Environmental Justice

At a glance

Data on environmental exposures, health burden, and community characteristics are important to identify, understand, and address environmental justice issues. These data help everyone learn more about connections between environment and health.

Group of people raising arms in unison

We Track That

The Tracking Network brings together data and information needed to make decisions about our environment and our health. These include personal, community, regulatory, and public health decisions. Tracking Network data allow users to identify demographic factors, environmental burdens, socioeconomic conditions, and public health concerns directly related to environmental justice.

Using Tracking Network data:

  • Scientists are better able to assess the connections between the environment and its effect on health.
  • Public health professionals can easily assess unusual trends and events to identify communities that may be at risk.
  • Elected officials can make more informed policy decisions.
  • Everyone can learn more about how the environment may affect their health.

Defining Environmental Justice‎

All people—regardless of race, color, national origin, or income—are entitled to equal protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.

Types of Data

The Tracking Network presents the following environmental health data in customizable maps, charts, and tables.

View air quality data

Access the Data

Environmental Justice (EJ) Dashboard‎

Use this dashboard to explore the environmental exposure, community characteristics, and health burden data outlined on this webpage. These are all factors important to understanding and addressing environmental justice issues.

Use the Data Explorer to create custom maps, tables, and charts.

View data in simple Quick Reports.

Get machine-readable data from the Application Program Interface (API).

EJ Efforts Across the Country

CDC funds state and local health departments to develop their own tracking networks, which feed into the national Tracking Network. Several of these tracking programs are working closely with their environmental justice communities and have created tools and resources specifically for their jurisdictions.

California | Colorado | Maryland | Massachusetts | Oregon | Washington

  1. Living in an older home is one risk factor that can contribute to higher blood lead levels in children.