1st Annual National Integrated Heat Health Information System National Meeting

What to know

April 26 - 28, 2022 — The National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) National Meeting is designed to bring together multiple collaborators (federal agencies, state and local government, private and public partners, community leaders) to: 1) Learn about heat and health activities and leverage opportunities, and resources; 2) Expand and strengthen partnerships and networks; and 3) Foster a shared vision and path forward for equitable, heat resilient communities.

NIHHIS National Meeting 2022

More on NIHHIS

Who Should Come to the NIHHIS National Meeting?‎

The NIHHIS National Meeting is open to anyone who is working to address the health impacts of extreme heat. This includes, but is not limited to, federal agencies who are part of NIHHIS and the White House Interagency Working Group on Extreme Heat, state and local governments and organizations (esp. Chief Resilience Officers, city planners, public health officials), Tribal officials, community-based organizations, cities that are part of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) mapping campaigns, international partners, private and public sector NIHHIS partners, organizations that support NIHHIS legislation, and heat and health researchers and academics.


The content and conclusions in these presentations are those of the authors and presenters and do not necessarily represent the views of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Day one - april 26th, 2022

The Heat Health Problem: Defining the Problem

Presentation Topics

  • Welcome and Opening Remarks from NIHHIS Agency Leadership
  • Overview of Conference Agenda
  • What is the Nature of the Heat Health Problem?
  • New Heat Legislation
  • NIHHIS Retrospective
  • Community Perspectives Roundtable
  • Keynote Speakers on the Administration's Heat Priorities

Day two - april 27th, 2022

The Heat Health Problem: Building Equitable Community Resilience

Presentation Topics

  • Discussion on Indicators for Heat Health Risk and Solutions
  • Keynote: NIHHIS Partner Agency Leadership
  • Heat Action Plans for the 21st Century - Preparing for Heat Waves in a Changing Climate
  • How Can We Better Prepare for and Manage Cascading Impacts with Heat?
  • How Can We Better Communicate the Heat Risk?

Day three - april 28th, 2022

The Heat Health Problem: Building Equitable Human Resilience

Presentation Topics

  • Discussion on International Heat and Health work
  • Overview of Conference Agenda
  • Keynote: NIHHIS Partner Agency Leadership
  • How can we provide heat safe housing for all?
  • Urban Heat Islands - A training session
  • How Do We Keep our Workers Safe from Heat?
  • How Do We Recreate and Engage in Athletics Safely Outdoors?
  • A Vision for the Future: How Do We Become a Heat Resilient Nation?
  • Overview of Draft NIHHIS Strategic Plan 2022-2026