CDC Yearly Lab Work on Flu Viruses Infographic


The infographic serves as an engaging visual tool that captures attention and encourages viewers to learn more about the yearly lab work on flu viruses that CDC handles each year.

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Size: 446 KB

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CDC Yearly Lab Work on Flu Viruses

1,600,000: More than 1.6 million patient specimens are tested in clinical labs participating in CDC domestic disease surveillance.*

200,000: More than 200,000 specimens are tested in 93 state/local public health labs.

6,000: CDC conducts full genetic sequencing on about 6,000 flu viruses each year.

3,000: CDC tests more than 3,000 flu viruses to determine their immune properties.

60: CDC prepares more than 60 viruses for possible use in vaccine production.

*Numbers represent average annual data as reported to CDC’s Influenza Division from 2015-2022, excluding the 2020-2021 season when there was little influenza activity.