Spectrum of Opportunities Framework

What to know

CDC's Spectrum of Opportunities Framework guides states and communities in their Early Care and Education (ECE) work. It can help identify how healthy growth and obesity prevention policies and activities can be embedded into ECE systems.

Differently colored circles from CDC's Spectrum of Opportunities Framework. Components of the Spectrum of Opportunities Framework are explained in the PDF on this page.

How is the framework used?

The Spectrum of Opportunities for Obesity Prevention in Early Care and Education Settings is commonly called the Spectrum of Opportunities Framework. It describes nine areas for states to consider as they work to improve ECE policies and practices. The areas in the Spectrum were designed for states. However, communities can also consider the nine focus areas when planning their own work.

High-impact obesity prevention standards can be embedded into these nine areas to support children's healthy growth and prevent obesity. The standards cover infant feeding, nutrition, physical activity, and limiting screen time. Farm to ECE activities can also be embedded into ECE systems.

Each spectrum area has a variety of options states can consider as they plan and carry out their ECE work. View the PDF framework below for examples of options by Spectrum area.

Image with differently colored circles representing components of the Spectrum of Opportunities Framework
The Spectrum of Opportunities Framework guides states and communities in their ECE work.

Learn more

Strategies for Early Care and Education provides examples of state and local actions using the Spectrum of Opportunity Framework.

Quick Start Action Guide complements the Spectrum of Opportunities and can help states and communities get started with their work.

High-Impact Obesity Prevention Standards are science-based best practices to prevent obesity in ECE settings.

The ECE State Indicator Report has information about current policies and activities in states to support healthy growth and prevent obesity in ECE.

Success Stories from state and local recipients describe efforts and outcomes to support healthy growth and obesity prevention in ECE.

Success Stories: Farm to ECE and Advancing Early Child Nutrition provide related examples of policies and activities used in the ECE setting.