About New Jersey Tracking Program

What to know

The New Jersey (NJ) Tracking Program collaborates to enhance the state's environmental and public health data, infrastructure, and expertise to improve the health of residents.


NJ is the 4th smallest state by area, but the 11th most populous with nearly 9 million residents. It is the most densely populated state in the United States.

NJ is divided into 21 counties and 565 municipalities. Unlike other states, all NJ land is part of a municipality. Twenty-two of NJ's municipalities have populations over 65,000.

About 12% of NJ residents obtain their drinking water from a private well.

Core Goals

  • Creating indicators that combine data and context for health and environmental datasets which can be used for ongoing surveillance, targeting activities, and evaluation
  • Providing easy online access to user-customized datasets, charts, tables, and maps
  • Conducting outreach and education to expand the use of health and environmental data at the local and county level

Unique Data

All state and local tracking programs collect and display a set of standard data. But individual programs may host other data that are important to their populations. New Jersey's unique data include the following.

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