(light music) - Well, hello, everyone, and welcome to the AMR Exchange Series. Thank you for joining. Today, we have a stellar panel of Infectious Disease and Epidemiologist experts to talk about vaccines and their potential impact on antimicrobial resistance. My name is Tony Fiore. I'm an Infectious Disease Specialist, formerly worked at CDC, and now, an independent consultant, working part-time at HilleVax, which is a vaccine company that's working on a norovirus vaccine in the early stages. I have no conflicts of interest to report. I want to – I want to also provide you a quick overview of the AMR Exchange Series and what its purpose is. The main purpose is to provide important and new research to the field describing how antimicrobial resistance can be reduced, prevented, and reduce the spread of antimicrobial resistance, and our panelists are typically asked to provide some examples of research that's important and that people who are listening to the webinar need to know about, particularly focusing on what we're learning, and what works, and emphasizing the examples of collaborations across sectors in healthcare, the environment, animal health, and the public health community. You just saw the poll pop up there. Thanks for participating in that. - Okay, so we have four panelists today. Dr. Kristin Andrejko is an Epidemiologist for the Respiratory Diseases Branch in the Division of Bacterial Diseases in the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the U.S. CDC. Yonatan Grad, our second panelist, is an Associate Professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Shelley Magill is the Deputy Chief for Science in the Epidemiology, Research, and Innovations Branch in the Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion. It's where I used to work, in fact, in the National Center of Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases at, again, at the U.S. CDC. And finally, Ramanan Laxminarayan is the Founder and Director of the One Health Trust. I'm going to start to set the stage for our panelist discussions to give a general overview of the issue from a national, global perspective and mention a few specific examples that we might not otherwise have time to discuss. If you could advance the slide, please, Shayla. Thanks, I mentioned no conflicts of interest to report, and I gave you my current affiliation. Next slide, please. Here is the typical verbiage that we have in the front of most of our presentations saying that this is not officially endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or Department of Health and Human Services. Next slide, thank you very much. Okay, so just starting off, the threat of antibiotic resistance in the United States is enormous. In the 2019 "Threat Report," (AR Threats Report) the most recent one that we have, it was estimated that there were 2.8, sorry, 2.9 million infections related to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and fungi, and about 36,000 deaths. This most recent "Threat Report" also listed some new threats, including five urgent threats, two new threats, and three threats to watch for. We'll talk about many of those today, although not all of them. During the pandemic, some of the progress that was shown, if you could just go back, sorry, some of the progress that was shown with trends trending down in many of these, in many of these antibiotic resistance threats was interrupted by the many problems with providing health care and access to health care during the pandemic. I think you'll hear from Shelley a little bit about what these impacts were. So if anything, for many of these threats, progress has been stalled, or sometimes even to some extent reversed. So that's a very concerning issue. As bad as this is in the United States, globally, it's even worse. The most recent estimate from Murray, et al. in a recent "Lancet" article was 5 million AMR-associated deaths annually, including 1.27 million deaths that were directly attributable to AMR. You can see this is an enormous global problem, and it's projected to get much worse over the next several decades unless we aggressively seek interventions right now. You'll notice that in places you'll see the term antibiotic resistance, or AR, and other places, you'll see AMR, which is antimicrobial resistance. For the purposes of this discussion, even though those are slightly different terms in terms of the impact of vaccines on AMR, we can continue, we can consider them to be the same for this discussion. When you hear me use those different terms, it's because those are the terms that were used in the sources that I've cited. Thanks, next slide, please. So in the U.S., the national action plans for combating antibiotic-resistant bacteria have been, many have been, mostly focused on developing new antibiotics and new diagnostics and new surveillance systems. But even, but in the most recent, and even in the one before that, the U.S. government was clear that vaccines played a role, that we needed all the tools we could to reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance. And here, I've quoted Objective 3.3, which says, "Facilitate development of vaccines to prevent bacterial and fungal infections with known rates of resistance, and augment existing post-licensure evaluation systems." We'll hear a bit about that second part, the post-licensure evaluation systems, as we go on. Thanks, next slide, please. So the WHO also has recognized vaccination as another tool that's important to combat antimicrobial resistance. You can, you can see from these sort of five pillars on the left here, the approaches to contain AMR, vaccines are specifically highlighted. I put a little red arrow there, in case it's a little hard to find on the slide. From the vaccine side of things, the vaccination experts and the vaccination funders are also recognizing the importance of linking their work with containing AMR. And Gavi, which is the primary funder of much vaccine use in the low- and middle-income countries for vaccine use for children, has now added this under the rubric of global health security and specifically calling out AMR as one of the things that they think about when they're, when they're discussing which vaccine to invest in in which country. That reduction of AMR is an important consideration. Thanks, next slide, please. The World Health Organization also has begun to think about how we better leverage vaccines for use against AMR and AMU. AMU is antimicrobial use, by the way. They had three important objectives of some recent guidance that I've screenshot on the left there. The first is expanding use of licensed vaccines to maximize impact. The second is developing new vaccines that contribute to prevention and control, and the third, and very important one, is expanding and sharing knowledge of what the vaccine impact is on AMR, so, so funders, and countries, and public health programs can fully recognize that vaccines can have an impact in AMR, and are important to include when they're thinking about reducing the development and the spread of AMR in their countries. We'll hear more about national action plans from Ramanan a little bit later. Thanks, next slide, please. So how do vaccines reduce AMR? This, on the left, again, this is a slide I've borrowed from the World Health Organization. There's five main categories that they can prevent infections, then help reduce AMR. The first is that vaccines prevent infections with both drug-susceptible and antimicrobial-resistant pathogens, and the reason for this is that the immunity that's engendered by vaccines is, these antibodies are attacking different areas of the organism, typically, usually surface proteins, compared to the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance. And so, even resistant organisms are susceptible to prevention with the use of vaccines. The second important category is that vaccines reduce secondary infection. So, a person who develops a vaccine-preventable disease can sometimes develop a secondary infection, and that includes infections with AMR pathogens. There's also the important concept that vaccines prevent both individuals and communities from getting sick, and that's often referred to, the communities part of it, often referred to as herd immunity in the sense that people who are not vaccinated, who didn't respond to vaccine, or who can't be vaccinated due to age, or underlying conditions also benefit us if there's less circulation of a pathogen in a community. If you don't get sick, you don't use antibiotics. That's pretty obvious, the fourth one, and then finally, suppressing resistance of evolution and decreasing transmission of these antibiotic-resistant pathogens is important. If the pathogens are not seeing, being exposed to antibiotics, because there's less use, they're less likely to develop resistance, and this is also depicted in, if you like, that sort of visual in this flow chart here on the right, essentially the same thing that I've just said. Next slide, please. So, vaccines against viruses are also important, and even though we won't talk much about that today after this slide, it's an important concept that is not maybe obvious on the face of it. Patients are often given antibiotics for viral illnesses, which drives antibiotic use and resistance, and of course, we know that things like penicillin and azithromycin don't help viruses, but for many people, when they get sick, we don't know what caused their illness. Think of respiratory diseases, for example. You call your doctor, you go to the urgent care clinic. They're not sure what it is. We don't have the diagnostics available to really determine it, and people will get antibiotics that they don't need. Obviously, better diagnostics would help with this, but so would vaccines. If we prevent those viral illnesses, then you wouldn't be going to the clinic and getting those antibiotics. And there are some real life recent examples of this, and Ramanan was involved in this work that I'm going to cite right now. You see the two maps of the U.S. on the right there. Map A shows the amount of influenza vaccine coverage, and the darker orange has higher coverage of influenza vaccine for that state, and there is a surprising amount of variation state to state of flu vaccine coverage. The second map shows the amount of antibiotics used, and the lighter green shows that that state uses per capita less antibiotics than states that are depicted darker. You can sort of use the eyeball test to visually see that there is at least some correlation between higher influenza vaccine coverage and lower antibiotic use, and this was statistically correlated also. The second example I'm showing down on the far lower right on my screen there is the very exciting new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine. This was just recently approved by FDA for use in pregnant women. In this study, the pregnant women were given the RSV vaccine. These antibodies are then transferred to their babies. The babies have some relative protection, and actually quite good protection, against RSV in the first few months of life. As you can see here, in addition to preventing RSV, it also reduced the amount of antimicrobial prescribing that those babies required. And even though those look like pretty modest reductions, and they are from a percentage point of view, these viruses are so common that this ultimately would result in many thousands, or tens of thousands fewer antibiotic courses given to children born to women who are vaccinated with RSV vaccine. Just approved by the FDA last week, and we hope to hear from CDC on this sometime in the next few weeks, probably at the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) meeting in October. The second thing I wanted to mention about viruses and vaccines are that viral infections can lead to secondary bacterial infections that end up requiring antibiotics, and one example is invasive Staph aureus infections after influenza. Another is severe group A strep (group A streptococcus) infections after varicella. Next slide, please. Something else we won't talk about much today, but it's been the topic of several of the Antimicrobial Exchange discussions in the past is this One Health concept, where combating antimicrobial resistance is important across multiple sectors, not just in people, but also in animals, and also, but also use in the environment. So, it's important to recognize that not only do vaccines for animals prevent the infections in animals, but they also prevent people from getting those infections, and also reduce the amount of antibiotics that are put into the environment used to treat those animals. Next slide, please. And so, just to wrap this up, I think I've had a couple bullet points here that are ones that I often say when I talk about this. So, vaccines must be developed and provided to our patients, but they have to be also accepted by the public, and they have to be supported by our policymakers in order to be effective. A vaccine that doesn't go into a person or an animal is not a vaccine that's going to work. Coverage is too low for many current vaccines in the U.S., and we even lost some ground around the pandemic. We hope to recover that in the next year or two. We also have new vaccines coming down the pipeline that we hope to get good coverage in as soon as- quickly- as soon as possible. Surveillance systems, such as those that are led by CDC and state and local governments, have to be supported and improved to monitor the vaccine uptake, effectiveness, and safety, and you'll hear more about that from Shelley in a bit. Demonstrating that vaccines can have an impact on resistance is not typically part of clinical licensure trials, because they're usually too short, but they could be built into them where possible, but more importantly, built into post-licensure assessments, and this will help supporting- increase support- for vaccine use. Finally, we just need to continually seek to develop new vaccines, improve existing ones, improve and monitor safety, demonstrate impact on AMR, and further build support for this idea that AMR reduction and vaccine use are inextricably linked. So, with that, I think that was my last slide, and I think we are ready to- to go ahead with, Our next thing here is to go ahead with questions specifically to the panelists. So we're going to start with Kristin. So Kristin, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, who are often abbreviated PCV, and you'll hear that referred to as she talks about it, are highly effective in reducing illnesses and transmission. Could you share why PCV is also an important tool to slow the spread of AMR? Yeah, sure. Thank you for such a great question. PCVs have really been a great example of how vaccines can be an effective tool to reduce antibiotic resistance, and antibiotic resistance was first detected in pneumococcus in 1963, and as you showed with the "Threats Report," it's now considered a serious threat in the United States. And so, these pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, or PCVs, are designed to protect you from many infections that are caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus, and there are over 100 known serotypes, or variations of pneumococcus, and it can cause a wide range of clinical illness ranging from less severe infections, like a bacterial acute otitis media, or an ear infection, to a more severe infection that can lead to hospitalization and even to death, like community-acquired pneumonia, or meningitis, and these are all conditions that necessitate antibiotic use. So, infections with these antibiotic-resistant strains of pneumococci both complicate your treatment and increase the cost of your medical care, and in the early 2000s, a sven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, or PCV7, was introduced for routine use among children in the United States, and prior to the introduction of this vaccine, data from CDC surveillance estimated that nearly a quarter of isolates from patients with invasive pneumococcal disease were non-susceptible to penicillin. And so, PCV7 was really designed to provide protection against the specific serotypes that are responsible for the majority of resistant invasive pneumococcal disease at the time. In fact, five of the seven serotypes that were included in PCV7 were responsible for nearly 80% of penicillin non-susceptibility at the time. And once that vaccine was introduced, there was a sharp reduction in invasive disease, especially resistant disease. So, four years following PCV7 introduction, there was an 84% decrease in multidrug-resistant invasive pneumococcal disease, and we continue to see rates of resistant invasive disease drop with introduction of newer pneumococcal vaccines that provide protection against even more serotypes. - Thanks, okay, you answered a little bit of my second question with that, but maybe if you could give us some more specificity about how PCV has been shown to reduce the threat of antimicrobial- resistant strains? - Sure, so think of it this way. Any resistant infection that is prevented by vaccination is a case that reduces the burden of antibiotic-resistant disease. If a vaccine prevents a vaccinated individual from getting infected with a resistant strain in the first place, it reduces the overall burden of antibiotic resistance, it reduces the need for antibiotic therapy, and it reduces the likelihood for a bad clinical outcome. But there are also other mechanisms in which PCVs can help reduce the burden of antibiotic resistance. Vaccines can have herd effects, or indirect effects, in which protection is afforded not only to the vaccinated individual, but also to the unvaccinated community, and a nice example of this effect occurred following PCV7 introduction in the U.S. So, in 2000, PCV7 was introduced in the routine childhood immunization schedule, and as expected, introduction of PCV7 in young children dramatically reduced the rate of disease caused by penicillin non-susceptible strains. But, the rate of invasive pneumococcal disease caused by penicillin non-susceptible strains also decreased among older children and adults, a group that would not have yet received the conjugate vaccine. So how does this happen? It's a bit complicated, but one of the precursors to pneumococcal disease is colonization, a phenomenon where the pneumococcus lives in your nose and throats without causing disease, and young children are often colonized with pneumococcus, and can transmit the bug to their family and community. So, when PCV7 was introduced, young children stopped carrying vaccine type strains of pneumococcus, which interrupted transmission of these vaccine type strains between children and adults, or put another way, vaccinating children interrupts transmission of the resistant vaccine type pneumococci between children and adults. So, the vaccine conferred benefits to not just the vaccinated child, but also the whole community. - Thanks so much, Kristin. Tell us a little bit more about the progress in creating and expanding PCV to include more of these serotypes. You mentioned there were over 100 at this point, including those that are most important from the perspective of being resistant. - Sure, so there are a lot of new pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, all of which may help continue to reduce trends in antibiotic-resistant pneumococcal disease, and currently, as you were mentioning, all those pneumococcal conjugate vaccines confer serotype-specific protection, meaning they provide protection against pneumococcal disease caused by the specific subset, or of serotypes, or variations of pneumococcus. So how does it get decided which of those 100 serotypes are actually included, or excluded from the vaccines? Well, CDC is always monitoring the serotypes that are responsible for the majority of severe resistant disease, and these are the serotypes that are included in the new higher valency pneumococcal vaccines. In fact, CDC has been conducting the epidemiological and laboratory-based surveillance of the most severe form of pneumococcal infections, invasive pneumococcal disease, for over 20 years to help inform these decisions. So, we can walk through an example of how, for example, the serotypes in PCV13 were decided. The first pneumococcal conjugate vaccine PCV7 was introduced for use in young children in 2000, and 10 years later, a 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, PCV13, was introduced, and PCV13 included the seven serotypes from PCV7 in addition to five new serotypes. So how were those five new serotypes determined? Well, PCV7 was hugely successful at reducing the incidence of resistant disease caused by the seven serotypes included in the vaccine, but there is still a significant burden of disease caused by non-vaccine type serotypes, or serotypes not included in the vaccine, and there was this one serotype in particular, serotype 19A. It wasn't a major contributor to disease when PCV7 was introduced, but it emerged over time as the dominant serotype causing the majority of disease in the years following PCV7 introduction. In fact, following PCV7, it was causing about one-third of all resistant invasive pneumococcal conjugate, or invasive pneumococcal disease cases. So, it became important to include serotype 19A in updated vaccine formulations, including PCV13, and after introduction of PCV13, only 8% of resistant disease was caused by 19A. So PCV13 introduction was really necessary to target these new serotypes that were causing the majority of resistant invasive pneumococcal disease, and was quite successful at doing so. More recently, in 2022 and 2023, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, ACIP, voted to recommend use of the 15 and 20-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, which now expands coverage of these vaccines to 15 and 20 serotypes, and while there's been no dominant serotype that's emerged causing resistant disease following PCV13 introduction, it's still expected that the additional serotypes that are included in 15 and 20 may prevent up to 30% of all non-susceptible disease. So, there's still certainly a lot of potential for these higher valency vaccines to continue to reduce these trends in resistant disease. - Okay, thanks. One more question now before we turn to the next speaker. Pneumococcal vaccines are indicated for young children, and also adults over 65, and others with certain high-risk medical conditions. You mostly have focused your work on PCV in children. Is there more that you want people to know about PCV in children, and its relationship to antimicrobial resistance? - Well, before the introduction of PCVs, young children had the highest risk of infection due to antibiotic-resistant strains, and choosing an effective therapy for children with a drug-resistant pneumococcal infection was challenging. So, vaccination with PCV has been an excellent tool to reduce the risk of a child acquiring a resistant infection caused by one of the serotypes that are included in the vaccine. And, as I mentioned earlier about indirect effects, PCVs also help protect unvaccinated individuals by reducing circulation of those resistant strains in the community. But another important thing here is that children are major contributors of antibiotic use, and use of antibiotics is one of the most important drivers of antibiotic resistance. Just between 2000 and 2010 alone, during the period that PCV7 was introduced for routine infant use, overall antibiotic prescribing declined 18% among children and adolescents. But more recent estimates suggest that implementation of these higher valency 15 and 20-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines might reduce up to 700,000 antibiotic prescriptions annually for acute respiratory infections like otitis media, pneumonia, or sinusitis. So, to continue to see the benefits of PCVs in reducing antimicrobial resistance, we really need young children to continue to receive this vaccine, and I know you asked about kids, but CDC is also doing work on PCV impact on AMR among adults. It's just been a really big year for pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. PCV15 and 20 are now recommended for use in older adults, as well as adults with certain risk conditions, and if you're a clinician attending this webinar and interested in these up-to-date pneumococcal vaccine recommendations, the recommendations are updated on our website, and in addition, there is an interactive app called "PneumoRecs VaxAdvisor" that you can reference to see whether your patient is eligible to receive a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. - Thanks, Kristin. I'm old enough to have remembered when this vaccine was first introduced when I was in clinical training, and it's just been an absolute miracle, PCV is the best studied vaccine, in terms of AMR impact, and so, that was a great overview. In fact, when the WHO recently reviewed over 300 papers on the impact of vaccines on AMR, pretty much 95% of them were around the introduction of PCV. We should be seeing additional ones as new vaccines are introduced, and we realize that we need to be measuring this. - Absolutely. - So okay, well, thanks so much, and we'll go ahead and turn to our second panelist, Dr. Yonatan Grad, and thanks for joining, Yonatan, and I'm reminded that I should ask you to introduce yourself again before we get started with the questions, thanks. - Sure. I'm Yonatan Grad. I'm an Associate Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, and also trained clinically in internal medicine and infectious diseases. - Well, thanks so much. So, first question, your lab focuses on preparing and responding effectively to infectious disease threats and investigates how pathogens evolve and spread using a combination of mathematical modeling, genomics, microbiology, and epidemiological tools. Could you share more about this work and why it's important? - Sure. So, as we've been hearing about, the problem of antimicrobial resistance really happens across scales, from the molecular and genetic to the global, environmental, population level. And in our lab, we try to think about this problem across those scales. So, at the molecular level, we think about antibiotics as an evolutionary pressure that drives the emergence of resistance, selecting for bacteria that can grow even in the presence of these antibiotics. What are the mechanisms by which the bacteria develop this resistance? So, to try to get at this, we have to use basic biology, and work with these bugs in the lab with Bunsen burners, and Petri dishes, and so on, and then we also have to understand that these microbes actually live out in the real world, not just in this Petri dish, and not just in our lab. So, they're exposed to other pressures, and compete with other microbes for the resources that they need in order to grow, and divide, and transmit. So, we have to think about them within these real world environments, and then we have to think about these processes at the human scale. We're the ones who are really driving the emergence of antibiotic resistance with our use of antibiotics to treat these infections. So how do we use the antibiotics? This is what you referred to earlier as AMU, the antimicrobial use. How does that use shape the ecology of the microbes? And then we have to think about how we, as humans, interact, because we are the major vehicle for dissemination of these microbes. One example that I often give when talking to students and provide this in lectures I give is think about a hermit who's off in the woods, who subsists on a diet of antibiotics. Penicillin for breakfast, ciprofloxacin for lunch, azithromycin for dinner. You might imagine that this person is going to be replete with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but if it's a hermit off in the woods never interacting with the village, how much does this actually matter for the spread of antimicrobial resistance in the village, or globally? Well, probably not that much if there's not too much interaction, but if there is interaction, then we have the opportunity for spread. So, we also have to think about the interaction of people, and recognize that antimicrobial resistance is really a global phenomenon, where what happens in one part of the world impacts what happens everywhere else. So, again, this is something that ranges across scales from the basic biological and genetic all the way up to population level. - Thanks, I love the hermit analogy. I might have to use that at some point. Some of the major themes of your work have been AMR and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which is the cause of the sexually transmitted illness gonorrhea. Can you tell us a little bit more about AMR and gonorrhea? - Absolutely, so gonorrhea is one of the most common bacterial infections out there. This often comes as a surprise to people, but in fact, it is a huge burden. So, the CDC estimated that in 2021, the last year for which we have data, there were over 700,000 reported cases of gonorrhea in the U.S. alone, and a true incidence that may be double this number, since many infections with Neisseria gonorrhoeae, as you mentioned, the cause of gonorrhea, can be asymptomatic. This number has been steadily increasing since about 2009. In fact, it's more than doubled since then, and we've been seeing a similar trend globally, with the estimate of around 90 million cases, or so of gonorrhea each year around the world. One of the big problems here is antimicrobial resistance. So, we are down to our last line antibiotic to treat gonorrhea. This is ceftriaxone. It's an antibiotic that is delivered by intramuscular injection. We've already seen resistance to ceftriaxone spreading globally. In fact, just here in Massachusetts in January, it was reported the first case of isolates that carry a particular gene that confers resistance to ceftriaxone in a background that, where the bugs also had resistance, or reduced susceptibility to all other antibiotics used to treat Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection. So those were the first cases in the U.S., but those same strains have been observed all around the world and are rising in prevalence. So, without new drugs and other tools to address this problem, we're really, we are facing the problem that's of huge proportions, a highly prevalent, untreatable infection. And just to go over what would happen, untreated infection in women, we see pelvic inflammatory disease that can result in infertility and ectopic pregnancy. In men, we can get scarring of the urethra and inflammation of the epididymis and the testicles, and we can also see the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria spread throughout the body, cause disseminated disease. It can cause inflammation in the joints, and also can cause heart infections, and facilitate the infection with HIV. In the era before antibiotics, gonorrhea was actually one of the primary causes of arthritis in young people. So, if we don't address this problem, this is really where we're headed back to. - Thanks. Let's go on to discuss the potential benefit that a gonorrhea vaccine might have on AMR. Could you tell us a little more about that? - Sure, so this picks up on the themes that you brought up and that we also heard from Kristin about the effect of PCV on pneumococcus. As opposed to PCV, where we have this wonderfully successful vaccine, we do not yet have a vaccine for gonorrhea. Although they are in the works, it has really been a hard problem. That said, it turns out that a vaccine developed for a cousin of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, serogroup B, one of the causes of meningococcal meningitis, looks like it could actually confer protection against gonorrhea to some extent, and that is now in clinical trials really to test this hypothesis, and we hope to see results in the next couple of years. So, in a way that's very similar to what we heard about for PCV, we anticipate that the impact of a vaccine for gonorrhea will be at least twofold. One, it will reduce the burden of gonorrhea, so great in and of its own, but then in addition, two, it will reduce the antibiotics used to treat gonorrhea. And so, we think this will help to reduce the selective pressures that drive antibiotic resistance. Now, we think this will be particularly important for young people, where you have the highest concentration of gonorrhea cases. So, a gonorrhea vaccine there could substantially reduce the use of antibiotics, and gonorrhea right now is- about- is the reason for about 2.5% of all antibiotic prescriptions in the 20 to 24-year-old age group. So, there's really an opportunity for a substantial reduction in antibiotic prescribing in that group. - Okay, thanks, and you've touched on this fourth question a little bit, but let's expand it a bit more. Why is it particularly important to consider the development of vaccines together with the various novel diagnostics and new antibiotics to address these clinical and public health challenges posed, including, and especially for this, for the purposes of our discussion those related to drug resistance? - Yeah, so this gets back to one of the slides you showed in the introduction, where you had both the WHO strategy and the Gavi strategy. We need all the tools we can to address this problem. So, as I mentioned, we're on our last line antibiotic for treatment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. That's ceftriaxone. So, we urgently need new antibiotics. We have an increasing burden of disease, so we need more tools to prevent it, like vaccines, as we've been talking about. We also need new and better diagnostics. So right now, most diagnosis in the United States is by nucleic acid amplification test, which is basically PCR. Most people are familiar with this now through diagnostics for COVID-19, and it's a very similar kind of test, but that test does not tell us anything about the antimicrobial susceptibility of the infections. It doesn't tell us which drugs we can, or can't use for treatment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. And so, end up just using ceftriaxone, which is the drug that we think the vast majority are going to be susceptible to. But it turns out through surveillance work by the CDC and others that many of the gonorrhea infections in the U.S. are still susceptible to other antibiotics. So, if we had diagnostics that could tell us about the susceptibility of each individual's infection, we could use potentially ciprofloxacin, or penicillin, or another drug, and really distribute those selective pressures, and not just use ceftriaxone, helping to expand the clinical lifespan of each of these antibiotics, and really help to address this problem of antimicrobial resistance. So, all three of these elements are key to a comprehensive response strategy. We need the new antibiotics, we need the new diagnostics, as I mentioned, and we need a vaccine, as we were talking about before, to, again, address this problem, overall burden and antimicrobial use for treatment of gonorrhea. - Okay, thanks, thanks very much. I think that's our questions for now, and we'll in a minute turn to our third panelist, Dr. Shelley Magill. But first just to mention, to follow up on your discussion of gonorrhea, it really is, it was amazing to me to see the results from the Neisseria meningitidis trials showing the impact on gonorrhea. Certainly was unexpected, and we really do need to develop something more to prevent this really clever organism. I think it's one of the best at developing resistance. And so, I really appreciate you giving us a quick overview of that. Okay, well, so now, we'll turn to Shelley Magill. Shelley, if you would reintroduce yourself, and then we'll get started with the questions. Thank you, Yonatan. - Sure, thanks, Tony. So I'm an infectious disease physician and medical officer in the U.S. Public Health Service, and I serve as the Deputy Chief for Science in the Epidemiology, Research, and Innovations Branch in CDC's Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, where Tony used to work. - Okay, we'll get started on the first question. Shelley, your branch is involved in conducting population-based surveillance and analyzing electronic health records data to characterize the burden of AMR among some of the key healthcare-associated pathogens in particular. Your division has recently done work on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected AMR in the U.S.. Could you tell us a little bit about those results? Thanks. - Sure, and first, let me provide a little bit of background information for context. This'll refer back to some of the slides that you had. So, our division at CDC monitors antimicrobial resistance in the U.S., and particularly resistance in healthcare-associated pathogens, using a couple of different approaches. One is through the National Healthcare Safety Network, which is the nation's largest system for tracking healthcare-associated infections in hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare settings, and then another approach is using data from large sets of electronic health records, or EHRs, and staff in our branch analyze EHR data to help create the national report on Antimicrobial Resistance Threats issued in 2019 that you mentioned in your introduction. And that report provided national estimates of infections and deaths due to key resistant pathogens, and showed that between 2012 and 2017, deaths from antimicrobial resistance decreased by about 18% overall, and nearly 30% in hospitals, and we also saw significant reductions in infections due to some important healthcare-associated pathogens, like methicillin-resistant Staphaureus Staphylococcus aureus), which we call MRSA, vancomycin resistant Enterococcus, or VRE, and certain resistant gram-negative bacteria, probably because of investments in infection prevention and control and improving antimicrobial use. But even though the 2019 report showed that there had been a lot of great progress, I think it's important to point out, just as you did, that the overall burden of antimicrobial resistance in the U.S. was still high, so 2.9 million infections and about 36,000 deaths, not including infections and deaths due to Clostridioides difficile, or C. diff. In addition, the data showed that there were some bacteria that are definitely important in healthcare settings, but that may be increasing in the community. There are increases in infections caused by these bacteria, which are the extended spectrum beta-lactamase, or ESBL-producing Enterobacterales. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, CDC issued a special report in July 2022 using the same EHR-based method to evaluate the effect of the pandemic on the status of antimicrobial resistance threat pathogens, and that report showed very concerning findings that you alluded to, that much of the progress we'd seen in previous years had been reversed by the pandemic, and, in fact, resistant hospital onset infections and deaths both increased at least 15% during the first year of the pandemic. We saw increases in hospital-onset infections due to most of the main healthcare-associated resistance threat pathogens, and that includes carbapenem-resistant enterobacterales, or known as CRE, Acinetobacter, resistant Candida auris, and others, and these increases are probably in part a result of challenges implementing recommended infection prevention and control practices in healthcare facilities during the pandemic, because of shortages in personal protective equipment and staffing, and increased severity of illness and length of stay in hospital patients may also have played a role. Analyses of more recent data suggest that increases in hospital onset resistant infections did persist in 2021, and that underscores the importance of infection prevention and control, as well as the need for developing innovative prevention measures, like vaccines that can help reduce antimicrobial resistance. - Thanks, that was really helpful to hear, although unfortunate that we've had these reversals. So, it's clear we need many different tools for reducing AMR. This is our second question. Can you tell us a little bit about what vaccines are in the pipeline that could be important for reducing infections due to these healthcare-associated infections Pathogens? - Yes, and I'd like to mention that the World Health Organization has put together a very helpful overview and analysis of bacterial vaccines in clinical and preclinical development that was released in July 2022 and is available online, and in that document, they categorize the pipeline vaccines that can impact AR into four main categories ranging from the first category of vaccines that are already licensed to the fourth category for those pathogens where there's limited, or no candidates in the pipeline and low development feasibility. And not surprisingly, many of the bacterial pathogens we think of as being primarily healthcare-associated are in this fourth category, and that includes Acinetobacter, Staphaureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. On the positive side, there are two healthcare-associated pathogens for which there have been some more promising developments. One is C. diff for which a vaccine was recently in late stage clinical trials, and this investigational vaccine was studied in a Phase III trial for prevention of symptomatic primary C. diff infection in adults 50 and older. Although it was well-tolerated, the trial failed to meet the pre-specified primary endpoint of primary C. diff infection prevention. But, it's important to note that in preliminary analyses of two secondary endpoints, vaccinated subjects were noted to have a reduced duration of C. diff infection, as well as less severe disease. Now, what this means for the future of this particular vaccine candidate is unclear at this time. And the other pathogen that I wanted to mention for which there is an investigational vaccine in a Phase III trial is extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli, which is known as ExPEC. E. coli is a very important human pathogen. It's a common cause of infections in healthcare settings, including resistant infections, like ESBL and CRE infections, and it's also a common community pathogen and major cause of urinary tract infections and sepsis. The candidate vaccine is a nine-valent vaccine directed against the major serotypes of E. coli that cause invasive disease. and it's being studied for the prevention of invasive ExPEC disease in adults 16 and older, who have a history of urinary tract infection in the past two years. The primary outcome is the first invasive ExPEC event with microbiological confirmation from a sterile site, or urine caused by a vaccine serotype, and the study began in 2021, and has an estimated primary completion date in 2025. So, we'll look forward to learning more about how this vaccine candidate performed in the not-too-distant future. - Great, thanks. Those are exciting developments, of course, also delayed a bit by the pandemic, and all the interruptions associated with that. Tell us more about how your branch and others at CDC can contribute to understanding the impact of vaccines on AMR. - Well, in addition to the analyses I've mentioned that we conduct on EHR data to track antimicrobial resistance over time, we also support the CDC's Emerging Infections Program, which is a network of state health department and academic partner institutions that's been in place since the 1990s, and our division has worked with the EIP for the past 15 to 20 years to conduct population-based surveillance for infections due to some of the most common and clinically important healthcare-associated and Antimicrobial-resistant pathogens, including MRSA, C. diff, and CRE, and one of the key features of population-based surveillance systems is that they try to capture all infections occurring in people who live in the geographic area where the surveillance is taking place, regardless of whether that infection started in a healthcare facility, or in the community. We've been working with the EIP sites this year to pilot a surveillance project for invasive E. coli infections, capturing infections due to both resistant and susceptible E. coli, and as I mentioned earlier, E. coli is a major cause of AR and healthcare-associated infections, and also a leading cause of urinary tract infections and sepsis. That there is an investigational ExPEC vaccine in a late stage trial makes it particularly important to have population-based surveillance in place, and our surveillance data on invasive E. coli infections can provide critical information about baseline rates of infection during a time when there's no vaccine available, as well as key information about the pathogen itself. We collect isolates as part of the EIP surveillance as well as detailed demographic and clinical data on the people with infections, and we have the opportunity to characterize the isolates in the laboratory, and determine the distribution of serotypes, and the antibiotic resistance profiles of organisms causing invasive infection. And with ongoing surveillance, we can monitor the impact of public health interventions, like the effect of a new vaccine, and of course, very important to note, the other systems CDC has in place to monitor safety. Data collected through ongoing surveillance can provide information on strain-specific effects of a new vaccine, and inform potential future vaccine modifications, similar to what we heard about earlier from Kristin with Streptococcus pneumoniae and the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine work done by our partners in the EIP Active Bacterial Core surveillance program. - Thanks, Shelley. That really is an important surveillance system both for monitoring vaccine impact and its impact on AMR, and thanks for giving us that quick overview. Last question then for you, last direct question, is how could vaccine licensure and deployment help address some of this inappropriate antibiotic prescribing behaviors by clinicians, and therefore reduce AMR, and how can public health and healthcare professionals support these efforts? - Sure, so there's a number of ways in which vaccines can help improve antimicrobial prescribing, and you've talked a little bit about this already, and that reduction in prescribing in turn can help reduce antimicrobial resistance. So first, antibiotics are very commonly prescribed for respiratory infections, even though viruses are the major causes of many of those infections, and therefore treatment with antibiotics is not always indicated. There are data showing that vaccines against viruses, such as the influenza vaccine, can reduce antibiotic prescribing in adults, and probably also in children, and reductions in antibiotic prescribing when antibiotics are not needed can help prevent the emergence of resistance in bacteria. There are also some data now for the COVID-19 vaccine. McFadden and colleagues showed that vaccination was associated with reduced antibiotic prescribing in adults over 65 in the outpatient setting. Also, vaccines like the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine that we've heard about make the likelihood of bacterial infection lower, and many bacterial and viral vaccines can reduce the severity of infections that do occur, which may reduce the need for antibiotics, as well as the prescribing of inappropriate antibiotics. In terms of your second question, there's many ways that public health and healthcare professionals can support efforts to increase the uptake of existing vaccines that have the potential to improve prescribing and reduce antimicrobial resistance. Healthcare professionals are the patients' most trusted source of medical information, so, the information that a patient, or caregiver receives during a medical visit has really important impact. Healthcare professionals can ensure there's an open channel of communication with their patients and their patients' caregivers about the availability and the value of vaccines for reducing illness due to certain viruses and bacteria, and healthcare professionals can provide counseling and education to patients about common viral infections that should not be treated with antibiotics. It's important that people feel comfortable asking their healthcare providers any questions they might have, so that they can make the best decisions for themselves and the people they care for. Reminders from health departments and healthcare professionals about when it's time to get an annual influenza vaccine, for example, and information about new vaccines that are becoming available, including information about benefits and potential risks and side effects are all very important. And public health professionals can work to ensure that vaccines and clear information about vaccines are widely available and easily accessible in the communities they serve. They can partner with local groups, employers, or other organizations to make sure they're able to reach as many people as possible. - Thanks, thanks, Shelley. It's really exciting to hear about some of these potential, of at least a few new healthcare-associated infection vaccines, and also about how our surveillance systems can be adapted and hopefully expanded to better capture impact both of the vaccine on the disease itself, and the AMR component of those infections, and it sounds like the EIP program in particular is well-established to be able to do that sort of thing as it did for PCV. So, let's go ahead, and thank you, Shelley, first. Let's go ahead and turn to Ramanan, and again, reminding Ramanan to go ahead and reintroduce yourself, and then we'll get to your questions, thanks. - Thanks, Tony, thanks for having me. My name is Ramanan Laxminarayan. I'm Founder and Director at the One Health Trust, and also a Senior Research Scholar at Princeton University. And I'm an economist and epidemiologist by training. - Okay, and so, Ramanan is going to talk to us a little bit more from a global perspective about AMR. You have extensive experience working to understand AMR and the multifaceted and complex actions that are necessary to combat it globally. Talk to us about some of the actionable strategies that countries that are very diverse in their needs and their governments and their resources can implement to help prevent AMR. - Thanks, Tony, so I think it's pretty clear to this point that, you know, resistance anywhere is a potential threat everywhere, and many of the folks on this webinar are probably familiar with the case of Pseudomonas that were transmitted because of contaminated eyedrops that were manufactured in India, and then, you know, resulted in five deaths and multiple cases of blindness across the states. So, you can have MDR (multidrug resistance) in one place, but it can very quickly get to other places. So, what happens in any other country is of consequence in every other country, and there is very clearly a need for global coordination. Now, it was with that understanding that at the 2015 World Health Assembly the member states adopted a resolution that basically committed every country to develop a national action plan for AMR, and the thinking behind it was that these national action plans would help, you know, improve understanding and awareness of AMR. They would strengthen the evidence base through surveillance and research. You would have a reduction of infections through water and sanitation, hygiene, infection prevention and control, and potentially vaccines as well, optimize how antibiotics are being used, and basically increase investments in diagnostics, you know, new tools, vaccination, and other interventions. So, I think the actionable strategies that countries with diverse needs have are right there, the basic need to reduce infections. So, if you don't have the infections, you don't have to deal with AMR in the first place, and that's water and sanitation, vaccines, infection prevention and control. These are the most obvious ways to do it, and these need to be implemented in a One Health fashion, not just in the human domain, but also, in the animal domain. And the other aspect of these national action plans was that although not many countries necessarily follow that guidance, they were most effective when they were multi-sectoral. In other words, governments themselves are not the primary player, or influencer of actions that result in AMR. So, many things are done by the private sector, because of their incentives. Many things are done by professional associations, you know, how their guidelines are set up. So, the best national action plans and the best strategies that countries were going to use were ones which involved an all-of-society kind of an approach. But unfortunately, that was not necessarily the case in most countries. People just followed what they were asked to do, and you now have, I think, about 140 countries with national action plans, but not all of them are going to get us to where we need to be. - Thanks. You touched a good bit on the second question that I was going to ask you, but expand a little bit more about antimicrobial resistance national action plans, and why they're a viable tool to combat the global threat of AMR, and tell us more about the role and impact that these action plans have had and how they do support, continue to support global efforts to combat AMR. - So the national action plans are a tool to combat AMR, because they basically are recognizing that unlike other diseases, say, HIV, where, you know, you can prevent with condoms, you can improve blood supply, there's, you know, treatment, it's a little simpler with other diseases, which don't have to deal with the array of sectors and influencers of AMR. So, the national action plans were really thought of as a way of bringing all those sectors into play. And many countries, like I mentioned, already have these plans, but there are real major gaps and variability in the maturity of these national action plans across countries, and these are how good the policy and strategic planning is, you know, whether they have medicines management and prescribing systems, you know, across countries with this technology for optimized antimicrobial prescribing, context, culture, behaviors. These things are very important, and you know, culture is very important. There are reasons why the average Swede gets half the amount of antibiotics per person that the average person of the United States does, and there's some reason why the average person in West Virginia gets twice the amount of antibiotics on a per capita basis than someone in Alaska, or California. That has nothing to do with the levels of disease. Those have to do with context, culture, and behaviors, and that all these are outside of the domain of medicine, and I think, and, you know, and, last but not least, you know, operational delivery, monitoring, engaging patients, you know, explaining to them why they may not need the antibiotic. There's a lot about AMR which is not about medicine at all. It's about behavior, and I think we saw that with COVID as well, and I think we're missing some big pieces in social sciences in terms of incentives, understanding, you know, how to change behaviors, which at the end of the day, you know, changing behaviors and changing norms are really going to be the way in which we're able to achieve a long-term equilibrium with respect to antibiotic use that is different from where we are today. But we're still quite far from that. In addition, I think these plans are a vehicle for thinking about these things, but they also need to be funded, and many, I would say most national action plans, are not funded at this point. So, they're aspirational documents. They're sitting in someone's computer, or, you know, they probably have a meeting organized around it, you know, twice a year, or whatever, but they are not necessarily the vehicles that are driving change, because unlike other diseases, which, you know, as you mentioned at the outset, 1.27 million people who die directly attributable to AMR, that's almost the same as the number of people who die because of HIV and malaria put together. But AMR doesn't really get anywhere close to that level of global support, or funding, and without that, we're not really going to make progress just by having the plans alone. - Thanks. Yeah, the cultural aspects are really interesting and under-studied, as you note. Third question, now, could you share more about how countries can incorporate immunization programs and vaccine use into their national antimicrobial action plans? - So I think vaccines are going to be probably the most important tool for dealing with AMR in the short term, and that's for a number of reasons. You know, if you really look at the 20 pathogens that account for the greatest share of AMR burden, four of these, Streptococcus pneumoniae, group B strep, Salmonella Typhi, and Haemophilus influenzae Type B (Hib) are all targets of vaccines that we already have, or they're likely to be available in the near term. So collectively, these pathogens in that 1.27 million account for about 860,000 AMR-associated deaths, so associated deaths actually is the 5 million denominator across all LMIC settings, and of these, a little less than half, about 367,000, are in children under the age of five. So, the Hib vaccines and the pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have been rolled out for a while. We have to remember that, you know, the proportion of kids who actually get these vaccines and get all the doses is really quite small. It's only still about 70% for the Hib, and it's about 43% for the pneumococcal pneumonia, so, everything that Kristin mentioned at the beginning. We're still not translating that evidence into actually getting shots in arms, and it's still unimaginable that we have such an effective vaccine just for, you know, child survival alone, and then add on the benefit of the AMR, this seems like a no-brainer, but we still don't get these to happen. We've had the typhoid conjugate vaccine. It was first introduced in the program in 2019 in Pakistan, and then it's been in Nepal, Liberia, Zimbabwe, all of which have introduced the vaccine as a way of dealing with multidrug-resistant typhoid. So, this idea that vaccines are going to be a major tool for tackling AMR is already out there, but there are two worlds that need to talk to each other. One is the vaccine world that is only now beginning to realize that AMR is going to be an important reason why vaccines will have to be rolled out, or expanded, or new vaccines will have to be introduced, and the AMR world is just now beginning to realize that vaccines are probably going to be the most important, and I say most important with a great degree of care. I think water and sanitation is also equally important, but in an immediate sense, which doesn't require as much resources, vaccines are going to be, you know, the best shot that we have at moving our agenda on AMR along, and getting these two worlds to really engage and recognize that they have a lot of overlap in interest is really, you know, what many others and us are trying to do. I remember a few years ago when Gavi puts out its, you know, vaccine investment strategy, and I remember being part of the process, they really wanted to have AMR be part of that process, but there simply was not the evidence which was able to link vaccination coverage, or introduction of vaccines with avoidable antibiotic consumption, or reduction in AMR burden. But I think we've come a long way in the last few years, and I think we have far better evidence today than we did just a few years ago. - Thanks. You segued nicely into the last question we were going to ask you, which is a little more specificity in what has happened in the past few years to provide quantifiable evidence to support that vaccines can reduce AMR in addition to their preventing the disease they're intended to prevent. Can you tell us a little more about that and what's changed? - Right, so I think there's been a very focused effort. At the One Health Trust, we've been working with at the Gates Foundation and WHO. In fact, we had a tripartite, and we put together a consortium of people in multiple universities to pick up pieces of this, and essentially, you know, write the papers on pneumococcal pneumonia. Kristin was part of, you know, one of the papers on that. We had work on typhoid, on new vaccines that have not yet been introduced, including tuberculosis. We've also looked at non-bacterial pathogens, you know, malaria, HIV. So, we've covered a whole range of vaccines, existing, or new potential vaccines, to be able to quantify the effect on both AMR burden, as well as on antibiotic consumption. Some of these have been made possible by the fact that vaccine trials these days, at least in some instances, are increasingly collecting data on antibiotic prescriptions. So, I think one of the slides that you presented at the beginning, Tony, you know, came from a paper that we published in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) that based, that was based on an RSV trial by a company, which was able to also look at antibiotic prescriptions in the intervention and the control arm, and I know this adds to the burden for these trials in terms of what people are tracking and so forth, but without the systematic evidence, the companies that are doing the trial are, you know, failing to take advantage of, A) an important reason why those vaccines will get introduced, and B) a very important public health benefit, which is to actually show the value of the vaccines in dealing with AMR, you know, when such benefit does exist. I'm not claiming that it exists in every single case, but the trial is the best time to do those, to get that kind of evidence, and I think it would be great if all vaccine trials, whether for viral vaccines, or for bacterial vaccines, start systematically incorporating the effect on antibiotic resistance and antibiotic use as one of their endpoints, and I suspect that as we're done with the big blockbuster vaccines, like, you know, the pneumococcal vaccine, rotavirus, which also has a big effect on antibiotic consumption, by the way, you know, potentially, of course, you know, the TB and malaria vaccines, but a lot of the other vaccines are much smaller, right? So, it's going to be cholera, or typhoid, or, you know, much more small, much smaller populations. And here, AMR is going to be that thumb on the scale, which is going to encourage the vaccination, because it is that additional reason beyond the direct reduction of disease burden that makes it possible. So, I think the evidence is getting a lot better. Like I said, you know, as we now have a set of about, I don't know, 13, or 14 papers now, which cover the waterfront with respect to, you know, quantifying the evidence, there was now a very nice paper from WHO, which summarizes evidence as well across multiple pathogens. So, I think our evidence base has grown significantly, but we need more, especially when the opportunity exists to get them in the context of clinical trials. - Thanks, Ramanan. It's great to hear about how we're developing more evidence and how this will help persuade both the public and the policymakers to adopt vaccines as part of the solution to AMR. I'm also glad you mentioned the typhoid conjugate vaccine, a really exciting new vaccine, and as I recall, the trials, to my point that I made a little bit earlier about how the vaccines are agnostic in terms of whether an organism is resistant, or sensitive, as I recall, the trials did show that effectiveness was equivalent for the highly resistant typhoid bacteria as it was for the less resistant ones. Okay, so that's great. Thanks, thanks, Ramanan. We do have a last section. We have time to talk about, to all four panelists, about some overarching questions. We have two prepared to give to you, and I guess we can maybe start off going in order of the speakers. The first question is from each of your perspectives, where do you see opportunities to design and implement innovative vaccine strategies across domestic and global spaces to help slow the emergence and spread of AMR? Go ahead, Kristin, if you could tackle that first. Maybe we'll go in reverse order for the second one. - Sounds good. So, as I've mentioned a few times, our pneumococcal conjugate vaccines currently protect against a subset of serotypes that are most likely to cause resistant, or severe disease. But there's exciting research that would create a serotype independent vaccine that uses the whole pneumococcal cell, and this would be a really exciting advancement in vaccine development, as the serotype independent vaccine could offer additional protection as well as reduce the burden of resistant pneumococcal disease. But in addition to this as a novel strategy, there are already newer formulations of PCVs that have emerged that either cover new serotypes, or a different combination of serotypes that will prevent disease and resistant disease. There are also more manufacturers in the pneumococcal market now, which increases the availability of these vaccines across the global market, which increases coverage, as Ramanan put nicely, getting more shots into arms. So, there's a lot of encouraging and exciting advancements about how these new PCVs can be used as a tool to reduce resistance. - Great, thanks. Okay, so turning to Yonatan, and the moderator does remind me that we have lots of time, so, you can be expansive in your answers here. This is your chance. It's not the speed round, So, feel free to be plenty expansive. So again, the question was, Yonatan, the same one that Kristin got, is from each of your perspectives, where do you see opportunities to design and implement innovative strategies across domestic and global spaces to help slow the emergence and spread of AMR? - Okay, so trying to be expansive, I think there are a bunch of things that we've touched on that merit a little bit more discussion. So, one of them is a concept that I think we've alluded to a number of different times, but just to put a name to it, and that's bystander selection. That's the idea that when we take an antibiotic, not only are we applying pressure to the pathogen we're attempting to treat, say, taking ceftriaxone for gonorrhea, but, in addition, we're applying that pressure to all of the different bacteria that are on us and in us, and remember, we're colonized with Staph aureus on our skin, or at least a good fraction of the population is, E. coli in our gut, sometimes strep pneumo (Streptococcus pneumoniae) in our nasopharynx. So, when we take these antibiotics, we're not just exposing the particular pathogen to antibiotic pressure. We're exposing all of these commensal bacteria's that could potentially become pathogens to infection. So, limiting the use of antibiotics through things like vaccines, whether it's for, vaccine for influenza and inappropriate use of antibiotics to treat respiratory infections, vaccines for pneumococcus, where it would be, you know, limiting pneumococcal disease and preventing antibiotic use that way, has a broad effect not just for those particular pathogens, but for all of the other bacteria that are subject to this bystander selection. So, I just wanted to kind of put that out there as an important element to consider when we think about the benefits of vaccination, and that I think is both domestic and global. The global element is a really critical one, as Ramanan mentioned, and has been brought up before in this, and it's really this concept, you know, we think about this for climate change and other things, so it's act local, think global, right? Like that a lot of the antimicrobial resistance problem is not just a very local one. We really have to think about this as a global challenge. What happens in one part of the world affects the rest of the world. This is the case for all of the different pathogens. We heard the example of Pseudomonas in eyedrops. For Neisseria gonorrhoeae, we see the resistance to ceftriaxone really emerging in East Asia. And then through genomics, we actually can track the spread of these isolates, and it's those strains that are making their way into the rest of the world. So, understanding what's happening in these places is really critical. How do we understand what's happening? Well, I think that our monitoring of antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance globally really needs to improve, right? We have to have a much better understanding of who is using antibiotics, how do people access them, what are they using them for. It is, as we've been discussing, both a cultural issue, but also, one that requires not just the technological innovation, but innovation around how we do surveillance and monitoring. So, I would say that, you know, from a global perspective, these innovative strategies extend beyond thinking about how we get vaccines to people, but also, who needs them, where, and how are we using the different tools that we have available to us, and what the impact is ecologically on antimicrobial use and resistance. So, I think there's a fair amount there that needs to be developed. I think it's a similar kind of issue around, you know, the vaccine trials, as we've heard about, as we put these vaccine trials into place, and look about- look at the impact on the burden of disease, we also need to monitor not only the use of antibiotics, but the impact on antibiotic resistance, and that's potentially a much longer term effect, right? We can't just look at what happens within, say, six months, or a year, or a couple years of the trial, because we may not see the full effect of reduction in antimicrobial use over that time span. So we need to think about both the timing, the temporal impact of some of these changes, as well as the geographic distribution, keeping in mind, of course, as we've been talking about, these bugs move all over the place. So, I think there are many opportunities, but I think a lot of work that we need to do that's critical around monitoring and surveillance. - Thanks, Yonatan. Shelley, you're up next. The same question, opportunities to design and implement innovative vaccine strategies across domestic and global spaces. Just so- - Thanks, Tony. So, I'll, I guess, focus on the domestic space. I think there's a lot of opportunity to increase uptake of vaccines that are already available, particularly in adult populations. It can be more challenging for adults to get all of the recommended vaccines than is for children in the U.S., and many of the healthcare settings in which adults receive care in the U.S., like specialty care settings for specific medical, or surgical issues, may not be focused on, or familiar with providing information on vaccines, or delivering vaccinations. And even if the provider's comfortable providing comprehensive, accurate vaccine information to patients, the clinic might not have vaccine available, and might not know where to refer patients for vaccinations, such as to another provider, a retail pharmacy in the community. So, I think there's a real opportunity to develop approaches in different clinical settings that improve availability and accessibility of vaccines and information about those vaccines for adults. - Thanks, yeah, very important. And it will be a challenge, as you mentioned, especially for adult vaccines. I am interested to see how we'll deliver RSV vaccines to pregnant women, for example. Okay, and so, Ramanan, you're up in the clean-up spot here for the from your perspectives, opportunities to design and implement innovative vaccine strategies. The floor is yours- - Well, I think, you know, all the good points have already been made. I'll just go back to, again, the evidence part. I think on the strategy standpoint, we've got two kinds of vaccines, the ones which are going to be able to prevent a huge amount of antibiotic consumption, and the ones which are going to be, like the typhoid vaccine, really our, you know, our only tool to be able to deal with an emergency when it actually does occur. And I think the opportunities for the first one are probably going to rely a lot on an influenza vaccine. Influenza, the influenza season is the single most important reason for antibiotic consumption and especially inappropriate antibiotic consumption around the world. The evidence is very clear both of the United States as well as globally, and I don't know what the state of play is for a universal flu shot, but whoever's working on that better hurry up, because that is probably going to be our best bet for dealing with antibiotic consumption at a very grand scale. Now, when it comes to be able to deal with the burden of AMR, I think we are probably going to see a lot more with respect to vaccines against, you know, specific bacterial pathogens that people get when they're hospitalized. Hospitals are where people, you know, the greatest burden is, and it could be a staph vaccine. I know we've tried many times for a staph vaccine, and haven't been particularly successful, but we have to keep trying, and I think that the mRNA platforms offer new hope that perhaps there will be ways to develop these vaccines in ways that are different from what we've done in the past. So, I'm optimistic, but I think we've got these two, sort of, you know, two things that we have to keep in mind. One is we've got to use the vaccines to tamp down on the consumption, and the other one, we've got to look for ways to save lives that are being lost to AMR right now. And last, but not least, let me also remind everyone that we're talking largely about human vaccines. The opportunities for animal vaccines are tremendous. In fact, animal vaccination is a significantly underused tool, because unlike for human vaccines, where we have a Gavi, in animal vaccines, there is no such public funding mechanism, and everything that we can do to be able to use vaccines that are able to improve productivity in animals and also reduce the need for antibiotics, you know, whether for metaphylaxis, or, you know, obviously, for disease prevention, I mean, for growth promotion or for disease prevention, would be really helpful. But this is, again, a domain where a lot more needs to, a lot more work needs to happen. - Thanks, Ramanan, and I did say I might go in reverse order, and this is convenient, because you did mention reasons for hope for the future of vaccines as a tool for combating AMR. Can you- Here's your chance to expand on that a little bit more, and what other reasons for hope there are for this? - I think an important reason for hope is simply that people's attitude towards vaccines has changed broadly. I don't mean, obviously, there are pockets where people are vaccine hesitant, or don't want to take vaccines, and so forth, but I think the idea that vaccines pulled us out of COVID is generally recognized around the world, the idea that adults need vaccines, which is not a thing at all. I know in the United States we have seasonal flu vaccines. That's not true in many parts of the world. The idea that adults could get a vaccine is also become more acceptable thanks to COVID. I mean, in most LMICs, COVID was the first reason, you know, it was the only reason so far that any adult would get a vaccine shot. So, I think we're now starting to enter a world in which adult vaccines are okay, vaccines are seen as being useful, and potentially we have vaccines, which could in the next, I would say, you know, next 10 to 20 years, be able to help us tackle many of the challenges of AMR by reducing the burden, particularly for the sets of infections where we have the highest numbers of resistant infections, and particularly the healthcare-associated infections. So, I think the combination of what we might have with new vaccine development using new platforms and a general receptiveness will get us much further than, you know, than what we could have thought about just four, or five years ago. - Thanks. Shelley, I'm turning to you for reasons for hope for the future of vaccines as a tool. - Yeah, agree with all those points, and you know, new technologies, new opportunities for developing vaccines against new pathogens, vaccines we haven't had before, those are all obviously opportunities for, or chances for optimism. But, as I mentioned, there's a lot of room for improvement with the vaccines that we already have, and I think, you know, we should continue working to maximize their use in alignment with current recommendations. In addition, as has already been mentioned, I think increasingly there is a recognition of the critical threat that antimicrobial resistance poses to the world, not only among public health and healthcare professionals, but also policymakers and the public. And increasingly, too, we're seeing data supporting the value of vaccines for reducing antimicrobial resistance. One example is a recently published modeling study by investigators at a number of organizations, including the International Vaccine Institute, Novo Nordisk Foundation, WHO, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where the authors found that a substantial burden of death and disability globally could be averted through use of vaccines against 15 common bacterial pathogens. So, I think with this increased awareness and increasingly robust evidence base, more innovative approaches, like the development of new vaccines, will gain traction. - Thanks, Shelley. Yonatan, do you wanna take a stab at this one? Reasons for hope and optimism? - Sure. I think, echo all of the points that we've heard, and add a couple. One is around funding. So, there is more of an investment by funding agencies in the research to develop these tools, and I think recognizing that they have increasing acceptability, although, you know, it has to be mentioned that the anti-vaccine sentiment that's out there is another issue that really, we have to work on. Communication, sharing clearer information, combating disinformation, all of that is, I think, a critical element in the strategy to promote vaccine uptake broadly. But the success of the COVID vaccines, the introduction of RSV vaccines, I think all of this has also encouraged the private sector to invest heavily in development of new vaccines. So, I think that is with, again, ideas of preventing disease, preventing disease limits the use of antibiotics, limiting the use of antibiotics I think will help reduce the pressures on antimicrobial resistance, in addition to preventing infections by antimicrobial-resistant organisms. So, I think all of that is very encouraging. I'd also say that another element here is the delivery of these vaccines to places that need them, and the development of new solutions and approaches to this kind of infrastructure. So, I was recently in Rwanda, and near a hospital in rural Rwanda, where it takes a long time to get there by road. From Kigali, the capital city, to this hospital, it's around a three-hour drive on both paved and unpaved roads. How do you get urgent supplies to places like that? Well, in this case, one of the solutions was actually using drones, that what was a three-hour drive was a 20-minute drone flight, and with the right infrastructure for delivery, we can start to access populations that otherwise would have a very hard time getting these vaccines that we recognize as being so valuable. So, the development of infrastructure around delivery of vaccines, medicines, and so on I think is another hugely important area of advancement with great potential for really improving the lives and health of people all around the world. - Thanks. Yeah, those are some important points. I'm glad you were able to make them. Kristin, I'm turning to you. I've been a bit unfair to you, because you're getting the last bit, and I know a lot of it's been said, but I bet there are specific examples you can give us about optimism, particularly around PCV. Go ahead. - Yeah, sure, I mean, all the panelists have really made the excellent points here, you know, the importance of increasing vaccine confidence and acceptability, the global recognition of AMR as a critical public health problem, and vaccines as a tool to address it, in addition to the complement of all the other approaches that we're using as well, improving the pipeline of new vaccines, using new technologies, particularly for those pathogens that are most associated with resistance, or improving our existing vaccines, and from my perspective, I think what gives me hope is that there are a lot of new pneumococcal vaccines in the pipeline. You know, in the last two years alone, both PCV15 and PCV20 were recommended for routine infant use and use among older adults and adults with risk conditions, which will offer additional protection against acquiring a resistant infection, and beyond PCV15 and 20, there are even more vaccines in the pipeline as well, but it still remains important to get these shots into arms and improve vaccine confidence and acceptability. Aside from pneumococcal conjugate vaccines though, implementation of other vaccines like the RSV vaccine can offer additional protection to reduce the burden of resistant pneumococcal disease, because as it has been mentioned, these vaccines for viral infections prevent resistance, because viral infections can often trigger secondary bacterial infections, and our viral infections are large contributors to unnecessary antibiotic use. So, all of these vaccines can lead to a reduction in resistance by both reducing the burden of resistant infections, reducing unnecessary antibiotic prescribing, and everything I've heard today has just given me a lot of hope in how these vaccines and future vaccines can be used as a tool to combat resistance in the future. - Great. Thanks, Kristin. Yeah, it's great to hear that the developers of pneumococcal vaccines are not resting on their well-deserved laurels, and going after even better targets, such as this universal one you mentioned. Well, we've come to the end of the questions, and so, thanks so much, everyone, for joining, and thanks to our panelists for such a great discussion. I have a chance, just a couple of minutes to do a quick wrap-up, and this might be particularly important for those who signed in late, and didn't hear some of the early parts of the presentation. Today, we heard four perspectives on how vaccines are an important tool for combating antimicrobial resistance. Dr. Kristin Andrejko talked about the pneumococcal conjugate vaccines and really showed how they're one of the best examples of how one can use vaccines to reduce AMR. Gonorrhea vaccines were discussed by Dr. Yonatan Grad, who noted the many ways that this is an important disease. It's high on the wishlist of both WHO and the U.S. authorities for getting a vaccine, and then what an important driver that gonorrhea is for antibiotic resistance. And so, thanks for your overview of that. Dr. Shelley Magill, our third speaker, gave us an overview mostly focused on the healthcare-associated infection vaccines, but also, a good bit about how the surveillance platforms that are set up for both HAIs and through some of the other parts of CDC and state health departments in the U.S. also, to be able to monitor the impact of vaccines once they're introduced both on disease and on AMR. And then finally, Dr. Ramanan Laxminarayan provided us a really good global overview, and touched on some of the points that are needed to be included in national action plans, and both their promise and the fact that we have a lot of work to do still to get these action plans into something that's actually having an impact, and also touched on some of the other aspects of how vaccines reduce AMR. So thanks all for joining, and be sure to tell your friends and colleagues, those of you who are listening, that this is available for viewing, I believe, on a YouTube link, and probably you can get that CDC website, and really appreciate your time today, and this is such an exciting topic, and I'm really glad we were able to talk about it. So, with that, I think we can wrap it up. We're pretty much on time, Okay, well, anyway, thanks for joining us, and have a good rest of your day. Thank you.