Flu Fighter: Stephen Denq, MD

Public Profiles

What to know

Meet flu fighter Dr. Stephen Denq, CEO of Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, and an Internal Medicine doctor with 25 years of experience who educates all his patients about the dangers of flu and the importance of flu vaccination.

Dr. Stephen Denq, MD


Dr. Stephen Denq leads Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation (Tzu Chi Medical), which emphasizes prevention by offering services and education through webinars that stress the importance of annual flu vaccines.

Why do you fight flu?

Tzu Chi Medical offers health education and preventive knowledge through our Healthy Community Program. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, Tzu Chi Medical has conducted a series of online webinars in Chinese, English and Spanish, covering an array of topics including COVID-19 safety, the importance of flu vaccination, mental health support, and chronic disease management. By empowering individuals with knowledge and resources, we aim to enhance community resilience against prevalent health threats, including flu.

How do you fight flu?

The best protection against flu and its potentially serious complications is getting vaccinated each year, but people can take other preventive actions too. In some Asian cultures, wearing a mask in public is practiced. It is not always possible to avoid exposure to viruses, thus keeping ourselves healthy with a good immune system is the next level of defense. Having a healthy and balanced diet is important. Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation established in 1993, is dedicated to providing holistic healthcare services to thousands of underinsured and uninsured individuals across the United States. Through our array of primary care, dental, vision, and acupuncture services offered at our three Federally Qualified Health Centers Look-Alike in Alhambra, S El Monte, and Wilmington, California, we prioritize not only treatment, but also preventive measures in our mission to safeguard our patients’ health.

What would you say to those who are hesitant about getting a flu vaccine?

The flu vaccine is the best way to keep us from getting flu. When we are exposed to the virus, our strengthened immune system from the flu vaccine will help to reduce illness caused by the exposure. The flu vaccine is annual because viruses change over time. Getting the flu vaccine is not only protecting ourselves but will help to protect our family and friends as well.

What do you want others to learn from your experience with flu?

I get my flu vaccine every year. I know I am exposed to viruses on a daily basis working in a clinic. I get cold symptoms every now and then but rarely flu. I believe the flu vaccine helps to maintain my immune system against influenza viruses.


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