About Oregon Tracking Program

What to know

The Oregon Tracking Program’s mission is to provide data and information on environmental hazards, exposures and health effects in an effort to promote public health action and reduce the burden of environmental related health conditions.


Located in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon has a diverse geography. It is marked by volcanoes, abundant bodies of water, dense evergreen and mixed forest, high deserts and semi-arid shrublands.

Various forms of agriculture, fishing, forestry, and technology companies power Oregon's economy.

Oregon's population is concentrated in the Willamette Valley and central regions.


Estimating Obesity in Oregon

In 2013, Oregon Tracking became the first Tracking recipient to add sub-county Body Mass Index (BMI) data to its site. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fat for most people. It is also a good measure for describing the prevalence of obesity at the population level. Oregon Tracking used state driver's license data to make BMI data available.

Communicating Data Effectively

Oregon Tracking uses ESRI Story Maps to create a visual display and give context to data sets. Story Maps allow policymakers, scientists, and members of the public to explore the connection between environmental hazards and possible health effects.

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Estimating Health Impacts for Transportation Planning

In 2017-2018, Oregon Tracking used the Integrated Transport and Health Impact Model (ITHIM) to calculate health benefits and health care cost for proposed transportation policies in Oregon metro areas. ITHIM uses information about travel behavior to estimate changes in chronic disease and premature deaths associated with lack of physical activity and from air pollution. These are two documented leading causes of death and chronic disease in the greater Portland region. Results from the ITHIM model were included in the 2018 Regional Transportation Plan. This is used to inform current and future transportation needs.

Informing Residents about School Drinking Water Lead Test Results

The Oregon Tracking Program worked closely with other partners to develop an interactive, searchable map that provides public access to schools' drinking water test results for lead. They designed the map as a "story map" which displays lead data map alongside messaging about data collection and interpretation. Oregon Tracking and partners also developed a video demonstrating how to use the map. They shared information for school administrators and parents on lead in school drinking water. And they provided other resources to help reduce children's exposure to lead and other harmful contaminants in schools.


Website: www.healthoregon.org/epht

Email: epht.ohd@state.or.us

Facebook & Twitter: @OregonEPHT

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Pennsylvania Tracking Program