Sexual Transmission & Prevention

Couples Who Are Not Pregnant and Not Trying to Become Pregnant
 Traveling to an area with risk of Zika

Men and women traveling in an area with risk of Zika should consider using condoms every time they have sex or not have sex while traveling.

Affected Partner

Affected Partner

Timeframe to Prevent Sexual Transmission

Timeframe to Prevent Sexual Transmission

If a couple has a male partner and only he travels to an area with risk of Zika

The couple should consider using condoms or not having sex for at least 3 months

  • After the male partner returns, even if he doesn’t have symptoms, or
  • From the start of the male partner’s symptoms or the date he was diagnosed with Zika.

If a couple has a female partner and only she travels to an area with risk of Zika

The couple should consider using condoms or not having sex for at least 2 months

  • After the female partner returns from to an area with risk of Zika, even if she doesn’t have symptoms, or
  • From the start of the female partner’s symptoms or the date she was diagnosed with Zika.

If the couple contains both a male and female partner and both travel to an area with risk of Zika

The couple should consider using condoms or not having sex for at least 3 months

  • After returning from an area with risk of Zika, even if they don’t have symptoms, or
  • From the start of either partner’s symptoms or from the date either were diagnosed with Zika.
 Living in an area with risk of Zika

Uninfected couples living in an area with risk of Zika can use condoms or not have sex if they are concerned with passing or getting Zika through sex.

Decisions about having sex and using condoms depend on each person’s understanding of the risks and benefits, including

  • The mild nature of the illness for many people
  • Their possible exposure to mosquitoes while in an area with risk of Zika
  • Their plans for pregnancy (if appropriate) and access to birth control
  • Their access to condoms
  • Their desire for intimacy, including willingness to use condoms or not have sex
  • Their ability to use condoms or not have sex

If either partner develops symptoms of Zika or has concerns, they should talk to a healthcare provider.