About South Carolina Tracking Program

What to know

The South Carolina (SC) Tracking Program’s mission is to provide a network of integrated health and environmental data to reduce the burden of environmental health conditions on South Carolinians and their families.


Nicknamed The Palmetto State, South Carolina is home to a unique climate and geography. The Blue Ridge Mountains lie in the northwestern corner of the state. The Coastal Plain gives way to freshwater marshes and barrier islands along the Atlantic Ocean.

South Carolina is home to more than 5 million residents and is the 23rd most populous state in the United States. It is the 10th fastest growing state in the nation. The population is composed of 64.4% non-Hispanic Whites, 27% non-Hispanic Blacks, and 6.1% Hispanic/Latinos.

South Carolina consistently sees high rates of chronic health conditions. These include asthma, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Many of these conditions are made worse by various environmental factors.

The SC Tracking Program aims to offer useful and updated data and information on environmental health effects, hazards, and exposures to promote public health action, giving special attention to groups that have been marginalized.

Unique Data

All state and local tracking programs collect and display a set of standard data. But individual programs may host other data that are important to their populations. SC Tracking's unique data include the following.


2022: SC Tracking Program established with CDC funding

2023: Launched SC Tracking site with data for 13 dashboards

2024: Introduced Spanish-translated dashboards

Resources and tools

Hurricane Preparedness

Tennessee Tracking Program