who reported receiving influenza vaccination, by work setting and occupation type — Internet panel surveys, United States, 2010–11 through 2017–18 influenza seasons

FIGURE. Percentage of health care personnel* (HCP) who reported receiving influenza vaccination, by work setting and occupation type — Internet panel surveys, United States, 2010–11 through 2014–15 influenza seasons

Occupational vaccination

To estimate influenza vaccination coverage among U.S. HCP for the 2017–18 influenza season, CDC conducted an opt-in Internet panel survey of 2,265 HCP during March 27–April 17, 2018. Overall, 78.4% of HCP reported having received a flu vaccination during the 2017-18 season, a 15 percentage-point increase since the 2010-11 season but similar coverage in the previous four seasons (75.2%-78.6%). Vaccination coverage in the 2017-18 season was similar to coverage in the 2016-17 season among health care personnel in all work settings and occupation groups. For more information on influenza vaccination coverage and key findings related to employer requirements or recommendations, visit Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Health Care Personnel,  United States, 2017-2018 Influenza Season.

Additional information is located at CDC’s FluVaxView Influenza Vaccination Coverage site and the CDC’s Influenza Vaccination Information for Health Care Workers.